Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Bow Down in Worship

Psalm 95:4-7a
In his hands are the depths of the earth,
and the mountain peaks belong to him.
The sea is his, for he made it,
and his hands formed the dry land.
Come, let us bow down in worship,
let us kneel before the Lord our Maker;
For he is our God.

It is a week we will ever remember.

My husband, Danny, and I take the long trek down to the Golden Isles of Georgia to lay beloved Mimi's remains to rest on St. Simon's Island.  It is a promise fulfilled, a duty done, a grueling journey all because of the love we have for her.

As our fourteenth wedding anniversary is close at hand, we decide to stay on Jekyll Island for several days to celebrate that event.  It is unseasonably cold and windy, so there is little to no opportunity to leisurely walk the pristine beaches, although we make several ventures there.  We are so impressed by the efforts made at Jekyll in recent years to restore the sand dunes.

Our visit to driftwood beach pays off in amazing photos, although the high winds threaten to topple me over more than once.  I have to literally hang onto the hat I'm wearing!

To escape the brutal winds, we retreat to Horton's Pond for a respite in Jekyll's inland environment.  We walk the 0.7 mile loop trail, and are amazed by the flora that greets us.

And it never ceases to amaze me how everything in God's splendid creation has its own special niche.

When we emerge from this delightful trail, we visit the pond platform where we find some indigenous species peacefully sunning themselves.

And isn't this a gorgeous shot?

Horton's Pond is named after the historic Horton House which you can read about Here.  

Although Danny and I prefer spending time in the mountains as opposed to the seashore, we are grateful for the opportunity to see God's glory and majesty reflected in all facets of His overwhelmingly stunning creation.  It is, indeed, a call to kneel before the Lord our Maker, and bow down in worship to Him with thanksgiving and praise.



  1. What wonderful photos, Martha. Brilliant. Although I would not dare to be that close to the alligator. You're very brave. Did he at least smile for the photo? Or was it crocodile tears?

    God bless you and your family.

    1. Don't worry, Victor, that alligator was way out in the middle of the pond - that's the beauty of zoom lens! And that ol' critter wasn't even moving, nor did he seem to notice that he had company in the turtles. Glad you enjoyed the photos, my friend!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Beautiful! So much happened! A vow of love fulfilled. A time away with your love. A time of respite. A time of worship. A time to refuel for life ahead. It is good to hear from you Martha and to see pictures of a good time.

    1. Yes, a lot did happen that week, Bill, and our emotions ran the gamut. All in all, it was a restorative time, though, and we made some priceless memories. I'm glad to be back here blogging again.
      Love and blessings!

  3. OH MY, your photos are wonderful! Thankful you were able to have this time away, even though, I am certain the beginning was difficult!
    Blessings, My Friend!

    1. Glad you enjoyed Danny's photos, Lulu! Yes, it was a sad beginning, but we did manage to make a good time out of our week. It was just so refreshing to get away.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Blessings to have your dear Mimi laid to rest and to then be able to celebrate your 14th anniversary. Jekyll Island is a beautiful and interesting historic place. We enjoy St. Simon's too. Great photos!! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yes, Terri, we're counting it all as blessings. The Georgia islands are amazing, and I'm glad you've been able to visit them.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Oh Martha! Your photos of God's amazing creation are beautiful. It's the best thing ever to worship the Creator over the creation. Nature should call us to humble worship.

    The area where Mimi was buried is a beautiful area--yes quite different than the mountains, however, the coastline has a beauty all its own.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Yes, indeed, Kim, the coast has its own regal and breathtaking beauty. And I love that God's creation causes us to worship Him, the One who made it all. I'll be sure to tell Danny that you loved his photos; that will make him happy!
      Love and blessings!

  6. So glad you were able to enjoy some true beauty on Jekyll Island. My heart goes out to you both for the solemn task that brought you there, but am glad for you that you were able to make the most of the time there and have a mini anniversary honeymoon. I would love to go back there some day. Maybe when it isn't so cold and windy. Thank you for sharing the beauty with us. The driftwood on the shore was magnificent.

    1. Isn't that driftwood absolutely awesome? We could have stayed on that beach for hours had it not been for the cold and the wind. Still, Horton Pond was an unexpected delight, as we had never been there before. Hope that John and you will get to visit Jekyll again soon - so lovely and inspiring!
      Love and blessings!

  7. What a bittersweet journey! Your visit to the island sounds like a perfect respite. I've not visited, but the beauty you've captured makes me want to go! Wow. Those driftwood images would make awesome canvases!

    1. Bittersweet describes this journey perfectly, Mevely. You really should treat yourselves to a visit sometime. The waters were uncharacteristically rough during this time, but it made for some natural drama. Usually, the waters are calm and inviting. I do suggest visiting off-season, though, as the prices are lower and the island is less crowded.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Everything is beautiful except the crocs...I love that big tree looking piece of drift wood. Would love to use it for a center piece in our back yard. looks like a great place to visit when the weather is warmer.

    1. It is an awesome place to visit, Betty, and we were happy that we could spend a few days there.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Lovely photos.
    Come let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before our Lord our maker...

    I love that song, those verses.

    1. Amen, Susan! Let us bow down and worship Him always.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Though it was such a sad occasion, I am thankful you were able to walk the trail and find some enjoyment in God's amazing nature. It looks like such a beautiful place!

    1. It is a gorgeous place, Cheryl, and so different from the environment in which we live day to day. Yes, it did our hearts good to get away.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Looks like a bittersweet but ultimately refreshing journey, friend. I'm so glad you could get away ...

    1. Oh, we were so glad, too, Linda, and it was so refreshing for both of us in the end. Glad you're back to blogging, my friend!
      Love and blessings!

  12. How beautiful. I am sitting here in peace after reading your blog and enjoying your message and photos.

    1. I'm so happy that reading this gave you a sense of peace, Jean.
      Love and blessings!


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