Thursday, December 24, 2020

Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas from our home to yours!

Wishing you love and God's blessings in the New Year!

I will be taking a break from blogging next week.  Please join me in 2021 to learn my word of the year, and to share in fellowship and joy in the Lord!  May your Christmas season be merry and bright!

Monday, December 21, 2020

Advent Miracles


For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders.  And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. ~Isaiah 9:6

When you were a child, were Advent calendars a part of you Christmas tradition?  The certainly were in our home.  My grandmother always sent my brother and me one of these enchanting calendars just in time for the arrival of December 1st.  Needless to say, my mother made us take turns opening the window of the day.  Sometimes, it was hard to share the privilege of bringing Christmas Day just that much closer, but it was always rewarding in the end.

I carry on this tradition with my own two children, and now, with my three grand-girls.  When I order the calendar for them, I'm reminded how difficult it is to share with one sibling let alone three.  Yet, I see it as an opportunity for them to learn about the importance of taking turns, and simply to be happy for the one more day counted down until Christmas.

In our most recent Face Time conversation with daughter, Sarah, and the girls, I ask if she will be taking the Advent calendar along to son-in-law, John's, parents home for a Christmas vacation visit.  It's then that I learn something I could never have imagined, something that could only have happened through God's amazing grace.

"I hadn't thought of doing that," Sarah says, "but I will, so the girls can keep opening the windows."

"How are they doing with taking turns?"  I ask.  "It was hard enough for Daniel and you, so I'm guessing it's even rougher on them."

"What do you mean, Mom?  They each have their own calendar.  I thought you planned it that way."

"What???  No, Sarah, I only ordered one.  I only paid for one.  How in the world did three get delivered?"

"I don't know, but they were, and the girls are enjoying them so much!"

Wow!  I'm floored by this news, to say the least.  Once again, God has made Himself manifest in the ordinary, the every day events that shape our lives and give us more awareness of His presence.  In His great wisdom, He decides to give my harried daughter a break from the sibling squabbles that could potentially erupt from having to share one calendar, and possibly taint the Christmas season with a negative atmosphere.  Father always knows best!

But I will never know the angel that interceded for me and literally "stuffed the stockings" for all of my granddaughters.  However, for this miraculous act in the mundane, I'm eternally grateful.  Virginia, Savannah and Alexandra are opening a new window on the love of God, through His Son, Jesus, each and every day, anticipating the celebration of the greatest gift this world has ever known.

Our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace has revealed Himself in life changing and unexpected ways to each of His beloved children.

May the miracle of Christmas fill your soul with joy, delight, love, and peace!


Thursday, December 17, 2020

Faceless on Facebook


I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business.  Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. ~John 15:15

Friendship is one of life's most precious gifts from God.  Whatever would we do if we had no friends to count on, to empathize with, to love unconditionally, to cherish?  Our days would be lonely and depressing, indeed.

That being said, I consider all of you who follow me here on Meditations of My Heart, whether or not you ever leave a comment, to be my friends.  You've cared enough about my words and thoughts to subscribe to these posts, and that speaks volumes!

I can't deny that I've made many friends, and got reacquainted with others, during my years on Facebook.  Maybe, some of you have depended upon seeing my posts there instead of subscribing, via email, directly to my blog.  If that's the case, and you wish to continue reading what I write, I'm asking you to do so now.

You see, I've decided to break with Facebook at the end of this year.  There are many reasons for my decision, not the least of which is the company's blatant bias against those who dare to speak up for or defend anyone who doesn't agree with its liberal agenda.  This is a bold and vicious attack on our First Amendment right to free speech.  I simply do not want to be a part of any organization that undermines our Constitution.

Though I will miss seeing so many of you on Facebook, I'm hoping that meeting up with you here at the blog, or possibly on the new social media platform, MeWe, will more than make up for that.  It is my hope that you will subscribe today, and then pass on the link to Meditations of My Heart to friends and family whom you think would enjoy my writing.

That would be such a loving and meaningful Christmas gift for me, and I thank each and every one of you in advance for helping to spread the Christian-themed stories I share here with others.

May God continue to bless and keep you now and in the New Year!


Monday, December 14, 2020

To God be the Glory

 And we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. ~Romans 8:28

For many years, I choose not to send Christmas cards to friends and family.  It is due, in large part, to the overall cost of this endeavor, but also, with the advent of the e-card craze, I no longer feel compelled to indulge in the real deal.

Ironically, it is the online subversion of genuine, caring greetings that finally rouses me to take a much more personal approach.  I've made so many dear friends through blogging, and my heart simply wants to send them an affirmation of my love and appreciation for them through a snail-mail greeting card.  Oh, and that's not to dismiss my family members!  Fear not, they receive hand-signed cards, too.

A dear friend of mine recommends ordering my Christmas cards from Christian Book Distributors, so I take her up on it.  I go to Amazon, however, to make another order so I have a surplus of cards to send, or keep for the next Christmas.

The Amazon order?  It arrives in mere days.  In fact, these cards are already signed, sealed and will be delivered soon.  The CBD order?  I play the waiting and the waiting and the waiting game.

When I'm finally notified that my shipment has arrived, I am completely confounded.  Even though the packing slip reflects the promised and paid-for cards . . .

I receive this Advent devotional book by Paul David Tripp.

How does this happen???

I consider contacting CBD to complain about their mismanagement of my online order, but God blesses me with a wake-up call.  If I engage their customer service number, I'm bound to get someone in the delivery department in hot water.  Do I really want to make someone's life miserable in this season of joy?  After all, I realize, I'm grateful for receiving this unexpected gift to use during Advent 2021 for the same price I pay for the Christmas cards.  

And I do not doubt for a moment that God's hand is in it all.  He knows our needs before we ask, and always works for the good of those who love Him.

So, I will bow out and give God the glory, the One ever worthy of our thanks, praise and worship.


Thursday, December 10, 2020

We Come Before You

 You, Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light. ~Psalm 18:28

We come before You

In wonder and worship

Expectant in every sense

For You are about

To do great things

We stand, awaiting Your Word

Spoken, reveals

The light, darkness

Flees before Your presence

Naught can stand

Against the power

Of almighty love

Come, Lord Jesus,

Restore and heal

Your city on the hill.


Monday, December 7, 2020

Season of Joy


Rejoice in the Lord always.  I will say it again:  Rejoice! ~Philippians 4:4

Christmas is the season of hope, love, peace, and especially, joy.  I must confess, however, that this year, my joy-meter is having trouble cranking up to full speed.  This is understandable because due to the virus, this will be the first Christmas ever without my daughter being with me since the day she was born.  And of course, I will miss having the granddaughters and son-in-law over for the holidays, too.

Last year, my husband, Danny, and I opt not to put up a Christmas tree.  I don't know how Scrooge got to us last December, but this year, I'm having none of it!  I insist that we have a tree, fully decorated for the first time with the fancy, breakable ornaments, as I'm certain it will will bring cheer to my heart and soul.  And it does!

As I'm decorating, my mind hearkens back to precious memories of oldest granddaughter, Virginia Rose, helping with the ornaments for the first time.  I ask her in a recent Face Time chat if she remembers how old she was when she decorated with us that Christmas.  "I was seven, Gammie," she offers without hesitation.  As it turns out, she is absolutely correct!  Here are some blast-from-the-past photos of that event.

Here she is flocking herself instead of the tree!

Oh, behold the joy and wonder in Virginia's expression as she gazes at the finished product!

Yes, that's the joy I long to feel this Christmas, my friends, and I'll bet you do, too.  So let's take Paul's sage advice, and rejoice in the Lord always!


Thursday, December 3, 2020



When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” ~John 8:12


Holy candles

Lit in hope

Peace and joy

Laced in love


Flames ablaze

Light profound

Darkness flees

When God surrounds

The soul and self


Monday, November 30, 2020

God's Word


Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. ~Psalm 119:105

The first Sunday in Advent marks the beginning of the church year, and the start of my sixth year reading the Bible all the way through.  My scripture guide will be, once again, the 52 Week Bible Reading Plan.  This plan is first introduced to me by our former pastor, Wallace, and I've stuck with it ever since.

What I find particularly alluring is how each of the weekly readings is categorized.  There is none of that attempting to stick to on book of the Bible at a time.  The variety keeps it fresh and inviting every day.  Here's how the readings are divided:

  • Sunday - Epistles
  • Monday - The Law
  • Tuesday - History
  • Wednesday - Psalms (always a favorite!)
  • Thursday - Poetry
  • Friday - Prophecy
  • Saturday - Gospels
Weaving between the Old and New Testaments certainly helps me to connect one with the other, as the Old reveals the promise of a coming Messiah, and the New establishes Jesus as God's Son.  And it doesn't hurt to have The Jesus Bible close at hand; it offers insightful commentary of how so much of scripture points to the eventual arrival of a Savior for God's people.

Have I been tempted to try other study guides?  Not really, but if there is one you use that has been enlightening and helpful, please mention it in the comment section.  We are all uniquely created by our loving Father, and what method appeals to one person might not apply for another.

I'm excited about starting my new journey with the Lord.  His Word provides the structure and road map to grow closer to Him as we mature in our Christian faith.  I hope you will join me in some daily study of the Word that remains faithful and true, now and for eternity.


Thursday, November 26, 2020

Promised Land


Do what is right and good in the Lord's sight, so that it may go well with you and you may go in and take over the good land the Lord promised on oath to your ancestors. ~Deuteronomy 6:18

I believe that America is God's new planting of the promised land.  The pilgrims came here with no other aspirations than to worship their Lord freely, and to love and respect their neighbors.  We all need to question, in these uncertain days, how we could ever stray from this premise, from this promise.  In light of what is now transpiring in this great nation of ours, blessed by God, we would do well to recall the disobedience of the Israelites, and how that legacy could possibly live on if we don't intercede with repentance and prayer.

Promised Land

Assurance given

God will be


Only and only

If Word is followed

To the letter

Straying not

To right or left

Staying on paths

God provides

Makes sure and smooth

And why would we

Not choose His ways?

Stuck in mire


Fragile, doubting


Rebellious, cruel


Turn away

From evil thoughts

From idols robbing

Soul of being

In His care

In His love

Rest and remain


Monday, November 23, 2020

Let Us Give Thanks


Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever. ~1 Chronicles 16:34

For so many of us, this Thanksgiving will look radically different than any we have celebrated in the past.  I don't mind telling you that this holiday has always been my favorite to spend with family.  And now?  We can't risk having anyone into our home, nor can we travel safely to be with anyone else.

This reality can either leave us discouraged and depressed, or we can resolve to give thanks to the Lord for all our many blessings.  Here are just a few of mine:

  • Mom is still hale and hearty!
  • My ever-patient son who has been confined here at our house since the virus' inception.  Daniel, you're a trooper!
  • Weekly FaceTime chats with my daughter, Sarah, and the grand-girls.  Just seeing their faces and hearing their voices gives me so much comfort.
  • Cozy home filled with love and laughter.
  • Amazing meals lovingly prepared by my husband, Danny.
  • Appliances that too many of us take for granted.
  • Crisp, cool autumn days.
  • My blogging buddies.
  • Endless books to devour.
  • The gift of writing.
  • And last, but definitely not least, knowing that God is large and in charge!
Oh, how this list could go on and on and on.  I'm sure you have a thankful list, too, and I hope you'll share that in the comment section.

In the meantime, Danny and I dug up just a few of our photos from Thanksgivings past.  These bring back cherished memories of what was, and what can be again.

This last photo may not look like Thanksgiving, but it is a precious one for all of us.  We are posing for a photo to salute son, Giovanni, who is in the Air Force and couldn't be with us at the holidays.  It's also the last Thanksgiving that Mimi, Danny's mother, spent with us.

Yes, let us give thanks to the Lord, not just on Thanksgiving, but on every day of the year.

Happy Thanksgiving, my friends!

Thursday, November 19, 2020

That's a Blessing!


Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. ~Hebrews 13:8

The photo above triggers so many joyful memories for me!  When Mom and Dad retire in Oxford, Georgia, they purchase a rambling old home with a beautiful pool in the backyard.  Children and grandchildren alike spend many summer hours splashing, diving and cooling off in the soothing water.

Dad was a stickler when it came to the pool's upkeep.  He cleaned it frequently, and knew exactly the combination of chemicals required to keep the water safe and sanitary.  Between tending his garden and the pool, he was one busy man!

Sadly, in 2012, Dad's Alzheimer's confined him to the house, and then to a hospital bed set up in his office, with round-the-clock nurses in attendance.  Dad went home to Jesus in March of 2014.  Not a day goes by when I don't think about him and miss him with all my heart.

And the pool?  Yes, it's covered, but without constant care, it falls into disrepair.  Recently, Mom called out a pool tech to see if there was a way to restore it, but his advice?  Just fill it up with dirt.  It was that bad!

So, that's exactly what Mom does.

Changes happen in this world whether we like them or not.  I wasn't thrilled about letting go of that pool, but this was a necessary economic choice for Mom.  I take comfort in the memories, though, of how things used to be.

But I take ultimate comfort in knowing that our Lord Jesus never changes.  His Word will always stand, fresh and new, for all eternity.

And that's a blessing!


Monday, November 16, 2020

Hanging by a Thread


Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible." ~Matthew 19:26

What is your take on the photo above?  Is it a lucky capture of a falling leaf by Danny's intrepid camera?  Is it photo-shopped in order to deceive the viewer?

No!  Although you can't see it in this picture, the leaf is held aloft by a gossamer strand of a spider's web dangling from our clothesline.  With the leaves falling at a record pace this time of the year, it still seems impossible that an errant one would be netted and held by a randomly floating cobweb.  I am amazed by the sight of something so unexpected, yet another surprise awaits.

Here, you can actually see the strand that catches a second leaf.  Yes, two are hanging on at once!  What are the odds of that?  My first reaction?  This is a miracle, something I've never beheld in my life.  Only God could arrest our attention in such a way as to remind us that He is the God of the impossible.

Because all of my human, rational thinking process shouts, "This just never happens!"

But it has . . . 

We see, we witness, we believe.  That's what matters.

And in these tumultuous times of upheaval and unrest in our nation, I'm guessing many of you are feeling like your sense and sensibility are hanging by a thread.  One more emotional stressor threatens to push you over the edge, plunging you into the depths of despair.

But God's thread doesn't sway, swerve or let you go, as this web strand, releasing these leaves in a sudden wind gust, does.  He hangs onto you with all His might, willing you to trust in Him and hold firmly to His protective hand.  He's got you, of that you can be sure.

He never fails to turn the impossible into the possible.

And I have no doubt more miracles are yet to come.


Thursday, November 12, 2020



Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. ~Ephesians 6:11-12

Awakening is the fourth novel in Beckie Lindsey's outstanding fictional series, Beauties from Ashes.  While this book most certainly holds its own as a stand-alone work, I heartily suggest that you read the first three books before tackling this latest one.  Secrets, Uninvited and Daybreak can be found on Amazon when you type Beckie's name in the search bar, or you can order them at her website.

To summarize the gist of Awakening, I'm choosing to use Beckie's detailed and stellar description of her book:

As four high school girls are faced with life-altering decisions, their new-found faith will be tested.  Although warrior angels are assigned to guard and assist the unlikely friends, they must rely on their faith to withstand the evil Duke Astaroth and the beast's demonic hoard.

Now that their spiritual eyes are open to daily battles between unseen forces of good and evil, lives are at stake.

  • Lifelong friends, Krystal and Bryce, are finally an official couple.  But can their love survive the greatest trial they've ever faced?
  • Since Mackenzie's mentally ill mother was hospitalized, she secretly worries that her deepest nightmare may come true.
  • While best friends, Tammi and Sadie, continue healing from their abusive pasts, each wrestles with temptations that threaten to undermine their recovery.
Can beauty arise from the ashes of despair and loss?  Will the girls embrace who and whose they truly are?

As you can see from this summary, the Beauties from Ashes series tackles the extremely tough realities many teens and young adults face in our modern society.  Beckie's empathy for those going through such trials shines through in the way she portrays her characters.  I know I found myself longing to reach out to these endearing souls and offer them comfort.

I have said here before that there are few books that I will read more than once.  As I've already read Awakening twice, it certainly breaks that mold!

With Christmas right around the corner, I hope you will consider ordering the entire series for that special teen or young adult in your life.  While you're at it, why not order the series for yourself?  You certainly don't have to be young to benefit from and be inspired by Beckie's work!

About the Author

Beckie Lindsey is an award-winning author of the Beauties from Ashes series, poet, blogger, and the editor of Southern California Christian Voice, a division of One Christian Voice, a national news syndicating agency.  She is a major coffeeholic and enjoys a good book with a cat on her lap.  She also loves to hike and hand out with family and friends.  Beckie and her husband, Scott, have three adult children, two adorable cats and live in California.

Monday, November 9, 2020

Truth From God


The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name. ~Acts 5:41

They mandated

They proclaimed

Against the witnesses

Who wouldn't, couldn't

Deny their Lord

The "they" lost

In the long run

For Word lived then

Is living now

Truth from God

Stands as witness

Through eternity


Thursday, November 5, 2020

Zapped by Zeta!


As they sailed, He fell asleep.  A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger.  The disciples went and woke Him, saying, "Master, Master, we're going to drown!"  He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm.

Can you guess what the above photo represents?  Believe it or not, this is our driveway after the recent tropical storm, Zeta, zaps us!  What a mess doesn't even begin to describe the debris strewn all across our yard and decks.

The day before the storm is scheduled to hit us, my husband, Danny, and I carry our valuables down to the safe shelter of our finished basement.  We make sure our phones are charged just in case we lose electricity, though we rarely do at our home.  And we're pretty sure the high winds will knock out the internet service, too, which it does.  We even take our coffee pot downstairs!

Why?  Because Zeta's entrance into our neighborhood is predicted to be around four o' clock Thursday morning.  We have to set our alarms in order not to sleep through the impending chaos.  Oh, how difficult it is to rouse up in the dark, leaving a warm, inviting bed behind!  Especially when we are uncertain what will even be left of the upstairs rooms in the wake of the gusty winds, which are sure to topple limbs and possibly trees.

We are praying without ceasing that God would spare our roof the moment the winds begin to wail.  Actually, I start praying several days before the impending storm.  Just the thought of more damage to our roof right after we've had a new one installed, churns my stomach.  Yes, there is damage in the yard, but thankfully and miraculously, our home survives unscathed.  God is so good!

This huge limb fell out of a pine tree that took the secondary hit from a lightning strike another pine suffered a year ago last summer.  I don't know if the following photo makes it clear where it fell off, but do try to see it.  If you hover over the photo, it will probably enlarge.

Yes, this tree will now have to be taken down, but we will be all the safer for it.

Our former pastor, Wallace, was renowned for saying this about the storms of life:  "Sometimes, Jesus will calm the storms and rebuke the rising water.  But other times, He says, 'This is a good storm, Wallace; let's ride it out together!'"

Indeed, Jesus most certainly rode out Zeta with us, and we can't thank Him enough for His shield of protection, caring and love.


Monday, November 2, 2020

What a Happy Halloween!


You who are young, be happy while you are young, and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth. ~Ecclesiastes 11:9a

How I loved Halloween as a child!  I's spend weeks dreaming up a costume to wear, always made from things we already had on hand.  And when the big night arrived, what a joy it was to go door-to-door in our neighborhood, raking in all sorts of goodies that my mother rarely bought for us.  I would make my stash last as long as possible!

So, naturally, I'm ecstatic that our granddaughters are able to trick-or-treat in their neighborhood this year, in spite of the virus.  Their mom and dad wear masks, but the only disguise this crew needs are smiles.

Aren't these fantastic costumes?  The littlest, Alexandra, longed to be a super hero for Halloween, so of course, she is Batgirl.  Savannah, always the drama queen, is aptly dressed as a princess.  How fitting!  And Virginia?  She doesn't originally want to be a witch, but when they go costume shopping, that's what she decides to be.  With such a gorgeous outfit and happy face, one could never imagine her as the proverbial wicked witch.  No!  Think, Glinda, the Good Witch of the South.

Their hearts are light and joyful as they traverse the neighborhood for two hours with their parents, bringing in, no doubt, even bigger hauls of sweet treats than I could have ever dreamed of as a child.  And knowing their generous spirits, I'm sure they will be more than happy to share the candy with mom and dad.

Maybe, next year, my husband, Danny, and I can travel to South Carolina, and be their Halloween escorts.  Just as I spent days as a kid conjuring up a costume, I can dream today that this will surely happen in 2021.

And the very thought of that gives great joy to my now much older soul.


Thursday, October 29, 2020



And he directed the people to sit down on the grass.  Taking the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves.  Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. ~Matthew 14:19

We heard the news

Spread by mouths

Of witnesses

And yet, could not 


We had to see

With our eyes

Hear with ears,

Our own, the message


Upon the hill

With five-thousand

We mingle, hungry

For the truth


We understand

And then, we don't

But we listen

Something new


Loaves and fishes


Fed and full

By word and deed



Monday, October 26, 2020

You Can't "Beet" This!


Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?  You are not your own; you were bought with a price.  Therefore, honor God with your bodies. ~1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Oh, how I love coffee!!!  I'm convinced I could not survive any morning without it.  I'm sure many of you feel the same way, and wouldn't trade that dark, rich, caffeinated wake up call for anything in this world.

For many years now, I've enjoyed an additional cup of iced coffee in the afternoons.  We even have a dedicated pitcher in which to store it.

Over the last several months, however, I've noticed that this afternoon pick-me-up isn't settling well with me.  Not that it makes me feel ill, but it triggers my appetite, encouraging me to snack more than I should.

There has to be a solution to this.  As I state in a former post, I've already gained weight during this Covid mess, and I don't need to pack on any more pounds.  The answer arrives when I decide to take the plunge and order some Super Beets.

I confess that I've wanted to try this supplement for a while now, as it is touted as a product that both improves circulation and boots energy levels.  Lord knows, I can use both!

The good news is, Super Beets seems to be living up to its claims.  Not only does the black cherry flavor make it enticingly delicious, but I actually do feel a renewed vigor in the afternoons.

So much so, that I've switched my work out routine from morning until about three in the afternoon, after downing this drink around two.  My endurance and stamina are noticeably better, and I no longer experience the slump I endured when I thought a shot of coffee was my only hope.  And instead of making me hungry, this amazing concoction fills me up!

Now, please understand, I'm in no way recommending this product, nor am I compensated monetarily for promoting it.  It's just when I discover something that truly works for me, I like to share it with all of you.  After all, it's so important to keep our bodies strong and healthy, even when so many of us, who are at high risk to catch the "plague," have to stay mostly confined to our immediate environs.

Our bodies serve as temples for the Holy Spirit.  Let us treat them carefully and lovingly, that they may always be worthy receptacles of His precious presence.


Thursday, October 22, 2020

In the Letting Go


There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. ~Ecclesiastes 3:1

Verdant leaf, once I was

One of many countless friends

Who waved and shouted glory

In the presence of the sun

Vibrant, filled with vigor

Waxing, no thought of waning

In the season yet to come

Season here, my color fades

Shining green steeped in brown

There's not the strength to carry on

But in the letting go, I live

Because the promise of the One

Knows I have played my part


Monday, October 19, 2020

Lord, Send a Revival!


Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me." ~John 14:6

My fellow Baby Boomer buds more than likely remember the spiritual awakening that took place in the late sixties and early seventies of the last century.  Known as the Jesus Movement, or the Jesus Revolution, it spawned a fervent wave of revival among teens and young adults, who craved to know Jesus and His saving grace.

Many of these "flower children" had believed the utopian promise of love and peace offered by the emerging Hippie culture.  But after being strung out on drugs, or wanton sex, many realized that they had been looking for love in all the wrong places.  Nothing in their unaccountable lifestyle filled the emptiness in their lives.

Greg Laurie was one of those lost and lonely teenagers.

Jesus Revolution focuses not only on Greg's transformational journey from hopelessness to enduring hope in Christ Jesus, but also intertwines with the historical events of this time in which our country experienced enormous upheavals, not so different from the ones we are living through today.  It offers invaluable insights as to how revival manifests itself through the Holy Spirit, and because it's God-initiated, countless souls are saved and redeemed.

The authors, Greg Laurie and Ellen Vaughn, posit the possibility of another great revival poised to sweep through this nation.  This paragraph in the book resonated with me:

We long for former days of revival not because we're nostalgic, trying to get the same experience back that we once had in the past.  If we do that, our affections are sadly misplaced.  No, we long for the Holy Spirit to fall upon us, our communities, and our nation in a fresh way so that God Himself would be glorified through the fruit and love of changed human lives.

Wouldn't that be a dream come true?

As Christians, we have been facing more opposition and animosity in these current days than ever before.  More prayer and commitment to the Lord are needed on our part to combat this satanic influence.  Yes, Lord, send a revival, and let it begin with each one of us as we go deeper into Your Word and live our lives in a way that others will see Jesus in us, and will want to share in that incomparable joy!

I don't recommend many books here on my blog, but this one is definitely a winner, my friends.  Reading it has convicted me anew to delve even deeper into God's Word; I'm no longer content with a cursory daily reading of the scripture.  If any of you have encountered a Bible study that changed your heart, and inspired you to commit yourself more passionately to Jesus, will you share it here?

With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can start a revival!


Envision the Future, Cherish the Past

  Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to their children, and their children to the next generation. ~Joel 1:3 The day we...