Friday, July 11, 2014

A Time for Every Purpose . . .

Ecclesiastes 3:1
In every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heavens . . .

I write posts for Meditations of My Heart far in advance of when you, my loyal and faithful followers, finally have the opportunity to read them.  So, as you are reading this, know I've written over 20,000+ words in my next novel series, Adventures in the Glade, since I originally penned today's blog.  I've given myself the months of July and August as a deadline for book completion, with September the catch all for johnny-come-lately chapters and intense editing and revision.  This will keep me extremely, yet joyously, busy!

Some of you may recall that a while back, I try to give Meditations of My Heart a hiatus in order to accomplish just what I described above.  But, my father's prolonged illness and our family's uncertainty as to when God would call him home, hinders me from plunging head-long into the novels.  My heart simply isn't in it.  I find, instead, great comfort and peace in writing my blogs.  They lend me a sense of structure, of meaning, of purpose.  Help to take my mind off the day-to-day struggles.  Comfort me as I focus upon the Lord and reflect upon His Word.

But, now God is calling me to get back on my novel horse and ride it for all its worth.  Who am I to ignore Him?  If I've learned anything from writing this blog, it's this:  Trust in God!  He always knows what's best for me, for you, for everyone when we genuinely pause and faithfully listen.

And, when we, in faith, obey.

That being said, I'm officially and determinedly taking a break from Meditations of My Heart at least through the end of August.  Could an errant post appear?  No doubt!  Will I keep up with my fellow bloggers?  You bet!  Do I suddenly vanish from Facebook or Google+?  Hardly!  But, I can guarantee you those venues will be my earned reward for every 1,000 words I write.

The journey set before me will take to the max the discipline I adhered to when writing daily devotions here.  When I reflect upon that entire year of writing, without missing a beat, I see now how God was preparing me for this time in my life when precision and dedication and determination are tantamount.

I'm convinced.  The Lord is ever preparing us to receive and to act upon what's best for us and best for His purposes.  He knows there are times and seasons for everything under Heaven.

And, summer, I realize now, is my season.

My season in Him.

Everything under God.

Everything that is good.

Together, Lord, we'll make it happen!


When in your life has God directed you to take a detour from what you assumed to be your purpose?  What was the outcome?

Prayer:  Dear Father, I pray that we all listen to Your voice, intently and intentionally, so we can glean the direction in which You want us to go in this life.  We are here to be the hands and feet of Jesus.  May we reflect that in all our thoughts and actions, each and every day, and understand in our hearts that there is a time and purpose for all we do in Your name.  In Jesus' precious name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. Take your time and order your priorities as your life under His direction dictates, and we, your readers, will be here. God bless, Martha :-)

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Rick! I'm SO glad you showed up here. For some reason I cannot fathom, I was unable to access your blog about a month and a half ago, and still can't figure out why. If you would be so kind as to put your blog address here, I will happily follow you again, my friend. I've missed reading you!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Martha,

    I really admire you and your commitment to writing. As a writer (or wannabe writer) in non-fiction, I understand the amount of time, energy, blood, sweat, and tears it takes. (My biggest writing project to date is my master's thesis--lots of original research.) It can be isolating too!

    I also agree with Rick!

    As for me, God has given me several detours over the last few years. The latest (water in my [unfinished] basement), led to the nearly completed cleaning out of the basement--stuff that really needed to go--I started on it long ago. With the help of friends a lot more was done to get the project closer to done. While there's a bit more to do, it seems more doable. (It's about gaining order, or at least a degree of order.)

    Love and blessings!

    1. Writing, indeed, can be an isolating experience - makes me happy to have social media when I need a break! And, I do believe that God creates detours for reasons we may not realize at the moment but, looking back, we will see the hows and whys clearly. Keep plugging away at that thesis! :)
      Love and blessings!

  3. Very good! Thank you for sharing

    1. Thank you, David, for dropping by. Even though I'm taking a hiatus, I hope you will follow my blog in the future. You can also read my alternate blog, Moments and Musings, at
      Blessings to you!

  4. I wish you the best of luck with your book. I have been struggling with my writing, not feeling well, and just trying to keep up with my kids this summer. Since participating in the A-Z in April I have been a bit burned out and wondering if I really want to write at all. When I do write the saddest most depressing stories come flooding out of me. I feel they are good...but they are so sad. Oftentimes I feel like a fish out of water with absolutely no I have backed away from writing a bit and in the process have felt guilty for not wanting to write. Lazy! I still have managed a couple times a week but by no means if I am ready to write daily again. It is just too much right now. So I struggle wondering if I should just quit or whether I will continue. I find tremendous peace and understanding when I read your words here. I connect with God a little more every time I visit. Thank you for that! ♥

    1. Kathy, we have shared. :) One thing you are not is lazy. You have children who need you, especially in the summer months when they are home with you. I can't think of a more honorable or venerated position in life than being the best mom you can be. Trust me - the memories created with spending time now with them will create writing opportunities to last a lifetime! Davy and Anna, characters in my books, are based upon my own son and daughter. Open up and allow them to speak to you, remember the good times and even the bad, and the best will win out in you.
      Love and blessings!

  5. You do such a great job of connecting via your blogging, Martha. But it's great to know you're going to be focusing on your book. I will certainly be praying for you, knowing that you will do a great job of writing it. ♥

    1. Coming from you, Corinne, this means so much. Honestly, I hate letting the blog go, but doesn't God perpetually move us forward when we are open to His lead? I so appreciate your prayers as I push myself to follow where God is leading. Some days, I moan and groan, thinking of the mountain of words laying ahead, and temporarily forgetting the joy I feel when I obey His will. Today, I wrote another 1,650. I'm trusting in Him.
      Love and blessings!

  6. This is great, Martha. And I love how God uses our words that encourage others to build us up too in those hard times. Reaching outside ourselves, we find more of Him meeting us. Blessings on your writing season in Jesus' name! Thanks.

    1. Thank you, Jason! I'm feeling so blessed to be where I am right now, and I know God is in it all. :)
      Love and blessings!

  7. wow Martha, I really admire your dedication to your calling. I too have a book in my heart and just can't seem to commit to the time and to saying no to other things so I can focus on it. You are inspiring me!!

  8. It is a blessing to me to know I could inspire you, Jean. If the book is within, it will come out, guaranteed! God works in ways we can never truly imagine until we allow Him to work through us. That's the way it's been for me, but it is different for everyone. I pray He blesses and calls forth the writing which abides within you and is sure to call others to His loving message!
    Love and blessings!


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