Friday, July 12, 2013


John 14:27
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

To say we've had a lot of rain in Georgia this summer is definitely an understatement.  We've been inundated.  Soaked. Flooded.  Swamped.  Lest any of you think I'm complaining at this point, I'm not.  After three scorching and bone-dry summers of drought, the rain is a welcome relief to our region.

During one of our downpours, I look out on our deck and discover that one of our potted impatiens isn't draining properly.  In fact, it's drowning!  The water is literally lapping at the lip of the pot.

As soon as the rain lets up, I go outside, pour the excess water off the beleaguered plant, and set it under the eaves where it won't get any direct rainfall.  This seems to do the trick as new buds are forming on it, promising beautiful lavender blooms within the week.

Have you had times in your life when troubles rained down so hard and fast, you felt like the poor impatiens, standing up to your neck in the murky waters?  Full of fear, or worry, or anxiety?  Thinking that, at any moment now, you will drown?

Been there.  Done that.

And, it happens when we cling to our tribulations instead of running to God at the first onset of rain.  Asking Him to drain us of all our fears.  To put us in a safe and sheltered place where we can recover.  Where we can rest in Him.

Jesus says, "Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."  I don't think He meant this as a suggestion.  This is a direct instruction.  Because, as believers, we know that nothing, nothing can separate us from the love of God.  Though the world may shower troubles and worries and woes upon us, we will never endure them alone.

God is there.  He is with us.  He wants to shoulder our burdens, to rescue us from the muddy waters.

The Lord gives us the courage to continue on, living in His light.  In His promise.

In His love . . .


Are you drowning in a sea of troubles?  Will you turn to God for help?

Please join me in prayer:
When troubles rain down on us, Father, may we always turn to You to calm our fears and soothe our hearts.  Let us ever know Your peace which passes all understanding.  Amen.


  1. Like you said, Martha 'been there, done that' but ever blessed to know that God finds us a way out of it all.
    If it's any consolation, we're all rained in here too! :)

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Corinne!
      Yes, we are ever blessed because God is always there to rescue us from our sea of troubles, dry us off, and set our feet firmly on His solid ground.
      Love and blessings always!

  2. AMEN Martha... this is a prayer which my heart is saying right now...

    1. Thanks for coming by today, Me!
      So glad the prayer spoke to your heart and that you are praying with me . . .
      Love and blessings!

  3. Boy have I done that before. I've let the rain build up so high I needed a canoe to make it through the day. Yes He is there. Always listening and pointing the way to blue skies.
    Sending love Martha!

    1. Thanks for stopping by today, Leah!
      Haven't we all been in that swamped boat from time to time? Oh, yes!
      Love what you said about God "pointing the way to blue skies." Beautiful!
      Love and blessings!

  4. all we need to do is believe. Nice post.

    1. Amen, Patrick!
      Thanks for stopping by today. So glad you enjoyed the post!
      Blessings to you!

  5. Yeah...have found myself in such situations...and it is our faith that keeps us going. BTW Martha, I am no longer in is my new address...please drop by.

    1. I will be sure to visit, Janu, and will sure miss seeing you in Blogplicity.
      Thanks so much for coming by today!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Maybe troubles weigh us down easily because we want the solutions now as if we could stop the rain from falling... how easily I forget that the Lord is here ~ always here with me.

    I do admit that most of the time, I feel like that... until I go deep and listen and find Him there...

    I pray with you and together I pray with your intentions dear friend. I pray that we may never feel alone in our daily struggles in life...and yes, the Father calmes and soothes our fears.

    Love you dear friend and thank you for this post.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Melissa, and for sharing your wonderful insights!
      Yes, too often we are tempted to think the Lord is absent when, in reality, He is with us through it all. I've really needed Him as of late, and He hasn't let me down . . .
      Thank you for praying with me!
      Much love and many blessings, dear one!

  7. Linked from Stan's blog (According to the Book) and linked over.

    We live in the midwest, but have family in Tenn, GA and FL. We've been hearing from them about the rain down there. We could use some of it out here since we are in a drought.

    I like your use of flood rain as an analogy for spiritual things. Good post, and good blog.


    1. Thanks for choosing to visit, Warren, and welcome to you!
      I will pray for rain for you all in the midwest; the Lord knows you need it.
      So glad you liked the analogy and enjoyed reading the blog. Hope to see you again soon!
      Blessings to you!

  8. Been there too Martha. And it is that devotion and faith in Him that brings us through the storm. As always you pick the perfect prayer. This post resonated with my soul. And you are so right - that is a direct instruction. Beautiful post.

    1. Thanks for coming by, Suzy, and for you lovely comment!
      So glad to know this post resonated with you and that the prayer was meaningful, too. I love it when my friends pray with me! :)
      Love and blessings!


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