Friday, February 28, 2020

In My Mind I'm Gone to Carolina

John 11:35
Jesus wept.

As I reveal in my last post, when I announce that I simply have to take a break from blogging, the support of your kind words and the promised prayers have buoyed me in ways you cannot possibly imagine.  I am grateful to all of you beyond measure.

And I feel I owe each and every one of you an explanation for my prolonged absence here.

I receive an email from my daughter, Sarah, mid-January, with the last news I ever expect to hear.  Her husband, John, has been offered a much better job opportunity in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.  She's excited about the move, but scared at the same time.  Sarah has never lived anywhere but Georgia, has always been in relatively close proximity to my husband, Danny, and me, and we've always been available when our help is needed.

Eldest granddaughter, Virginia Rose, and I are joined at the hip.  She is unabashedly my heart.  You who have consistently and faithfully followed my blog already know that.  So, my first reaction to Sarah's missive?  Retreat to the deck and dissolve into a tirade of tears.

Grief overtakes me, overwhelms me, and in the ensuing weeks, I find myself miserably dancing between all five stages of grief:  Denial; Anger; Depression; Bargaining; Acceptance.  Yes, it's an all-out pity party, with depression taking center stage.  

Whatever will I do without my girls???

As if this turn of events isn't enough of a travesty, other sad and troubling news seeps into our lives during this time.  The deaths of a mother and her still-born baby.  A dear friend diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer.  A car accident which takes the lives of a beloved blogger's brother and sister-in-law.  A marriage disintegrating into divorce.

The evil one, it seems, knows exactly how and when to pull out all the stops.

Yet, I cling hard and fast to the love of God as shown through His Son, Christ Jesus.  He became one of us that our relationship with the Father could be restored.  He felt every emotion we feel, and He understands our grief and our hurts.

When we weep, Jesus weeps with us.

And that has been my comforting reminder during this excruciating chapter in my life.  I so want God to turn this painful page, but I know He will when the time is right.

Are any of you grieving a loss?  It would be my honor to pray for you.  And I would so appreciate your prayers for John, Sarah, Virginia, Savannah, and Alexandra as they begin this new adventure.

Prayers for Danny and me are welcomed, too, as our hearts are breaking.


Friday, February 7, 2020


Job 1:20-21
At this, Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head.  Then he fell to the ground in worship, and said:  "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart.  The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised."

Everything falls apart
When least expected
Fallout noxious
Bids death, not life
Grief overwhelming
Sorrow pummels joy
My heart is breaking
I know God is there
Yet in my soul
The chasm widens
Day by cruel day
Like Job, I beg respite
From will of God true
If in my sin these acts
Are deemed as justice
I have no defense
Redeem, oh, Lord, redeem!



Dear Friends,
It seems that 2020 is not starting out on a good foot for me and our family.  In light of that, I need to step back from blogging for an indefinite period of time.  If you follow me on a regular basis, you know I customarily post on Tuesdays and Fridays.  I certainly won't be dependable in that, at least during February.  I also hope you will forgive me if there are days where I don't respond to your blogs.  Just rest assured that I am thinking about you, praying for you, and loving you as brothers and sisters in Christ.
May God's blessings and favor shine in your lives!

Tuesday, February 4, 2020


Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Change in the offing
And I resist
With all I have
Yet God bids
Put self aside
Not yours, but My
Will be done
In My time
In My place
In My love
Sufficient grace in Me
Is here
Is now
Will forever be


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...