Tuesday, March 3, 2015

My Solitary Place

Mark 1:35
Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

So many of my Christian blogging friends have shared their daily practice of rising early to greet the day in reading and meditating upon the Word, spending time pondering and reflecting upon scripture, and engaging in meaningful conversations with God.  If you have been following my blog these past two weeks, you are aware of my Lenten discipline to spend time with God every morning before I even turn on my computer and respond to the demands of the day.

Before our recent home renovation, I was using our kitchen table to settle down with materials gathered in order to put this invaluable time into practice.  No longer!  In our modest, but intimately reformed middle bedroom, I've created a lasting space and place for morning worship.  My solitary place.  Surrounded by the reminders of God's love for me, it is the perfect environment to simply be with Him.

Trusting in His presence and promises.

Dwelling with Him as I read His word and gaze out the window at His gracious creation.

Writing out my thoughts which He inspires.

Resting in His everlasting arms.

Prepared to begin my day on the narrow way and to keep it there in faith.


Do you have a special place set aside in your home where you daily spend time with God?

Prayer:  Father, may we always realize and treasure the necessity of spending intimate time with You each and every day.  Allow us, by Your Grace, to seek Your wisdom and love so freely offered, and claim it in quiet and solitude, knowing You hear our prayers and are working within us to help us remain on the narrow way.  In Jesus' name, amen.


  1. No I don't. I almost 100% of the time have my "Encounter Time" at the office. My new practice has been no computer turned on, and no reading of anything before my Time with Him.

    1. I think the office is a perfect place for spending time with God, especially in those early hours before things get cranking. :) I'm doing that same practice - no computer before prayer time - and it has worked marvels in me thus far.
      Love and blessings!

  2. I've always loved that photo of a laughing Jesus!

    Currently my space IS the kitchen table... just a few feet away from the bird feeder and where sometimes deer wander by...

    1. Yes, Sandra, I've had that photo for years and it never ceases to bring a smile to my face, seeing my Lord as truly human. I know Scripture says, "Jesus wept," but I have no doubt He enjoyed a hearty laugh, too!
      Sounds like your kitchen table works great for you. I love nothing better than watching my birds and squirrels, and like you, I often have deer strolling through the yard.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Martha, your solitary place is beautiful! I really don't have a special, dedicated space, at this point. My normal place is my living room couch. I'm thankful that I can meet with the Lord anywhere and at any time.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Oh, yes, so true, Kim, that we can meet with the Lord anywhere at any time. I very often do that throughout my day, even at my computer reading other Christian blogs. I'm just glad to have a quiet, solitary space all to myself to start the day with Him!
      Love and blessings!

  4. What a beautiful space, Martha. Yes, I too have a study space that I use for reflecting, praying, writing and blogging.

    1. Thank you, Corinne! Glad to know you have your own solitary space , too.
      Love and blessings!

  5. I have a small space but it's enough to help me work and be in His presence.

    1. Any space is fine, SuperLux, if it is where you can commune with the Lord.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Lovely...I kind of have time with God everywhere...just wherever the spirit moves me.

    1. Amen, Kathy! I have those times, too, especially when I'm out on our deck watching the birds and squirrels in our yard. As I said to Kim above, I just like having a special place to start my day off right with Him.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Lovely...I kind of have time with God everywhere...just wherever the spirit moves me.

  8. Great comment, Kathy! I feel the same way, Martha. Whenever I'm moved is a good time for prayer and it's great to see God everywhere around us. I've always found the dining room table ideal for prayer and reflection. Not feeding my body but feeding my soul first thing in the mornings.

    1. I loved Kathy's comment, too, Vishnu, and it's so, so true. And feeding our souls first thing goes far in keeping us spiritually healthy and in tune with Him.
      Love and blessings!

  9. I do have a corner in my office where I begin each day curled up in prayer and Bible study. After years of being in a hurry to get out of the house, I'm so thankful for the time to just be quiet with the Lord.

    1. Oh, I don't miss those frantic years of hurry either, Deb! So nice to know you have a special place just to spend quiet time with the Lord.
      Love and blessings!

  10. You have a sacred place! I have that same picture of the laughing Jesus in my special place. I know having a place for devotions, help me center more quickly to encounter God.


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  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...