Friday, February 22, 2019


Danny's beloved mother, and my dearest mother-in-love, passes away in her sleep in the wee hours of February 20th.  She's endured an immensely difficult week, her health seeming to hang, moment by moment, by a tenuous thread.  God, in His great mercy, prepares our hearts for her immanent departure.  It is in the aftermath of one of those "on the brink of death"moments that He gives me the words of the poem which follows.  I share it with you, my friends, as a tribute to this headstrong, God-following, fiercely loving woman, who was never afraid to grab life by the horns and ride it for all it was worth.

We love you, Mimi, we miss you, and we always will until we join you one day.  Rejoice in the amazing mansion your Lord and Savior, Jesus, has prepared for you out of His endless and eternal love and grace.

John 14:2
My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?

When she grips my hand
In desperation, warm
The touch, skin to skin
Hers, paper thin
Mine supple.  Reminder
Of the present moment
When life, in balance, hangs
We cling, cannot let go
Choose to fight, surrender
Not an option.  Never!
I urge her to hold on
Return to living lands
When perhaps, I should
Instead, help her embrace
The place she can call home.



  1. A wonderful tribute to your mom-in-law. Please accept my sincerest condolences. There's a new Saint in Heaven.

    Praying for you all.

    God bless you and may He console you at this difficult time.

    1. Yes, Victor, there is a new saint in Heaven. Thank you most sincerely for your prayers, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  2. My prayers are with you, your husband, your family...

    1. Thank you so much, Ryan, for your prayers. So appreciated!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Thinking of you. Praying for you.

    A bittersweet season ...

    1. Bittersweet, indeed, Linda. Thank you for the prayers, my friend!
      Love and blessings!

  4. You already know my thoughts Martha. Prayers have been sent on your behalf for comfort and peace. Her? NO need to pray for her. She is with the Father. What could be better than that?

    1. At home with Jesus . . . Nothing could be better than that, Bill. Thanks so much for your prayers.
      Love and blessings!

  5. I came over to catch up on your blog before heading to the cabin this morning, and I'm glad I did. Never has your faith been more beautifully expressed than in these last few posts, and especially this one. You and Danny have walked alongside your mother in law through this last part of her life. What a gift to her, and I expect even with the challenges to you both as well. I'm reminded of Matthew 25:23 -- "Well done, good and faithful servant." That could apply to you and Danny, and to your mother in law as well.

    1. I'm so glad you chose to visit my blog before heading off for the weekend, Galen. Yes, it was a difficult journey, but we would never have had it any other way. Her presence with us until the very end was a gift we will always treasure. Knowing she is home at last gives us such great comfort.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Oh, Martha! The words, "paper thin" transported me immediately back to my dear mother's deathbed. Your poem resonates deeply. It's definitely something I'm clipping and preserving; perhaps it will give my own son comfort someday. Prayers for your and Danny's peace.

    1. Oh, Mevely, I'm both touched and honored that you liked this poem enough to copy and keep it. Wow! And though the "paper thin" hands took you back to being with your mother at her passing, I do hope the memory was not sad for you, my friend. It is a sensation I will never forget . . .
      Love and blessings!

  7. Peace and rest to you, sweet friend. I know you've endured much suffering, especially watching Mimi disappear. My love to you and Danny and all the family during this sad time. And by the way, your poetry expresses your heart beautifully.

    1. "Watching Mimi disappear . . ."
      That is precisely how it felt, Debra, especially the final week before she passed on. She was suffering so, and it broke our hearts to watch her going through the struggle. I'm so relieved that she is now healed in heaven, and reunited with those she loved throughout her life that have gone before her.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Martha,
    I’m so sorry for your loss, my friend. What a beautiful poem tribute to a godly woman.
    Love and peace to you, Danny and all who loved mimi.

    1. Thank you so much, Beckie, for your kind and caring words here. I so appreciate them!
      Love and blessings!

  9. I can feel your heart beating in each word you wrote for your dear mother-in-love. Always hard. Never easy. Our faith in Christ keeps us strong always. I'm so sorry for your family's great loss and send my hugs and prayers for you all.

    1. Thank you, Terri, for your amazing and comforting words here. Yes, our faith in Jesus is what gives us strength, each and every day, but especially at times like this.
      Love and blessings!

  10. I continue to pray for you and Danny, Martha! What a blessing to have a "headstrong, God-following, fiercely loving woman, who was never afraid to grab life by the horns and ride it for all it was worth." I had one, too! God bless you, my friend!

    1. Thank you so much for your continued prayers, Deb! And happy to know that your MIL (or was it your Mom?) was just as feisty and God-fearing. What a joy that is!
      Love and blessings!

  11. Martha, I know you already know that I've been praying and will continue to do so. The words to the poem given to you by the Lord are beautiful! What a beautiful and heart-felt tribute your mother-in-law.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Thank you, Kim, for your continued prayers and for your kind words here. They mean so much, my friend!
      Love and blessings!

  12. I'm so, so sorry for both of you, Martha. May God give you and all the family special strength! Your memorial poem is so tender and touching! Love and blessings to you!

    1. Thanks so much, Trudy, for your heartfelt words here. They mean so much, especially at this difficult time.
      Love and blessings!

  13. When my mother died and because the dementia had taken my mother away it was in some way a relief and I fought the guilt for feeling that way. she has been gone for two years, I miss her the mother I had before the dementia. I would never want her back as she was the last few years, her only hope was God would take her home quickly. Because of my honesty about this my daughter said to me as she lay in bed with her Grandma those last days, Mom you have taught me how to let go. We started letting go way before Mom died and I think that is where the relief comes from. It is such a difficult journey losing our parents, full of lots of guilt and pain that they would never even wants us to go through. I have a friend who works for hospice and she was a great help to me as I worked through a lot of family baggage. I have a great picture on by my computer of her and often I scroll through the ones of her on my computer, they makes me smile because I remember the fun we had. I was her best friend and she was mine.

    1. What a touching story you have shared here, Betty, with lessons for all of us about the importance of being able to let go. My Dad had Alzheimer's, and I began grieving early on, so when God called him home, I was well on that journey of acceptance.
      Yes, it's so difficult to lose a parent. But our comfort comes from knowing they are home with the Lord.
      Love and blessings!

  14. Oh, Martha! I am SO very sorry to hear of your deep grief and loss. You and your husband have our deepest sympathy. May the dear Lord hold you close and comfort you through this difficult time.

    1. Thank you, Cheryl! Yes, we do feel the Lord's presence surrounding us, and everyone's prayers are definitely making a difference.
      Love and blessings!

  15. I love that God gave you this poem during those very difficult and powerful moments, when your mother in law was transitioning between life and death and eternity...I know exactly how you felt, having been through this with my own MIL just a few months ago. She fought death fiercely for several weeks actually...would rally and come back just when we thought she was gone...and finally she allowed God to calm her spirit and give her peace about letting go of this life...and she was able to pass sweetly into His arms. It was a struggle, but once she let go, peace reigned true for all of us. We knew she was "finally home". I know these days are hard for your family, settling into the "new normal" without your beloved with you...but when you think of where she is such a joy to know this is not the end...but just the beginning for her..and someday for you all. Sending love and prayers and many hugs to you and yours.

    1. Yes, Pamela, I was so moved that God gave these words to me at the time I needed them the most. Mimi did fight until she could no longer, and now she truly knows that peace which transcends all understanding, resting in the Father's arms.
      Love and blessings!

  16. Dear Martha. I can so relate to your conflicted thoughts in your poem. I know I've wanted my loved ones to hang on, give us all one more day or week to be together. But, it's not always the plan...
    My heart goes out to you and Danny and your family. I will be praying for all of you as you walk through these tough, tough days and weeks. It's good to know, as Bill said, that your MIL is in heaven. She is always with you.

    1. Thank you, Ceil, for your prayers and your caring thoughts. They mean the world to us at this time. And yes, knowing Mimi is home with the Lord has provided great comfort to us at this time. Jesus, I know, welcomed her with open arms.
      Love and blessings!

  17. Beautiful and heart-felt and soul-stirring poem, Martha. Praying for you and Danny and your family.

    1. Thanks for the prayers, Karen. They are greatly appreciated!
      Love and blessings!

  18. Praying your sweet memories comfort you in the days to come. You loved her well!

    1. Thanks so much for your prayers, Loralu; they are much appreciated!
      Love and blessings!

  19. I am so sorry for your loss Martha! The poem is extremely touching.

    Sending hugs and prayers your way!


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