Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Party On???

Isaiah 43:2
When you pass through waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.

Granddaughter, Virginia Rose, and I arrive at my mother's house this past Thursday, and are met at the door not by Mom, but by her housekeeper, Rosa.  Much to our dismay, Rosa tells us that Mom is at the emergency room at the local hospital.  A dear friend has taken her for X-rays to find out if her almost-fall earlier in the week has left her with cracked ribs.

Sure enough, that's the diagnosis.  And to complicate matters, because Mom hasn't been able to draw deep breaths due to the pain, she has developed severe congestion in her lungs.  The doctor decides she needs to stay the night for observation, oxygen treatments and IV antibiotics.  The greatest fear?  Mom condition could spiral into pneumonia.  That can be deadly for anyone, but for someone about to be 90 years young?  Well, to say the least, our entire family is deeply concerned, and prayers for her healing is a constant.

Mom lets everyone, and I mean everyone, at the hospital know that she is turning 90 on Saturday, and is dead set on not missing the celebration.  Fortunately, she is released late Friday afternoon, but not without first agreeing to submit to home oxygen.  My brother, Bill, volunteers to pick her up since, because of MIL, I'm fairly well-versed in how the oxygen equipment works, and the right questions to ask the pleasant technician who sets us up.

Long story short, Mom is so grateful to be home, and overjoyed that she will be able to enjoy her milestone birthday with children, grandchildren and great-grands.  The party is on!!!

The birthday girl with granddaughter, Sarah

Brother Bill and my son, Daniel

Niece, Rebecca, and her friend, Mills

Daddy (John) with the littlest girls

 Bill has a new friend in Virginia

My beautiful daughter, Sarah

Virginia Rose

Savannah Jane

Alexandra Nancy with the untamed locks!

Sisterly love

Some lovely birthday gifts

But now comes the time for my brother and I to pass through the waters.  Bill offers to stay with Mom this week as I'm slated to babysit for Sarah on Tuesday.  On Thursday, it becomes my turn to stay with her for as long as is required.  In light of this, I've decided it's best for me to suspend Meditations of My Heart during the month of August.

My family would so appreciate your prayers for Mom at this time.  Also, if you could pray for Bill and me as we may have to make some difficult decisions in the days to come, that will give us much peace and comfort.

Although we are passing through some troubled waters, roaring rivers and raging fires, we know God is right there with us every step of the way.  His grace, mercy and unfailing love will see us through.

May God bless you all!

Envision the Future, Cherish the Past

  Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to their children, and their children to the next generation. ~Joel 1:3 The day we...