Wednesday, August 17, 2011

No Mistake About It!

Mark 12:24
Jesus replied, "Are you not in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God?"

Making mistakes is an inevitable aspect of being human. Although I almost always learn valuable lessons from my mistakes, it doesn't mean, by any stretch, that I enjoy making them. Truthfully, I don't know anyone who does! If you could measure the impact of mistakes on a scale of one to ten, with one being the wrong turn you took in driving your spouse to a new restaurant and ten being the heart-rending realization that you married the wrong person, you would encounter, up and down the scale, a gambit of emotions: foolishness, chagrin, embarrassment, guilt, regret, sadness, humiliation, and anger.

Sometimes, we are unable to see our mistakes until someone points them out to us. In today's scripture, Jesus calls out the Sadducees on two counts: their assumption that there is no resurrection is incorrect and their underestimation of God's power is blasphemous at best. He gives them the opportunity to confront their inaccuracies, admit they are wrong, and repent, turning with their whole hearts to the God of the living, not the dead. Did they hear the truth of His words? Did they heed His teaching? Scripture does not tell us, but I'd like to think at least some, humbled by the authority with which Jesus spoke, began to realize the error of their ways.

What mistakes have you made recently? Were you able to learn from them and move on, determined not to repeat them? Most importantly, did you forgive yourself for it? Is there someone in your life who constantly brings up your past mistakes to your face? As God to help you forgive them and move forward. Take comfort in knowing that no matter how many times you make a mess of things, God still loves you and will help you recover. There's no mistake about it!

Psalms 119:145-176 or 128, 129, 130
2 Samuel 18:19-33
Acts 23:23-35
Mark 12:13-27


  1. I take comfort in knowing that the many mistakes I’ve made are forgotten, erased from memory. Hallelujah! He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west.
    "I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.” Isaiah 43:25
    Thank you Martha for your sacred space in which to reflect on God’s goodness and love.

  2. Thanks for stopping by, Debra, and writing such an enlightening comment. I so appreciate your insights and encouragement!

    Blessings! :)

  3. Excellent post Martha.

    Mistakes are human... We make them. How we handle those mistakes, learn from them, and move past them is what defines our path. In many cases, the act of forgiving ourselves for our transgressions is the most complex, and possibly most important part.

    Have a Blessed Day!

  4. "In all the work we do, our most valuable asset can be the attitude of self-examination. It is forgivable to make mistakes, but to stand fast behind a wall of self-righteousness and make the same mistake twice is not forgivable."

    One of my favorite quotes your writing brings to mind. I think someone's character is not defined by there mistakes but his or her willingness to admit they made one, and then try and makes amends or makes a change in our habits that generally are the cause of most our mistakes. Habit enevitably leads to behavior but; as we all know our behaviors differ greatly among our audience, be it family, aquatances, or strangers. So I feel to get to the heart of changing ones character and thus our behaviors, then we have to change the way we act when we believe no one is watching. I believe our mistakes, character, habits and relationships are as intertwined as our relationship with Jesus Christ.

  5. Yes, Phather Phil, I agree with the forgiveness of ourselves as being the most complex; we ask Jesus for forgiveness, we momentarily feel forgiven, but then we allow that mistake to keep rearing its ugly head again and again. If we have learned from that mistake, we need not carry a burden of guilt. God wants us to be set free in the grace of His forgiveness.

    John, I agree - the admission of mistakes is the first step toward healing and wholeness. Confessing with contrite hearts our shortcomings to God is a necessary step and character is, indeed, formed when we do the right thing because no one is watching. Looking to Jesus, trusting in His way and truth, building our relationship with Him are the ways in which we can insure we make fewer mistakes and that those we make will be forgiven.

    Blessings to you both and thank you for taking time to read and comment!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...