Friday, August 13, 2010

When My Computer Went Down . . .

Our light and temporary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. II Corinthians 4: 17-18

I simply could not believe my eyes. There it was, leering at me viciously as it had done less than a year ago: the computer virus that latches on and won't let go. My spyware, as all other programs, were rendered useless in a matter of moments. My devastation was monumental.

Danny and Giovanni, my computer-whiz of a step-son, leaped into action. The good news was that they managed to "kill" the virus; the bad news was that, in doing so, my Windows XP died with it and I would have to wait for the delivery of Windows 7 to our doorstep before I could once again use my computer
. In the meantime I knew that I could check my e-mail and Facebook by waiting my turn for a computer, but my freedom to work on my novel or my blog, as it takes a concentrated block of time, were out of the question. If that wasn't bad enough, I realized that my beloved game of solitaire would never be the same. I deplore the Windows 7 version with a passion.

During the first two days after the crash, I found myself gravitating toward my customary seat in front of my computer only to check myself with reminders that it was incapacitated. It was through these moments that I came to realize that, perhaps, I had become too dependent on this marvelous machine and too addicted to a game that only wasted my time. This was definitely a wake-up call.

It took five days for Windows 7 to arrive. During this time of waiting, I tended to more chores, spent more time in prayer, read three novels, and generally enjoyed daily activities with more presence and enthusiasm. This inconvenience was only a temporary trouble and had nothing to do with the essence of me. I reflected, too, over the blessings so many Americans share in having computers, internet access, and all the conveniences these provide. I realized that I had been taking mine for granted. Now, I find that I thank God daily for the privilege I have been given as, through it, I can spread His word and spread my writing wings as He bids me to do.

And, solitaire? Oh, I've tried to like the new version, but I simply can't warm to it at all. I thank the Lord for removing this temptation from me. It allows me to use the time He has given to me more wisely and with fresh perspective. In my "light and temporary troubles", He stepped in and opened my eyes to His eternal glory.

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