Monday, May 27, 2024

Fragile Flower


The grass withers and flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever. ~Isaiah 40:8

Fragile flower torn

From root, plucked too soon, yet

Knows eternal bliss

May we always trust

God's love amidst the chaos

Rest at peace with Him.

May we continue to pray for the victims of the recent outbreaks of horrific storms that have plagued the heartland of out nation, and know God is with us through it all. 

Monday, May 20, 2024

I'll Be There For You


Here I am!  I stand at the door and knock.  If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me. ~Revelation 3:20

I'll be there for you (when the rain starts to pour), I'll be there for you (like I've been there before), I'll be there for you ('cause you're there for me, too). ~ Theme song from "Friends"

My daughter, Sarah, sends me this adorable photo of their new kitties who were adopted practically at the same time.  Acquiring two cats was not the original plan, but God has His own ways of seeing to the welfare of all His creatures.

Rocky, the black one, was their first choice.  However, the shelter called before Sarah and her husband, John, could adopt him to give them some sad news.  A virus had broken out there, and it was unclear as to whether or not any of the cats housed there would survive it.  Rocky's chances were looking bleak.

In light of this, Sarah and John visited another animal shelter in the area, and found this beautiful tabby whom they name Riley.  While this new kitty was adjusting to her world with a loving family, lo and behold!  The shelter housing Rocky called to tell them that he had miraculously recovered, and were they still interested in adopting him?

The ending of that story, as you can surmise by this featured photo, is a happy one, indeed!  In their brief time together their "furever" family, Riley and Rocky have become the best of pals.  They play with one another constantly, and simply enjoy each other's company.  As the family is planning a big move to another region of the state, we are all gratified to know that these two feline friends have forged such a solid bond.  Even when the upheaval of moving may cause them anxiety and stress, they will be there for each other, and come out stronger once the dust has settled in their new home.  

All because neither John nor Sarah could ignore that knock on the door of their hearts, these orphans have a home where they are loved and sheltered from the storms.

When you hear Jesus knocking at the door of your heart, do you open it gratefully and invite Him in?  If you do, you can rest assured that He will be the best friend you could ever imagine, in this life and the next.

Jesus will always be there for you!


Monday, May 13, 2024

Remember God's Covenant


I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind.  Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.  Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on earth. ~Genesis 9:15-16

How many of you can view a rainbow and NOT recall it is a powerful and grace-filled symbol of God's eternal covenant with each living being in His creation?  I know I can't.  Yet, even for those people who know nothing of God and His greatness, who of them can argue that seeing a rainbow uplifts weary hearts to lofty heights of hope in the midst of life's storms?

The photo above was taken by my husband, Danny, while staying on the 14th floor of the new Piedmont Hospital tower as doctors diagnosed what could be a small stroke in his right eye that occurred during his heart ablation procedure on May 1st.  Yes, it is a view you would expect at a 5-star hotel in downtown Atlanta, but from a hospital window?  The staff referred to this as the penthouse suite, and that's certainly an apt moniker.

Since the end of January this year, we have endured more physical and emotional roller coaster rides than the law allows.  I know that we could not have made it through without our trust and faith that with God, all things are working for His good for all who believe in Him.  These days have not just seen our personal struggles, but people, whom we love dearly, have been facing the same challenges in their health matters, many times worse than we have ever had.  I have found that in praying for others and their needs, it doesn't erase our own, but is certainly brings peace to our situation when we take the focus off ourselves.

We cannot see the whole picture on this side of eternity, but we can rest assure that our Lord does.  When Danny saw this rainbow after a gully-washer of a storm, he was infused with fresh hope that only God can give.  It may not be what his doctor orders, but the medicine our Great Physician prescribes is infinitely greater.

Danny has been home since last Thursday, and we are both so grateful for all your prayers and support, dear friends.  He is improving with every passing day, so we remain strong and resilient, knowing God is there to help through any storm that comes, and renew our hopes.

May our loving Father bless and keep you always!


Envision the Future, Cherish the Past

  Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to their children, and their children to the next generation. ~Joel 1:3 The day we...