Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

Matthew 6:19-20
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.  But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal."

In many churches throughout the country, November is the month designated for the annual stewardship campaign.  Members are asked to prayerfully consider the amount of money they will contribute to the church in the coming year, and to sign up to use their gifts and talents in different ministries offered by the church to the community.

After long, interminable weeks of monetary solicitations from various political campaigns via email and texts, I have to admit that being asked, once again, for money is at the bottom of my priority list.  But Pastor Graham's excellent sermon this past Sunday puts everything in the correct perspective.

He begins by stating what we all feel - it's a relief to have the elections behind us (well, sort of, unless you live in Georgia or Florida, but don't get me started), and goes on to give us the exorbitant amounts raised by some of the campaigns.  As I hadn't paid too much attention to this, I am shocked when I hear of one candidate, who will remain nameless, raised over $70 million, and still lost the race.  And the two gubernatorial candidates, right here in our home state of Georgia, raised over $60 million between them.

Stunning, overwhelming, unimaginable amounts of cash.  Pastor Graham explains why:  People will give where their hope is.

Let that sink in for a moment . . .

We, as Christians, declare we place our hope in Jesus.  But do we?  How committed are we to the campaign for God's Kingdom?  How generously do we give of our financial resources, our time, our talents, to serve others in need?  Are we storing up treasures here on earth, or are our treasures found in heaven?

It's all too easy to be a Sunday Christian, sitting placidly each week in a pew, comfortably on the receiving end of the message.  It's much more difficult to take up the cross of Jesus, denying ourselves in order to follow Him.

So this time around, I've decided to put my money where my mouth is.  I'm not leaving our pledge up to my husband, Danny, as I have in the past, but will make a financial commitment of my own.  After all, if I proclaim Jesus as my Lord and Savior, my one true Hope, I have to follow through with some meaningful and make-a-difference fund-raising.

And proudly campaign for the spread of His Kingdom.



  1. As a pastor I dislike preaching on money. I do preach on stewardship (time, talent, treasure) but preaching on money is not my favorite topic. :) I don't have an annual stewardship campaign but do preach expository sermons, often times through a book. if the Scripture is about that topic it gets preached. Speaking of money raised, I was reading an article yesterday on the amount raised and spent by two senatorial candidates for Indiana. It would have fed a whole lot of people.

    1. When I heard the amounts raised, Bill, I thought the exact same thing - how many people could have been fed with that dough? And I hear you about disliking preaching on the subject of money, but I must admit, Pastor Graham did a great job of putting the stewardship commitment in a positive light. As you can tell from this post, his words really touched my heart.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Ouch!!! This post really hits at the right place ... Ouch again!!!

    You are so right, Martha. How really committed are we to the Kingdom of God? Do we go to church on Sunday just to tick our passport to Heaven and ensure it is up-to-date? Or are we more committed, not just in money terms, but also in spending time and other resources towards helping our church and in proclaiming the Good News of Christ?

    Ouch ... your post has a way of hurting me. I'd better re-examine whether I do enough.

    God bless.

    1. Sitting in church and hearing Pastor Graham's words was a big "ouch" for me, too, Victor. We all need a true wake up call from time to time, don't we? Too easy to fall into a rut and think we're doing fine because we haven't yet driven off the road. Thanks for your thoughts here!
      Love and blessings!

    2. You see Martha ... I DO give to charity, I DO help in church when I can ... but ... is it enough?

      God bless.

    3. I think that's a matter for prayer, Victor. God will convict us one way or another.
      Love and blessings!

  3. "We put our money where our hope is". WELL SAID, My Friend!!

    1. I sure wish I could take credit for that one, but Pastor Graham deserves all the accolades in this case, Loralu. Just so glad his words inspired this post.
      Love and blessings!

  4. I agree that we need to put our money and time where our hope is. That was an excellent way to explain it. However, the BIG money raised during election time is not necessarily about hope but is more about power and privileges and making even more money. Politicians are no longer in the game for what they can do for their country or state or constituents. I am disgusted with politics and politicians. Sigh.

    1. Terri, I hear you, loud and clear. I, too, am disgusted with the shenanigans going on in both Florida and Georgia right now, when it should have been an open and shut case a week ago. I am aware that lots of campaign money raised doesn't come from the grassroots in the case of some politicians, but case in point: O'Roarke raised two and a half times the amount that Cruz did, yet he still lost (what I left out above). So, I hold out hope that votes can't be bought.
      Love and blessings!

  5. I must confess that as Bill doesn't like preaching about money, so I don't like hearing about it. Preaching about giving generously from our hearts when we see someone in need, I feel more comfortable with. Like really seeing and helping the single mom or struggling parents who have to keep putting groceries back because it's out of budget. And there's nothing even in it that they don't really need. It's sad. There are so many in need and so many charities outside of the church as well. Though I know churches need to be maintained, too, and the needy within them. But yes, we do need those wake-up times though. :) It does sound like your pastor put things in the right perspective. It's shocking to hear how much money is spent on politics. Thank you, Martha, for these thoughts that should stir our hearts to being cheerful givers. Love and hugs to you!

    1. Trudy, yes, there are so very many folks in need of financial help and support in this country, and it breaks my heart. Our church does participate in lots of outreach projects that meet those needs, but unless we support the infrastructure of the church, giving in those areas becomes problematic. I find myself often wishing that I had unlimited resources so I could help the people whom you've described here, but we can always give more than we think we can. That's where I want to be - trusting that God will give me those opportunities to show His love and care for others in a big way.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Where our hope lies. Man, I needed to see this. Honestly, it's become wearisome to sit (squirming) in the pew when our pastor begins to recite cause after cause … after cause. When frankly, we've no more to give. Like Trudy has written, I prefer to give directly ... spontaneously, even when I see someone struggle.

    1. Mevely, I like to do the same, believe you me. I'm a big fan of giving to Samaritan's Purse several times a year, as I know they are doing great work in the name of Jesus. And if we didn't have my MIL living with us full time, I'd have long ago signed up to volunteer at our local food pantry and other ministries. Right now, she's my ministry, so if I can give to the church so that others can be the hands and feet of Jesus in the community, so be it.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Martha, you've penned a thoughtful post--lots to consider. How committed am I to Jesus and His cause? Yikes! It seems to me that politics have gotten completely out of hand, we've lost our focus and our way. Only Jesus has the true answer to what ails us today.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Yes, Kim, only Jesus has the true answers that we all need. Let's commit to praying 2 Chronicles 7:14 for the sake of our nation's future. Keep your hope in the One who can save!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Martha, you’ve given us some things to ponder. Thank you for your candid post on a not so popular topic.
    My thoughts: imagine if the church gave as Christ directed? The stats reflect that only 3% of church members tithe the way the Bible clearly commands.
    A reflection of the the words of Jesus, “where you treasure is, there will be your heart.”
    I want my life to demonstrate that my gratest treasure is Christ which includes following His commands.

    1. I'm not surprised at that stat, Beckie. I've been praying about that, too, as I'm seeking God's wisdom to give the amount to the church that I should. And our lives should reflect our greatest treasure - Christ Jesus!
      Love and blessings!

  9. This is a challenging message, Martha ... and one much needed. Thank you for the reminder that Jesus is our hope, our reason, our purpose. How can we invest our all into His Kingdom, His will, His desires.

    And what are we willing to sacrifice ...

    1. Amen, Linda, what are we willing to sacrifice for Jesus who sacrificed His all for our salvation? I'd wager that whatever we could give wouldn't amount to a hill of beans, but the Lord knows our hearts and our intentions to serve Him. May we give out of the love He has shown us.
      Love and blessings!

  10. What a timely message this is. I love your attitude about raising funds to further the kingdom. “Store up treasures in heaven where moths cannot destroy and thieves cannot break in and steal.

    1. Amen, Nells! We do need to give where our hope is, and that hope is in Jesus.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Powerful truth! How folks spend money or what they don't spend money on tells everything about there heart.

    The giving and sacrifice is for our benefit... not His. As Bono once said very well, "My God's not short of cash, Mister!"

    1. So true, Floyd - where we spend our money reveals so much about our heart condition. And helping others in need, whenever possible, is exactly what Jesus would want us to do.
      Love and blessings!

  12. People will give where their hope is. - what a powerful statement. Just think of how people are putting their trust and hope into weak politicians, booze, and like me, books. You have a very wise pastor I would say and thanks for sharing this wonderful thought

    1. A very wise pastor, indeed, Jean, and Graham is only in his early thirties! He has truly been a blessing to our church, especially since we are struggling to hold onto membership at this time.
      Let us give generously in Jesus' name, claiming the hope we have in Him.
      Love and blessings!


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