Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Whew! Close Call!

Psalm 5:11
But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy.  Spread your protection over them that those who love your name may rejoice in you.

Most of Friday and Saturday, Easter weekend, is spent by my husband, Danny, and his son, Nicco, in a tireless effort to upgrade Danny's computer, a need that is long overdue.  No, I don't take any photos of the process, as granddaughter, Virginia Rose, is visiting, but trust me when I say that the kitchen table remains in a state of organized chaos.

We get up extra early on Easter Sunday to allow us plenty of time to prepare to attend the contemporary service.  Danny is disheartened to discover that the drive on the computer that was left running so as to fully install overnight, freezes at 75%.  His computer, under these circumstances, is unusable.

Talk about frustration!

"Honey, why don't you retrieve your laptop out of the closet?"  I suggest.  "That way, you can have a viable computer for now, and not be confined to your phone."

"Good idea," Danny agrees, and hastens to get the Mac up and going.

As I'm focused upon readying Virginia and myself for church, Danny notices a disturbing anomaly with the laptop.  The track pad is bulging, betraying an ominous swelling of the computer's lithium battery.  If left unchecked, it could catch fire, emit toxic gasses, or worse yet, it could explode!  Help!  What are we to do?

Danny decides to risk carrying the ticking time bomb outside, and lays it down on a barren dirt section of the yard, praying the entire time that the battery won't fail until after he reaches his destination.  This move ensures that if there is an explosion or fire, no tinder would be close enough to ignite.

When we return from Easter services, the computer is, thankfully, still inert.  Yes!  But we are still faced with the conundrum of how to fix the problem safely and forever.

Enter Nicco!  He's come over to complete the PC update, but when told a more pressing issue is at hand, he handles it like a pro.  Unafraid and undaunted, he takes the laptop out to the driveway, removes the battery delicately, and proceeds to attack it mercilessly with a mallet and screwdriver.  Now the battery is ripe for a long soak in heavily salted water, guaranteed to neutralize it for good.

Whew!  Close call averted!  Boy, how blessed and relieved we feel.

What begins as an irritating nuisance forces us to discover where the true threat is lurking.  Right there in Danny's closet.  An evil poised to pounce and destroy without warning.

Danny and I have no doubt that the events of the day are orchestrated by our Lord.  It is a wake-up call, a saving grace.  The signs are seen, and the signs are heeded without question.

God's protection is spread over us this day, fully and completely.

We are glad, singing with joy, and cherishing His infinite love and mercy.

And oh, how thankful we are!


Are there detours you were forced to take in your life, when you thought it was an inconvenience, but it turned out to be a blessing?

Friday, April 26, 2019

The Treasure Box

Matthew 6:19-20
Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.  But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.

When I take our granddaughter, Virginia Rose, home after spending the weekend with us earlier this month, she is crushed to discover that her little sisters, Savannah Jane and Alexandra Nancy, have rifled through her special possessions during her absence.  Virginia is so distraught, she actually cries, something this always-smiling child rarely does.

It breaks my heart . . .

When I tell my husband, Danny, about it, he is naturally grieved, as any loving Papa would be.  But he has a brilliant solution to the problem.  A small chest, which belonged to his mother, is still sitting at her house.  Danny decides to bring it here, add a clasp and simple dial lock, and present this treasure box to Virginia on her next visit.

And that's exactly what he does!

Just look at the joy on Virginia's face!  Now it's time to teach her how to unlock and lock her box.

Success!!!  And Papa's surprise gift of powdered donuts found inside is the icing on the cake.

It's difficult to imagine from these Easter photos that Savannah and Alexandra could ever be anything but angelic.

But don't let those innocent expressions fool you!  I am praying these two will outgrow their impish ways when it comes to how they treat their big sister.

But for now, Virginia is all set.  Not only does she have something special to remember her Nonna by, but she can also rest assured that her treasures will be kept safe from marauding hands.


We know, as Christians, we are not to put our confidence or trust in our worldly treasures; instead, we are to store up treasures in heaven, the place we will one day call home.  Yet, how many of us leave our house or go to bed without locking our doors?  Do we set an alarm system to ward off would-be thieves?  Are our extra-valuable items stored in a safe for added protection?

Common sense dictates, in this day and age, that taking such precautions is natural and necessary.  However, when our possessions threaten to possess us, therein is the rub.

So yes, protect your earthly belongings, but set your hearts and minds on the reward in God's Treasure Box:  Eternal life!


Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Hope Prevails

Matthew 13:5-6
Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil.  It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow.  But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root.

Errant sprout
Inspired by
God's grace
Springs up
With promise
And hope
Word heard
Shallow soil
Dooms growth
To nothing
Yet it lives
In Son's mercy
Hope prevails
Even in death


Friday, April 19, 2019

What's so Good about Good Friday?

I initially publish this post in March of 2016.  Since I've gained new followers in the past three years, I thought it appropriate to share this reflection with you on this blessed Good Friday.

Mark 15:33-39
At noon, darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon.  And at three in the afternoon, Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?" (which means, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?")
When some of those standing near heard this, they said, "Listen, he's calling Elijah."  Someone ran, filled a sponge with wine vinegar, put it on a staff, and offered it to Jesus to drink.
"Now leave him alone.  Let's see if Elijah comes to take him down," he said.
With a loud cry, Jesus breathed his last.  The curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.  And when the centurion, who stood there in front of Jesus, saw how he died, he said, "Surely this man was the Son of God!"

What's so good about Good Friday?  This is a question I have pondered in my heart over the years.  After all, this is the day Jesus, our Lord and Savior, suffered an excruciatingly painful and ignominious death on a cross.  Shouldn't we be calling Good Friday the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Friday?

Fr. Justin Holcomb shares some insight as to why this holy day is called "good:"

Still, why call the day of Jesus' death "Good Friday" instead of "Bad Friday" or something similar?  Some Christian traditions do take this approach:  In Germany, for example, the day is called Karfreitag, or "Sorrowful Friday."  In English, in fact, the origin of the term "good" is debated; some believe it developed from an older name, "God's Friday."  Regardless of the origin, the name Good Friday is entirely appropriate because the suffering and death of Jesus, as terrible as it was, marked the dramatic culmination of God's plan to save his people from their sins.

Good for us.  No, wait!  Grand and glorious for us!

Because of Jesus' willingness to follow His Father's plan, we are forgiven our sins, once and for all.  And we can look forward to the impending Easter celebration with hope and joy, and the promise of a renewed relationship with our Father in heaven.

But for today, let us all sit at the foot of the cross.  Let us become Mary and the disciple, whom Jesus loved, who witnessed His immeasurable suffering.

Let us be present for our Lord as He gives His all for us.

Let us weep and mourn and pray.

And let us give thanks.


Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Bend Me, Shape Me

Isaiah 64:8
Yet you, Lord, are our Father.  We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.

Our granddaughter, Virginia Rose, has never met a challenge she didn't like.  Whether it's learning a new game or skill, concocting dance moves, or creating works of art, she definitely thinks outside the proverbial box.  And her fertile imagination leads her recently to re-purpose objects, destined for our recycling bin, into useful ones in decorating her reclaimed room here at the house.

A shoe box becomes a treasure chest for her cut-out drawings.

Virginia loves all things space, so I print out this photo she requests as an embellishment.

And who would ever think to transform a discarded Cheerio's box into a trash can?

Or an empty Pringles can into a container for candy?

All these objects sit on top of Virginia's bedroom "table," a large cardboard box; she covers four of the sides with paper, and on each one are written the words:  Love, Faith, Hope, Believe.  Wow!  No, she had no coaching whatsoever from this Gammie!

But Virginia doesn't stop here.  Another cereal box becomes an eagle, complete with outspread wings.  And a paper towel tube turns into a blushing worm.

Not in my wildest dreams would I ever have converted a Stouffer's Mac and Cheese container into a picture frame, yet here it is!

As I watch Virginia's creations take on new life and usefulness, I'm reminded of how God continually fashions us into the vision He has for each of His beloved children.  We are the clay in His capable hands.  And in times of trial and trouble, when we may feel like a discarded piece of trash, He can breathe new life into us, and re-purpose us for His glory.

The question then becomes:  Do we trust God enough to allow Him to do all the shaping and molding that a full life lived in Him requires?  Will we remain faithful and pliant during the process?

The lyrics from a "back in the day" song by The American Breed come to mind; definitely an unconventional prayer, but fitting nonetheless.

Bend me, shape me
Any way you want me,
Long as you love me,
It's alright.
Bend me, shape me
Any way you want me.
You got the power
To turn on the light.


Friday, April 12, 2019

The Courageous Word

Mark 15:42-47
And when evening had come, since it was the day of Preparation, that is, the day before the Sabbath, Joseph of Arimathea, a respected member of the council, who was also himself looking for the kingdom of God, took courage and went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus.  Pilate was surprised to hear that he should have already died.  And summoning a centurion, he asked him whether he was already dead.  And when he learned from the centurion that he was dead, he granted the corpse to Joseph.  And Joseph bought a linen shroud, and taking him down, wrapped him in the linen shroud and laid him in a tomb that had been cut out of the rock.  And he rolled a stone against the entrance to the tomb.  Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of Joses, saw where he was laid.

In his sermon entitled The Courageous Word, Pastor Graham features the story of Joseph of Arimathea as an example of what it means to be a Christ follower.

Joseph is the creme de la creme in Jewish society.  As a member of the Sanhedrin, he is highly honored and well thought of by his peers.  His knowledge of the Law and the Prophets, we can assume, is impeccable.  Joseph undoubtedly believes that God will one day send a Messiah to save His people.

Enter Jesus of Nazareth, an itinerant preacher, healer, miracle worker.  Along with the Pharisees and Sadducees, Joseph witnesses Jesus' authoritative teaching in the temple first hand.  But unlike his cohorts, who feel threatened by this upstart, Joseph is intrigued.  Could this man actually be the promised Messiah?  The Son of the living God?

Joseph, for obvious reasons, keeps his thoughts to himself.  Yet, we can imagine that he spends countless hours deliberating Jesus' identity, praying to know the truth.  Has God's kingdom arrived at last?

The scriptures do not tell us when or how Joseph of Arimathea became a believer, a disciple of Christ, but his actions on the day of Jesus' crucifixion speak volumes.  At the peril of being shunned and denounced by his contemporaries, and perhaps, stripped of his rank, Joseph boldly approaches Pilate and asks for Jesus' body so it can be honorably buried in a proper tomb.

At long last, Joseph is willing to sacrifice his earthly accolades and his standing with the elites to do the right thing in God's eyes.  If that means losing his place on the fast track of success, so be it.

So Pastor Graham challenges us, as Christians, to speak up and act with courage on the Lord's behalf in our daily lives.  Christians, he states, should be willing to risk the loss of worldly acclaim to stand firm in the faith.

This certainly give me pause for some serious thought and reflection.  Do I love the Lord with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength?  Am I willing to proclaim the Word of God with courage, even if it means losing my status in the world's eye?

Maybe, my friends, there are questions we should all ponder deeply during this Lenten season, as we prepare for the celebration of Christ's resurrection on Easter Day.

And I wonder . . .

What was Joseph of Arimathea's reaction when he got word of the empty tomb?

I can only imagine that it was one of overwhelming joy!


Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Bow Down in Worship

Psalm 95:4-7a
In his hands are the depths of the earth,
and the mountain peaks belong to him.
The sea is his, for he made it,
and his hands formed the dry land.
Come, let us bow down in worship,
let us kneel before the Lord our Maker;
For he is our God.

It is a week we will ever remember.

My husband, Danny, and I take the long trek down to the Golden Isles of Georgia to lay beloved Mimi's remains to rest on St. Simon's Island.  It is a promise fulfilled, a duty done, a grueling journey all because of the love we have for her.

As our fourteenth wedding anniversary is close at hand, we decide to stay on Jekyll Island for several days to celebrate that event.  It is unseasonably cold and windy, so there is little to no opportunity to leisurely walk the pristine beaches, although we make several ventures there.  We are so impressed by the efforts made at Jekyll in recent years to restore the sand dunes.

Our visit to driftwood beach pays off in amazing photos, although the high winds threaten to topple me over more than once.  I have to literally hang onto the hat I'm wearing!

To escape the brutal winds, we retreat to Horton's Pond for a respite in Jekyll's inland environment.  We walk the 0.7 mile loop trail, and are amazed by the flora that greets us.

And it never ceases to amaze me how everything in God's splendid creation has its own special niche.

When we emerge from this delightful trail, we visit the pond platform where we find some indigenous species peacefully sunning themselves.

And isn't this a gorgeous shot?

Horton's Pond is named after the historic Horton House which you can read about Here.  

Although Danny and I prefer spending time in the mountains as opposed to the seashore, we are grateful for the opportunity to see God's glory and majesty reflected in all facets of His overwhelmingly stunning creation.  It is, indeed, a call to kneel before the Lord our Maker, and bow down in worship to Him with thanksgiving and praise.


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...