Thursday, October 29, 2020



And he directed the people to sit down on the grass.  Taking the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves.  Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. ~Matthew 14:19

We heard the news

Spread by mouths

Of witnesses

And yet, could not 


We had to see

With our eyes

Hear with ears,

Our own, the message


Upon the hill

With five-thousand

We mingle, hungry

For the truth


We understand

And then, we don't

But we listen

Something new


Loaves and fishes


Fed and full

By word and deed



Monday, October 26, 2020

You Can't "Beet" This!


Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?  You are not your own; you were bought with a price.  Therefore, honor God with your bodies. ~1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Oh, how I love coffee!!!  I'm convinced I could not survive any morning without it.  I'm sure many of you feel the same way, and wouldn't trade that dark, rich, caffeinated wake up call for anything in this world.

For many years now, I've enjoyed an additional cup of iced coffee in the afternoons.  We even have a dedicated pitcher in which to store it.

Over the last several months, however, I've noticed that this afternoon pick-me-up isn't settling well with me.  Not that it makes me feel ill, but it triggers my appetite, encouraging me to snack more than I should.

There has to be a solution to this.  As I state in a former post, I've already gained weight during this Covid mess, and I don't need to pack on any more pounds.  The answer arrives when I decide to take the plunge and order some Super Beets.

I confess that I've wanted to try this supplement for a while now, as it is touted as a product that both improves circulation and boots energy levels.  Lord knows, I can use both!

The good news is, Super Beets seems to be living up to its claims.  Not only does the black cherry flavor make it enticingly delicious, but I actually do feel a renewed vigor in the afternoons.

So much so, that I've switched my work out routine from morning until about three in the afternoon, after downing this drink around two.  My endurance and stamina are noticeably better, and I no longer experience the slump I endured when I thought a shot of coffee was my only hope.  And instead of making me hungry, this amazing concoction fills me up!

Now, please understand, I'm in no way recommending this product, nor am I compensated monetarily for promoting it.  It's just when I discover something that truly works for me, I like to share it with all of you.  After all, it's so important to keep our bodies strong and healthy, even when so many of us, who are at high risk to catch the "plague," have to stay mostly confined to our immediate environs.

Our bodies serve as temples for the Holy Spirit.  Let us treat them carefully and lovingly, that they may always be worthy receptacles of His precious presence.


Thursday, October 22, 2020

In the Letting Go


There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. ~Ecclesiastes 3:1

Verdant leaf, once I was

One of many countless friends

Who waved and shouted glory

In the presence of the sun

Vibrant, filled with vigor

Waxing, no thought of waning

In the season yet to come

Season here, my color fades

Shining green steeped in brown

There's not the strength to carry on

But in the letting go, I live

Because the promise of the One

Knows I have played my part


Monday, October 19, 2020

Lord, Send a Revival!


Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me." ~John 14:6

My fellow Baby Boomer buds more than likely remember the spiritual awakening that took place in the late sixties and early seventies of the last century.  Known as the Jesus Movement, or the Jesus Revolution, it spawned a fervent wave of revival among teens and young adults, who craved to know Jesus and His saving grace.

Many of these "flower children" had believed the utopian promise of love and peace offered by the emerging Hippie culture.  But after being strung out on drugs, or wanton sex, many realized that they had been looking for love in all the wrong places.  Nothing in their unaccountable lifestyle filled the emptiness in their lives.

Greg Laurie was one of those lost and lonely teenagers.

Jesus Revolution focuses not only on Greg's transformational journey from hopelessness to enduring hope in Christ Jesus, but also intertwines with the historical events of this time in which our country experienced enormous upheavals, not so different from the ones we are living through today.  It offers invaluable insights as to how revival manifests itself through the Holy Spirit, and because it's God-initiated, countless souls are saved and redeemed.

The authors, Greg Laurie and Ellen Vaughn, posit the possibility of another great revival poised to sweep through this nation.  This paragraph in the book resonated with me:

We long for former days of revival not because we're nostalgic, trying to get the same experience back that we once had in the past.  If we do that, our affections are sadly misplaced.  No, we long for the Holy Spirit to fall upon us, our communities, and our nation in a fresh way so that God Himself would be glorified through the fruit and love of changed human lives.

Wouldn't that be a dream come true?

As Christians, we have been facing more opposition and animosity in these current days than ever before.  More prayer and commitment to the Lord are needed on our part to combat this satanic influence.  Yes, Lord, send a revival, and let it begin with each one of us as we go deeper into Your Word and live our lives in a way that others will see Jesus in us, and will want to share in that incomparable joy!

I don't recommend many books here on my blog, but this one is definitely a winner, my friends.  Reading it has convicted me anew to delve even deeper into God's Word; I'm no longer content with a cursory daily reading of the scripture.  If any of you have encountered a Bible study that changed your heart, and inspired you to commit yourself more passionately to Jesus, will you share it here?

With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can start a revival!


Thursday, October 15, 2020

Count Me In


Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. ~1 Peter 5:7

To say the times we are currently living in are anxiety-producing, is the understatement of this incredibly crazy year.  Never have I witnessed so many people stressed, wrung-out and worn out.  As we continue to ride out this virus, we are inundated by rules that seem to change daily:  don't wear masks/wear masks; lock downs work/lock downs don't work, vote by mail/vote in person.  

It's the latter issue that I wish to address in this post.  With all the hype and hoopla about mail-in ballots in the news, I'd like to give you two reasons why I think they're bogus, and a poor choice for casting your vote in this most important election.

1. These ballots are issued willy-nilly to whomever appears on the voting rolls.  They do not take into consideration that someone might have moved or are deceased; in that case, persons in possession of these ballots have the ability to commit fraud.  Think I'm exaggerating?  Danny's mother passed away in February of 2019.  Guess who received a Covid stimulus check?  That's right!  Of course, we sent it back to the Feds.

2. Mailing anything these days is fraught with peril, as the post office is already overwhelmed with delivering enormous amounts of products ordered online.  How can it possibly handle a sudden tsunami of mail-in ballots?  Case in point:  Do you recall the post I penned several weeks ago about sending some earrings to our granddaughter, Virginia?  Guess what - the package never arrived!!!  Yep, lost in the mail.  Would you want to be the fate of your vote?

So, this leaves us with two alternatives:  voting in person, or using an absentee ballot.  I hate to admit it, but my husband, Danny, and I arranged to have absentee ballots sent to us for the first time ever.  The huge difference between mail-in and absentee ballots?  You must request the latter, and before they even think about sending you one, all your voter registration information is thoroughly vetted.  Do I feel secure about mailing mine in?  Absolutely not!  Once we've filled them out, we will deliver them to a locked box designated for absentee ballots only.  And we will do so during early voting to insure that they are there in plenty of time to be counted.

Voting in person, however, is the least anxiety-producing of all the voting methods, hands down.  If we had not already ordered the absentee ballots, that's the way I'd prefer to go.  I hope many of you feel the same way, as you want to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that your vote counts.

We may still worry about the future of our great nation, wondering what the outcome of this election will be, but we can know in our heart of hearts, that God hears our cries and our pleas.  We can cast all our burdens at His feet, confident that He will always count us in.

God cares for you, for me, without measure.


Monday, October 12, 2020

Nothing Like Liberty!


It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.  Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. ~Galatians 5:1

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among those are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. ~The Declaration of Independence

I have been concerned for many years that the true history of our country and its founding is not being taught in our public schools.  No matter what we might hear to the contrary in our main stream media, it is obvious that so many want to erase, deny and denigrate the fact that this great nation was conceived and implemented in light of Biblical teachings and precepts.

Because of this, I order The Rush Revere Series for our oldest granddaughter, Virginia, so that she can learn, first hand, about our founding fathers and mothers, who were willing to suffer and sacrifice for the privilege of being able to worship Jesus in the way they felt God was calling them to do.

How is this first hand learning?  In the Rush Revere series, the substitute teacher, accompanied by his trusty, snarky and politically incorrect horse, Liberty, are enabled, through Liberty's extraordinary powers, to transport students back in time, where they are introduced to life as it unfolds in our country's distant pass.  Talk about a field trip!

Virginia is absolutely entranced by these novels that she reads with her mom.  Her interest in history has been piqued beyond measure.  Because of Liberty, whose unique character makes what could be dry facts approachable, Virginia is quick to tell me that this iconic horse has never failed to enchant and entertain her.

So, seeing as we can't be with our grands in person these days, I decide to order Virginia and her sisters the Liberty Fun Pack.

Virginia asks weeks ago for a Liberty T-shirt,

but I think surprising all of them with the full meal deal won't be a mistake on my part.  As it turns out, there's nothing like Liberty!

Oh, how lovingly these girls hug Liberty!  And my prayer for them is that they will one day be as adamant about embracing Jesus, finding the true freedom in this life which is only available through Him.

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.  Our founding fathers knew that, and country like no other was formed upon that divine premise.

May we not deny our children and grandchildren knowledge of that divine promise.

Let freedom ring!


Friends, if you would like to order the Rush Revere books and other related items, google Rush Limbaugh's webpage, and click on "store." (For some reason, I can't post a direct link.) All proceeds in the weeks to come will benefit families of police officers serving in our cities, towns and communities.  Let's support our men and women in blue, who protect us each and every day!

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Suit Up!


Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. ~Ephesians 6:13

About two months ago, I have a tele-health conference with Dr. S. in order for him to refill a particular prescription.  He decides to add one more ingredient to my pharma list to ensure my recent weight gain isn't due to water retention.  Along with that charge comes the news that a dreaded in-person visit is required in six to eight weeks so he can assess my progress.

Gulp!  Really?  Dr. S. knows I'm not comfortable with that due to Danny's rather precarious preexisting condition, i.e., his heart, but he assures me in detail all the lengths to which his office has gone in order to be safe and sanitary.  So, this past Tuesday, I suit up!

And off I go, protected as best I can be from the invisible enemy, trusting that the doctors and nurses will be extra cautious on their end of things.  And of course, they are, much to my relief, and I actually enjoy my visit; it's great to be able to see and talk to others outside our home, and simply be in their company for a short while.

Although I only need to don the mask and protective glasses when I'm around others, not a day goes by when I don't need to put on the full armor of God to guard me from the slings and arrows of the Enemy, who wants to rob my joy, and plant gnawing, disheartening doubts in my heart and mind.

J. D. Wininger, a fellow writer, who blogs at Around the Cross-Dubya, shares The Warrior's Prayer with his followers.  I download this prayer, and it now serves as part of my daily supplications to God.  We need to be reminded daily that, should we let our guard down, that's all it takes for the devil and his minions to take advantage of our armor's chink.

We can take physical measures to protect us from the virus, but we must intentionally take the spiritual steps to gird ourselves in God's Word and our faith, knowing that He always has our best interest at heart.

So, friends, let's vow today to put on the Lord's armor each and every morning that we might be battle-ready, knowing that Jesus already has the victory.


Monday, October 5, 2020

School Daze


Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him.  Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one's youth. ~Psalm 127:3-4

The above photo of our grandchildren, Virginia, Savannah and Alexandra, right before the first day of school, which happened the day after Labor Day.  But school, as it turns out, is a far cry from being back to normal.

The girls only attend in-person classes on Monday and Tuesday; my daughter, Sarah, has to help them with their lessons Wednesday through Friday.  There is no timetable in place at this juncture as to when students can return to a full week of in-school classes.  And when the grands to go to school, masks are required at all times.

I feel so sorry for all of them, even though they still look cute in their masks, but most of all, my heart breaks for Alexandra.  This is her kindergarten debut, and since she's never attended preschool, it is also her first introduction to a classroom setting.  As no parents are allowed into the building, she is escorted by a masked stranger to her classroom.  How nervous she must have felt!  To top it off, she can't see the full faces of her teacher or fellow students as they vanish beneath cloth coverings.  How disconcerting not to be able to see friendly smiles at a time when she needs it the most!

And I'm not far off the mark as to how disturbing this is for Alexandra.  The next Monday when she is to attend in-person school, the poor girl has a meltdown.  It's all her parents can do to convince her that everything will be alright, and to give it another go.  Such a difficult concept for a five-year-old, who is probably feeling alone and lonely in this new and scary environment.  I mean, when you are discouraged, and even forbidden, to touch other children, how can one make friends?

I hope and pray that Alexandra will be able to adapt sooner than later, and that she will one day be able to look back at her kindergarten year fondly, not fearfully.  At least when they are learning at home, Alexandra and her sisters can all enjoy the company of a loyal and loving "school" chum, who is always there for them.

Thank you, Henry!!!

Do you have any stories about your children or grandchildren returning to school this year?  Pleas share in the comment section!


Thursday, October 1, 2020

One-of-a-Kind Makeover


Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins. ~1 Peter 4:8

Pictured above is the surface of our back deck.  Not a pretty sight!  It has been pummeled by rain and snow, heat and cold, for many years, and its once perfectly stained facade has faded into grey.  The poor, unfortunate boards are in desperate need of a makeover if ever there was one!

So, before the leaves of autumn threaten to turn and fall, my husband, Danny, decides it's high time to bring the deck back to life.  We have plenty of stain left over from the time his son, Nicco, upgraded our front porch, so supplies to accomplish the job stand at the ready.  It takes two days for Danny to accomplish this feat, but the result?  Pristine and priceless!

What a transformation this is!  Our once old, weary and worn-out deck is made new again by the power of a paint brush, stain, and loving, careful attention from Danny.

This reminds me of what happens within us when we ask Jesus into our lives.  We are weathered and withered by sin, weighted down with sorrows and regrets.  Yet, our Lord takes out His paint brush of love and forgiveness, and gives us a one-of-a-kind makeover and a fresh, new start.  Just like the tired old deck, we are made new by His grace and His Spirit, freed to love others as we love ourselves.

So, if you are someone who has not invited Christ Jesus into your heart, will you think long and hard about making that choice today?  And if you are already a follower, perhaps it's time to recommit to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

His love, indeed, covers a multitude of sins.


Envision the Future, Cherish the Past

  Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to their children, and their children to the next generation. ~Joel 1:3 The day we...