Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Working at Living

John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.

What are you going to do when you retire?

That's a question commonly asked by friends and coworkers when they hear you're planning to exit the workforce for good.  My husband, Danny, who officially retired from EPA on August 31st, after 26 years of service, fields this one repeatedly.  His response?  "I'll figure it out.  I've got plenty of things to do."

Folks, in this, my year of HUGE, Danny's answer just might be the most gargantuan understatement of the year!

Being an engineer, Danny has always had a knack for organization.  He's already tackled our cupboards, our pantry and our linen/medicine closet.  Here he is decluttering the latter:

Boy, am I ever grateful for Danny's ability and willingness to arrange our home for the better!  But what elicits the most thankfulness in me is his unbridled burst of creativity at the Orlando Cafe.  The chief chef has transformed into Master Chef!  Pictured below are some exquisite dishes Danny has never prepared before retiring, and each one is as scrumptious and savory as it appears.

Although Danny's made mac and cheese, collards and turnips many times before, the miso flavor in the turnips offers a unique twist on an otherwise rather bland veggie.

And no Italian kitchen would be complete without homemade pasta!

But here's the real kicker, y'all!  Danny, who rarely makes desserts, and who never, ever has tried his hand at homemade bread, does both!!!

Should we change "Orlando Cafe" to "Orlando Cafe and Bakery?  Maybe so!

Yes, it looks like Danny is well on his way to working at a living.

And isn't that precisely what Jesus wants all of us to do?

I came that they may have life, and have it to the full . . .

Not half-hearted, half-baked, lukewarm living.  But all-out, headlong, go for the gusto living.

That's what Jesus promises us.  That's what we get when we trust He will deliver on that promise.

Retired or not, may we all recognize, celebrate and give thanks for the abundant life our Lord offers to us each and every day.

Let's live it out!



  1. I like to think there will always be something to do.

    Psalm 92:14-
    Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green...

    1. Yes, Sandi, there is always something to do, no matter where we are in life.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Do you loan him out or do you invite people to be your guest? I like what he is doing. Staying busy.

    1. Lol, Bill! Actually, Danny cooks for four every night, as my son is living with us and we freeze meals to take to Danny's mom. We've had many folks over to eat with us in the past, and need to start doing that again.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Oh my! I'm forwarding your post on to my husband who's retired a few months back and is loving it.

    But if he could add cooking to his schedule? Oh wow!!! How cool that would be!

    Happy for you, Martha. Happy for him.

    1. Very cool to know your husband is retired, too, Linda. Yes, maybe if he sees this, he'll decide to try his hand at cooking. It couldn't hurt!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Martha and Danny, Okay, I'm hungry now. You got me with that bread! The pictures are fabulous and so are your memes, Martha.
    I so enjoyed this post.
    As Christians, I don't think we ever really retire. God just moves us on to other services for His glory!
    Blessings to you both!

    1. Beckie, I'd love to take credit for the memes, but Danny did those on his phone. Quite the talented guy! :)
      I knew this would have the hunger effect on some readers, too. But the food pics were just too good not to include.
      And you're so right about retirement from a Christian perspective - we never retire from doing God's will, we just move with Him as He leads us.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Wow! I think I gained weight just looking at the photos! Great post, Martha! And, encouragement for the future! Blessings!

    1. Paul, it's a good thing photos still don't come with a smelling option, isn't it? :) That would make the dishes WAY too tempting!
      So glad you enjoyed the post and were encouraged by it.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Martha, what a great post to remind us all to LIVE the life Jesus calls us to live. Danny is quite talented in the kitchen--all the food and bread looks amazing! Looking at it all is making me a bit hungry. :) When it comes to the Lord we're either all in or all out no gray area. I'm glad to see that Danny is keeping well-occupied in retirement.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Yes, Kim, when it comes to God, we must be all in! He will certainly give us that abundant life when we follow His lead.
      And Danny is quite talented in the kitchen, and so enjoys what he does. Happy times!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Wow, Martha! I'm happy for you and for Danny. It's even more amazing in light of those past posts when Danny's life was so precarious. Blessings and hugs!

    1. Yes, indeed, it is, Trudy! We are feeling so blessed, and are truly enjoying each and every day we share.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Wow!!! When he runs out of things at your house, send him on down here! How wonderful that he enjoys cooking and baking and re-organizing! Every woman's dream! LOL. Now, you should have plenty of time to write that next book!! Just a thought. So happy for both of you. Do take time out to just enjoy being together and doing things you couldn't do while he was working. Such a blessing!!

    1. It is an amazing blessing, Pamela, and we are reveling in every moment together. Still getting used to this new faze in our lives, but counting each day together a bonus day. God has granted us so much grace this year, and we're praying He will use us to further His kingdom in the years to come.
      If we ever do visit your way, we'll have to let Danny make us all dinner! Wouldn't that be fun?
      Love and blessings!

  9. Martha, this was really fun and made me smile. Congratulations to Danny on his retirement. God does indeed want us to live full abundant lives in and with Him. What a great way to remind us of this special truth. :-)

    1. So glad you enjoyed the post, Marcie! I will pass your congratulations on to Danny. We're enjoying every day of his retirement, and pray that will go on for a long time.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Oh man! My mouth is watering!

    Being retired doesn't mean you can't be productive and be an asset to society. And obviously loved ones!

    Love Danny's attitude and organizational skills. The world is sorely short of folks like him.

    I'm not sharing this with my wife... for obvious reasons.... !

    1. Yes, Floyd, I knew I would make some folks hungry with these photos. They work on me the same way!
      And I don't blame you for not sharing with your wife, especially if she does most/all of the cooking. She might just have you spending more time on Food Network. LOL!
      Love and blessings!

  11. been loving your Orlando Cafe pics on facebook. wow!

    1. So glad you're enjoying them, Jean! I'll be sure to tell Danny.
      Love and blessings!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...