Sunday, January 29, 2012

If the Spirit Moves You . . .

Galatians 5:25
Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.

What type of walker are you?

Are you a leisurely ambler? A fast-paced strider? Somewhere in between?

When I set out from Point A to Point B, I always walk quickly. This comes from years of conditioning, training myself to keep up with those who have longer legs than mine.

Which, as I stand a hair shorter than 5'3", is just about everybody. And, definitely, everyone in my family.

I have no trouble keeping up with Danny when we walk together. I never feel as though I am holding him back from his natural pace.

We tandem perfectly.

Until . . .

The first day of Passion 2012. We have a long walk in the bitter cold from our hotel to the Georgia Dome where this Christian gathering is held. Yes, we could have opted for a taxi, but we are pumped up about this event and eager to get some exercise.

About five minutes into our trek, I notice. Danny is no longer beside me, but several strides ahead. I attempt to pick up my pace, but my hiking boots, worn to ward off the chill, aren't amenable to speed.

Danny notices, too, and stops.

"Why are you lagging behind? Are your feet okay?"

"My feet are fine. Yours aren't. You're walking way too fast for me."

"I'm sorry, it's just that I always walk quicker when I'm excited about something like I am now. I'll do my best to slow down."

Danny tries. He really does.

But, I can see that bounce in his step, the spirited prance of a racehorse at the starting gate. How I wish my feet had wings!

Little do I suspect that, in moments, my wish will be granted.

Once inside the dome, we have to negotiate seemingly endless ramps to arrive at our desired level. People flow in a continuous and, oh, so rapid stream all around us.

"C'mon!" Danny grabs my hand firmly.

Suddenly, I think I'm in one of those cartoons where the character on the treadmill accidentally pushes the wrong button and his legs become one big blur trying to match the insurmountable speed.

I am flying!

I am keeping in step!

All because my hand is in Danny's strong grip.

And, I know he won't let go . . .
Are you walking in step with the Spirit?

Will you pray with me?
When Your Holy Spirit calls us to pick up the pace, Father, help us to stay in step. If we lag behind, grab our hands and hold them tightly. Bring us up to speed that we might ever walk, or run, in Your ways. Amen.

Psalms 24, 29 or 8, 84
Genesis 18:16-33
Galatians 5:13-25
Mark 8:22-30


  1. I like to run but, I think it is important to keep a steady pace. : )

  2. Hi, Joseph, and thanks for coming by today!
    Personally, I don't like running - too hard on the knees - but the steady pace, aerobically speaking, is perfect for me. A steady pace in life is good, too!

  3. I am a fast-strider but manage to slow down when a friend or child is lagging behind. Thanks for sharing

    1. Hi, Sulekkha, thanks for stopping by!
      Another fast walker! :) Yes, I, too, will slow for someone who can't keep up.
      Glad you liked the post today.

  4. At 5'3" you would tower over me... just kidding! I've walked with all kinds of walkers and what's fast for me is usually strolling along for others Those short legs get me every time.

    1. LOL, Lynne, thanks for stopping by!
      Short legs definitely do make it tough; half the time, we have to run to keep up with some walkers. At least we get our exercise!

  5. I am the same height of yours and I can stride fast, but not fast as my hubby. Nice post.

    1. Hi, Janu, thanks for dropping in!
      Really? We are the same height; just one more thing in common. :)
      Guess hubby will just have to slow down . . .

  6. Oh how beautiful! I could imagine how Jesus keeps Himself beside me when I slow down or raises me up when I stumble. I pray with you that the Spirit may guide every step of our way. May we never lose track of God's path and may we lead others to Him.

    1. Hi, Melissa, thanks for coming by today!
      Yes, I love the image of Jesus walking beside me and catching me when I start to fall. If we stay on God's path, I believe we can and will lead others to Him.

  7. I always feel like I'm lagging behind..sometimes so far back I become lost..I hate the struggle..As always...XOXOXOXOXO

    1. Hi, Bonnie, so appreciate you stopping by today!
      Struggling to keep up is never a good feeling. It can be so overwhelming . . .
      Saying a prayer for you!

  8. I can so relate to having to work to keep in step with others strides as I am even shorter than you at 5'1! LOL! What a nice story and visual to give us in regard to keeping in step with the Holy Spirit. I will reflect on this when I feel I am lagging behind. Blessings to you!

    1. Hi, Tameka, thanks so much for stopping by today!
      Glad I'm not the only short one out there!
      It's gratifying to know you liked this story and that it gave you a visual to remind you the Holy Spirit is there even when we feel we are lagging behind in life.

  9. Hello Martha. Happy Sunday!
    It's funny...I had just posted my poem about following in footsteps before I came here (smile).

    Lovely post & message.
    Thanks for sharing.

    Following Your Footsteps

    1. Hi, Andy, and happy Sunday to you, too!
      Yes, what a coincidence regarding the subject matter for these two pieces. Love it when that happens!
      So enjoyed your latest poem, too - just beautiful . . .

  10. What a delightful post! I laughed several times as I read it. I'm a bit above what's considered average height at 5'7 1/2" tall, so I'm usually the one who is being asked to slow down for my shorter friends. My Mom is one of these people and we've always laughed at how she has to turn herself into Marvin the Martian to keep up with me (i.e., making her legs blur like his do in the cartoons)!

    I tend to mosey, if I have to put it to descriptive words. I like to take my time and enjoy everything around me, stopping often to gaze at something special or nothing in particular. It is this time when I feel I am walking uniquely in step with that Higher Spirit and I feel most content.

    Absolutely beautiful post, Martha! <3

    - Dawn

    1. Hi, Dawn, and thanks so much for moseying by. :)
      The description of your mom sounds like me!
      I'm delighted to know that you are most content when you are walking "in step with that Higher Spirit". There's nothing like it . . .
      Thank you for your kind words!

  11. hi! i saw your post in Blogplicity. happy to share myself at your space.

    i am also of your height. my husband 5ft11inches. with long legs he is always ahead of me when walking together. while reading your post i could relate how he turns back and waits for me to catch him again with a big smile.

    praying with you and walking in spirits let us enjoy life :)

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by! Hope to see you often.
      Your description of your husband and yourself fit Danny and me to a tee!
      Glad to know you are praying with me and walking in the Spirit.

  12. I too am 5'2" and my ex was 6'2", I learned a quick pace, now I am learning to slow down to keep in pace with my mother. Funny how we do that...great post always enjoy visiting here. Very uplifting.

    1. Hi, Jan, and thanks so much for stopping by!
      So glad you enjoyed this post and could relate to it. Yes, I, too, slow down for my MIL when I take her to lunch and do remember how I had to put on the brakes when my kids were little.
      We adjust as needed, don't we? :)

  13. To have someone hold your hand and keep pace in our walk of life is something so reassuring. I am sure we all have our own Holy spirit guiding us. What a beautiful metaphor Martha. You are amazing!

    1. Hi, Rimly, thank you so much for stopping by and for your kind compliments.
      Yes, I sure want to know that the Holy Spirit is there to take my hand when I'm falling behind or going too fast in the wrong direction. We all need guidance in life.

  14. The Holy Spirit is sometimes like Danny making us run when we want to amble...but what would we be without Him?

    1. Hi, Corinne, so good to see you here!
      So true! It's too easy for us, sometimes, to get too complacent in our comfort zones. We need a wake-up call from Him from time to time, that's for sure! :)


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