Friday, April 19, 2013

Good Amidst Evil

Luke 10:36-37
"Which of these three was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?"
The expert in the law replied, "The one who had mercy on him."
Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise."

When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers.  You will always find people who are helping."  To this day, especially in times of "disaster," I remember my mother's words and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers - so many caring people in this world.  ~Fred Rogers

Still in shock, we reel from the heinous, infamous bombing at the finish line of the Boston Marathon just short days ago.  There is evil in this world.  It is ever present and living high off the hog.

The innocent are maimed.  Three are killed.

Murdered . . . in cold, unfeeling, violent blood.  Cain against Abel.

Thou shalt not kill, says the Lord.  But, mayhem, the child of Satan, begs to differ.  Is allowed to differ.

Free will . . .

And, in spite of the horror, we see those giving, selfless individuals, spent by already running a marathon, sprinting for the first hospital they can find.  Hearts racing, minds convicted, to give blood and comfort to the victims of this senseless attack.

Putting their own agendas on hold.  Answering the call of the moment.  Prepared and ready to assist in any way they can.

Free will . . .

Those good Samaritans bringing Jesus' stirring story to life in the present moment.  Loving God in the present moment.  Loving their neighbors as themselves.

Showing mercy . . .

Saving the day . . .

Fred Rogers' mom gave him the best advice any mother could give her child - to see the goodness, the mercy, the love in others who are willing to sacrifice their own interests in order to help those in need.  A worthwhile lesson.  Worth keeping close to our hearts at all times and in all places.

And, here, in the travesty of the Boston Marathon bombing, we have been blessed to witness up close the lesson of the good Samaritan in the very face of danger, tribulation, and evil.

The evil which wishes to pervade our very souls.  The evil which God has promised will be conquered . . .


Are you able to see good amidst evil in this world?

Will you pray with me?
Loving Father, we don't understand the violence.  We don't condone the senseless acts of hatred we humans inflict upon one another.  What we do understand is that Your love knows no bounds.  We pray that Your love and comfort surround each and every person affected by this recent tragedy.  May they feel Your presence and know You are there for them always.  Amen.


  1. Just beautiful. Thank you for sharing these reflections. I always love reading your posts!

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Vrndavana! I'm glad you enjoy reading my blog.
      Blessings and love!

  2. We all live because we see those slivers of hope, dear Martha. I cannot imagine otherwise.

    Lots of love and big hugs, Martha.

    Joy always,

    1. Hope . . . it is what keeps us going, dear Susan!
      Thanks for visiting and may God ever bless you!

  3. Martha, Fred Rogers' mom was a wise woman. I've found myself in life threatening situations on more than one occasion and the shock that one feels when their life may be taken from them can be paralyzing. Literally. I thank God for the helpers who somehow manage to hold it together while helping others snap out of their shock.

    Free will is a big responsibility. Those two young men used theirs to create evil. So so sad.

    Sending love to you Martha!

    1. Leah, I so hear you . . . God has given us free will; what we choose to do with it is up to us.
      Evil is so pervasive, sometimes I want to crawl into a ball and forget it is happening. But, God calls me out and makes me live for His glory. So thankful that He does!
      Still, want to pull the covers over my head at times . . .
      Love and blessings, dear Leah, and thanks so much for stopping by!

  4. The first thing I noticed in the first videos I saw of the blast was how the police officers close to the blast site immediately moved towards the blast as the crowds were running away. True heroes.

    1. They are truly heroes, Galen, unafraid of the consequences, just concerned with the preservation of life. My heart goes out to them! And, what would we do without such brave souls? I don't want to think of that . . .
      Thank you for visiting, dear friend, and for your comment.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Dear Martha,

    Holding you in my heart as you struggle against your fears. XOXOXO

    1. Thanks so much, Linda, for coming by and for your wonderful words of comfort.
      I'm not so much afraid as I am shocked by the events, yet comforted in the efforts so many made to assuage the situation, to give of themselves when nothing was required. They are my heroes . . .
      Blessings and love, my friend!


  6. "Those good Samaritans bringing Jesus' stirring story to life in the present moment. Loving God in the present moment. Loving their neighbors as themselves."

    It's action...that sometimes seems the only thing that gives me hope for this world. The random and spontaneous acts of compassion that comes out of people during moments of crisis.

    I always love your posts...very reflective.

    1. Thank you, Jessica, for your most thoughtful comment here. Your input is so valued, dear friend!
      It is, indeed, in action where God's love is felt. Jesus didn't limit His ministry to talk - He lived it in the moment, meeting the needs of those who needed Him. The reaction of the marathon runners made my heart sing with hope for us all . . .
      Love and blessings, dear one!

  7. I had an incredible experience Martha and it overshadowed all the tragedies we had this week. It was the presence of God working His mysterious ways in the heart of people...

    Yes, good will always triumph over evil. I truly believe that.

    I pray with you together with everybody in the world. We will go through this all together.

    1. Oh, Melissa, your experience of God's presence gives me goosebumps!!!
      And, truly, God's good will triumph over evil in the end.
      Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing in prayer, dear one!
      Love and blessings!

  8. A most beautiful prayer. Praying with you. Blessings dear friend.

    1. Thanks so much, Suzy, for visiting and for praying with me. That means so much!
      Love and blessings to you, my friend!

  9. Such a sad story. What amazes me is the disbelief of the people who believed they knew the terrorist murderer. Some kids commented on how the photo looked like their friend, but they figured it had to be someone who looked like him because he would never do something like that. That's scary.

    1. Thanks for coming by, Joyce!
      Oh, the whole ordeal is very sad and frightening. I guess we'll know more as time marches on, but it won't bring back the lives of those who died. God comfort their families!
      Blessing and love!

  10. Martha, times seem to be getting worse, but I rest in the knowledge that God has already laid this groundwork, He has predicted all of this would come to pass. I pray each day that people will have the ears to listen. As we say here, this is only the tip of the ice-burg! I don't think that anyone can quite comprehend the intensity that evil will come to before it's all over. I pray that God gives peace and comfort to the individuals that had to endure this tragedy. God bless you Martha♥

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Mary!
      Yes, these are certainly times of trial and tribulation. I, too, take such comfort in knowing that God is in control and His will be the victory in the end. I cling to Him in hope and faith.
      Love and blessings, my friend!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...