Tuesday, July 17, 2012

"All Night, All Day, Angels Watching Over Me, My Lord . . ."

Psalm 91:11-12
For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways;
they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.

For the longest time, we think our grandchild, Virginia Rose, is ready to walk.  After all, for months she is pulling herself up in the playpen and on furniture, and shuffling her tiny feet this way and that.  But, it isn't until her 18th month that she finally strikes out with those first tentative steps.

And, within two weeks of walking, she is running!  Everywhere!  Even for her parents, with as much energy as they have, it's a challenge to keep up with her.  So, you can just imagine how hard it is for Gammie and Papa!

Virginia's love of running, however, presents a more serious concern than simply chasing after her.  The faster she moves her sturdy, little legs, the greater the risk she could trip and fall.  Just the idea of any harm coming to her is unbearable.  Unthinkable.

Inevitable . . .

Virginia is only a few, fleeting steps ahead of her daddy, John, when it happens.  Her sandal catches a crack in the pavement.  She's going down!  And, to his absolute terror, John realizes that her trajectory means a cracked head on the curb.

As if his life flashes before him, John sees the blood, hears her screams, is racing for the hospital, all in the split second it takes to reach her.  Frantically, he scoops Virginia up from her fall.

He can't believe his eyes.

Where there should have been a gory gash on her forehead, there is only a faint, pinkish mark.  Virginia doesn't even shed a tear.  She quickly recovers from her mishap and is ready to go again in seconds.

"All I could think of, Martha, was this," John tells me.  "Virginia's guardian angel was what kept her head from smashing against the curb.  It had to be.  There's no other explanation for something I just knew was going to happen; should have happened, but didn't.  What a miracle!"

"Yes," I agree, "this was a miracle, indeed."

Thanks be to God!
Have you ever experienced something in your life which was so extraordinary, you knew immediately it was nothing short of a miracle?

Will you pray with me?
Thank You, Father, for all Your miracles, large and small, which grace our lives.  We give thanks, too, for Your angels who protect us in times of need or danger.  May we learn to trust in You more and more each day.  Amen.


  1. I remember slipping on ice on the walkway to our former house while holding Montana as an an infant..I fell and she fell too..I could have sworn she hit her head, and by all rights and by the laws of physics, she should have been really hurt..but when I looked, there was hardly a bump and she was okay.

    It is very scary when our little ones come close to peril. Thank goodness for miracles.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting today, Jessica!
      Oh, my! It sounds like your angels were hard at work when you took that slip on the ice. It is so, so scary when our youngsters are in danger. I remember having a few close calls with my two.
      Yes! Thank the Lord for His miracles!

  2. Hi Martha:
    A little over twenty years ago I experienced a REALLY awful time in my life. Out of work, living w/my parents and no one happy the events surrounding my life I left the house one early afternoon and took a long walk in the woods. I felt completely out of touch with everything that was happening in my world. After walking for some time:
    I got down on my knees, looked up and said, please God. Help me!

    No lie here! I PROMISE you this is the God’s honest truth. I felt a hand reach out and pull me up. Didn’t hear voices but that hand pulling me up was all the sense I needed.

    From my blog post:

    That was a miracle in my opinion.

    1. Oh, Chris, that is quite the miracle! I do recall reading this in your blog awhile back and was so impressed by how our mighty God works in our lives. Thank you for sharing this here and for leaving your link for other readers to check out.
      Thanks so much for coming by!

  3. Oh Martha, I could feel John's fear as she started to fall, I have been there too many times! God does send our angels to be there to catch them ALOT. Thank you God for keeping our children safe. And thank you for the story Martha, glad she didn't hurt her beautiful face...Gina

    1. Thanks so much for visiting today, Gina!
      We were so relieved, too, as you can imagine, that Virginia didn't get hurt. Thanking the Lord for His angels!
      Glad you enjoyed the story.

  4. You did such a great job of telling the story! When he told me that she fell but she was okay, I kept looking everywhere on her head and even worrying she had a concussion. I was so thankful she was okay. There are many times where she has fallen and I think it is worse than it is. But then she wipes away her tears and keeps on smiling!

    1. Sarah, I'm so glad you saw this one! I was going to tell you it was here had you not seen it on your own.
      Yes, Little Bit was definitely blessed that day. The experience so overwhelmed John, he actually related it to me on two different occasions. The story was too wonderful not to tell. :)
      Blessings, sweet daughter!

  5. There have been a few times in my life where all the air in my lungs left me.. and later when it came back, I remember feeling woozy and wondering if it really happened. M, you've such a way with bring back those images and feelings often buried in the alcoves of the mind.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Brenda!
      Oh, dear! It sounds like this may not have stirred the best memories for you, but they are, indeed, ones we have all experienced at one time or another.
      May angels continue to watch over you. :)

  6. Oh I experienced something magical very recently. I was feeling very low and dejected when there was an anonymous mail in my inbox from someone who had read one of my articles somewhere and took pains to track me down just to put me a mail appreciating it.

    That one gesture brought a huuuugggeee smile on my face :)

    1. What an amazing story, Me! Isn't it marvelous how when we are feeling down, God finds a way through someone or something to restore our good spirits? How great is our God!

    2. Oh, and thanks so much for visiting, Me! :)

  7. oh yes! angels all around us! what a story! I wonder how many times this has happened that we do not know about....

    1. Thanks for dropping by, Annmarie!
      That truly is something to think about - how many times we have been pulled back from a dangerous situation and never even realized it. Probably lots more than we think!
      So glad for the angels . . .

  8. I feel how our guardian angels keep us safe from harm every single day, Martha. I would pray to each of my loved ones' guardian angel for their safety and that gives me peace of mind. One night, my mom was on her way to Manila (6 hours travel from home) when she met an accident. From what I recall, the driver didn't see the vehicle in front of them and only saw it was there when they were too close so he quickly had to swerve and move to the other lane. Thank God there wasn't any moving vehicle on the other lane so they were safe. My mom called up during that time and I wasn't at all worried because I knew her guardian angel would keep her safe.

    And praise God for adorable little Virginia's guardian angel! Thank you so much for sharing this inspiring story, Martha! God bless you and your family <3 :-)

    1. Thank you for visiting today, Irene!
      What a remarkable story about your mother! I recall driving with my dad to drop of my brother and his friend for a hike in the mountains. We were delayed in leaving them. But, when we came around a curve, there was a horrendous accident, one we might have been in had we left on schedule. God is good, all the time!
      And, His angels often work overtime, don't they?

  9. Hi, Martha. Did Virginia Rose crawl before walking? I only ask because my parents told me I didn't crawl as a baby. I wonder what I did. But one day around my first birthday apparently I just decided it was time to walk and I did. I was finally ready.

    1. Great to see you here, Galer! Thanks for coming by!
      Yes, Virginia did crawl and then spent a lot of time "walking" on her knees. Very odd . . .
      I've heard tell of babies who never crawl; guess you were just ready to get up and tackle the world! :)

  10. Dear Martha,
    I am one who firmly believes that God is guiding our footsteps, because only He alone knows our final destination. I'm glad nothing untoward happened to Virginia Rose (love that name). Thanks for sharing.

    I have a surprise for you...you have been featured! For more information and to claim your little prize (if you so choose), please click here...

    Thoughts Of Beauty In The Stillness Of Dawn...

    1. Thanks so much, Andy, for stopping by and for the delightful surprise! You are too kind!
      Yes, God does guide our footsteps and I'm so grateful that He kept my dear grandchild from getting hurt in this fall. Oh, and so glad you like her name. :)
      Blessings and thanks again!

  11. I have experienced a guardian angel protecting me. It brought me such joy to know that God loves me enough to look out for me!

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Jennifer, and welcome!
      Oh, that's marvelous that you experienced such protection and KNEW it had to be from God. Joyful, indeed!

  12. Some think it as coincidence or luck and some others believe it as miracles...:-)

    1. Thanks for dropping in today, Janu!
      Yes, some folks would probably chalk it up to something other than angelic intervention, but I'm sticking with this story. :)

  13. Is that your granddaughter in the picture? Cute. Glad the guardian angels were there.

    1. Thanks so much for coming by today, Duane, and welcome!
      Yes, that is my granddaughter in the photo and, I must admit, she is a cutie!
      We, too, are so grateful for her wonderful guardian angel.

  14. Think its god's will that i come to your blog today, and read this. I'm so pleased that everything was ok, and i'm glad you shared with us the joys of being a grandparent. I feel a blog coming.

    1. Oh, Larry, it's so great to see you here! Your presence has been missed, believe me. :)
      It must be God's hand at work, my friend. Yes, I love being a "Gammie" and sharing stories about sweet Virginia Rose. This was simply too amazing not to share.
      And, that you feel a blog coming on? Absolutely awesome!

  15. Oh thanks God for the gits of angels and they are everywhere. I'm really glad to hear that Virginia Rose is safe. I couldn't think of anything else too had it happened to my little nieces and Satur-dates.

    I do feel the hand of God through our Guardian Angel. He wouldn't allow us to fall... I pray with you. It never cease to amaze me how wonderfully we think of the same things and the power God brings through our reflections.

    I love you my GA... please forgive me when I become very stubborn...

    Thanks for sharing this Martha :* Lots of love!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Melissa!
      Yes, let us all give thanks for the angels who guard and guide us. I don't know what I would have felt had she been seriously hurt, and I'm glad nothing untoward has happened to your precious nieces and "Satur-dates" (love this term you use!)
      You? Stubborn? Only in a good way - determined to live life fully and for God no matter what comes your way.
      And, it is amazing how much we think alike . . . oh, how great is the God who made us friends!
      Lots of love and blessings to you!

  16. So glad to know that precious little Virginia Rose was not hurt in her little adventure.
    Having had similar miracles where I would have a certain 'fall' and being saved from the consequences, I know first hand the amazing power of God's saving love.
    Thank you for another beautiful reflection, Martha.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Corinne!
      Yes! We were all so thankful she wasn't hurt in the fall. How wonderful it is that you see those times when God's hand was at work in your life and saved you from troubles. Amen, my friend!

  17. Wonderful post Martha. I see these kind of happening everyday with Lewis and Tristyn, constantly challenging gravity. I have told Kearstyn she needs bubble wrap all over as a helmet kneepads and elbowpads don't seem to be enough. I am always amazed at how resilient they are...<3

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Jan!
      I love your phrase "constantly challenging gravity"! Oh, yes, those little ones sure do take the tumbles and somehow survive all those bumps and bruises.
      So glad you enjoyed the post.
      Blessings to you!

  18. Life is a miracle. We all experience miracles every single day, but unfortunately we usually take them for granted. Most of the times we notice our needs not our Blessings.

    1. Thanks for visiting today, Nikky! I sure have missed seeing you here, my friend.
      I love what you say here - we notice our needs instead of our blessings - wow! So true! Yet, we need to stop and take time every day to count our blessings and be thankful.
      Blessings to you!


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