Friday, April 24, 2015


Mark 7:27-28
"First let the children eat all they want," he told her, "for it is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to the dogs."
"Lord," she replied, "even the dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs."

My husband, Danny, and I have been feeding birds in our backyard for almost ten years.  Both feeders are "squirrel-buster" models because, as much as I'm partial to my Greys and Racers, I know that a too-accessible feeder would be ravaged in no time.  The birds wouldn't stand a chance!

The squirrels seem content with the "crumbs" as the birds tend to be messy eaters, dropping almost as much seed as they consume, but during this particularly cold winter, I decide my furry friends need a break.  When I go outside to fill the feeders, I also spread generous amounts of sunflower seeds on the ground below them.  It doesn't take long before the area is rife with squirrels as news of the magnanimous repast spreads like wildfire through our woods.  We are continually entertained as we watch the squirrels' territorial spats, frolics, and mad chases up and down the trees closest to the feeders.

However, as time goes by, Danny realizes the high traffic is creating a hazardous situation for his coveted moss around the base of one of those trees.  Just as some of you are partial to smooth, grassy, weed-free lawns, Danny is enamored with his moss, especially since we almost lost it completely in the summer droughts which plagued our region several years ago.  Now that it's thriving once again, Danny wants to encourage its continued growth and doesn't need rowdy, rambunctious squirrels tearing it up as they pursue one another wildly across the yard.

After seeing these photos, can you blame him?

Danny layers mulch thickly beneath the bird feeders and then designs a feasting site for the squirrels to call their own.

So far, this arrangement is working splendidly.  And though a few squirrels still hunker down beneath the feeders, waiting for those delectable crumbs to drop, most are celebrating with a hearty party at the table spread for them.


Because our Lord Jesus lived among us, died for our sins, and was risen in glory, we are no longer orphans nor outcasts, destined to only intermittently glean crumbs of God's love and grace.  No!  We are His children.  He invites us with loving and open arms to dine at His table.  So, like the squirrels discovering their special place of honor, see the glorious place He has prepared for you!  Taste of the goodness He freely offers!  Revel in God's gift of freedom and salvation!

Celebrate, child of God!


Prayer:  Father, we are so grateful that Jesus came to save all sinners, Jews and Gentiles, male and female, slave and free, and offers us eternal life in Him.  May we rest in the knowledge of Your never-ending love for us as Your children and celebrate the wonders of Your mercy and grace.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. The moss is beautiful! Your Danny is pretty clever. :)

    1. Thanks, Kathy! Yes, I love him and the moss, too!
      Love and blessings!

  2. That is very kind and ingenious of you both. You are doing a fine job of feeding those squirrels.

    1. Thanks, Janaki! They do seem to be enjoying themselves. :)
      Love and blessings!

  3. Martha, the moss looks wonderful. I love your imagery of feeding birds and squirrels to the spiritual feeding our Heavenly Father provides.
    Love and blessings!

    1. Thanks, Kim! Glad you liked the imagery here.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Hi Martha! You are so good to those squirrels. We are at war with ours! Our bird feeder is always being scouted out by them...our birds are messy eaters too. Ah, the feast on the ground!
    What a great little tablecloth your husband came up with to solve the moss problem. I'm so glad it's working too. We usually end up with all kinds of plants under our feeder...corn mostly, by the fall. Having a tarp would really cut down on the sprouting crops!

    1. I do understand those squirrel wars, especially if any decide living in your attic is preferable to the great outdoors. :) Knock on wood, but that has yet to happen here. And I know what you mean by those ground sprouts. We used to have them until we switched our bird seed to straight sunflower.
      Love and blessings, Ceil!

  5. Love the reflection, Martha! And of course, those squirrels know how important they are to your life! ;)

    1. Oh, yes, they do! :) Glad you enjoyed the reflection, Corinne.
      Love and blessings!

  6. I loved this! I really appreciate and admire the love and compassion that you show towards all God's creatures. What a wonderful post!

    1. I can't help doing so, my dear, it is a part of my God-given nature. So glad you liked the post!
      Love and blessings to you!

  7. A win win Martha - for the squirrels and for us in our lives with God. Like you say - why go for the crumbs when God's set up the whole table for us? I'm so glad I took his invitation and have been blessed by his divine place at His table:)

    1. Yes, a definite win-win, Vishnu! I'm so glad you accepted His invitation to dine at His table. I know that was the best decision of my life, and I'm sure it was for you, too, my friend.
      Love and blessings!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...