Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Heaven's Door

Jonah 3:1-3
Next, God spoke to Jonah a second time:  "Up on your feet and on your way to the big city of Nineveh!  Preach to them.  They're in a bad way and I can't ignore it any longer."
This time, Jonah started off straight for Nineveh, obeying God's orders to the letter.

My husband, Danny, and I have talked for years about replacing our 25-year-old garage doors.  They are not efficiently insulated, as is the rest of our home is, and well, to be honest, they make a racket when opening and closing.  It's a soul-jolting, alarming sound that reverberates not just in the garage, but throughout the entire house.  Think living too close to frequently traveled train tracks.

However, new garage doors are not high on our priority list.  After all, the old ones still work, and new ones are definitely not cheap.  We choose to procrastinate.

Until . . .

That fateful night when a lightning bolt strikes two of our backyard pines.  Yep, the same one that knocks out our internet for almost three full days, fries the garage door sensors on Danny's side.  We can still open the door electronically, but closing it?  That's a whole other can of worms.  When Danny needs to leave, I have to stand in the garage, and hold the control button firmly in order for the door to shut completely.

This is not convenient for either one of us.

So, you guessed it!  Danny and I are up on our feet, ordering new doors for the garage.  Thankfully, they are installed this past week.

What an improvement!!!  I love the flat black finish on the steel doors; they match our roof and our front door perfectly.

And the added bonus?  The doors, when opening or closing, barely emit a whisper.  What an amazing difference!  Makes me wish we had done this a lot sooner than we finally did.


Jonah, the penultimate procrastinator, though called on a mission by God, refused to accept the invitation, seeking Tarshish as his destination instead of Nineveh.  It took three frightening, repentant days in the belly of the whale for Jonah to finally see the light, and follow God's instructions to the letter.

And it took a bolt from the blue wreaking havoc for Danny and me to wake up and realize that replacing the flimsy, raucous garage doors was a long-overdue necessity.

Drastic wake-up calls are not always the way God tells us to change our ways and obey Him.  His might be that still, small voice, that unanticipated thought nudging our conscience, or a door of opportunity revealed.  We must learn to listen, to heed and to follow when God beckons us forward.  Calls us to walk closer to Him.

When we accept the mission God is giving us, we can rest assured we are truly knocking on Heaven's door.

And that door is sure to open.



  1. Wow... This was a unexpected post this morning and much needed. How often do I hear and feel the creaking of what needs replaced in my life, yet choose to ignore it. How often have I waited to "replace my garage doors" until they are out of commission. This is such a good analogy to my life and life in general. To postpone replacement means to delay the benefits and blessings.
    Time for another introspective review and quiet place to listen for Gods voice.

    1. How often, indeed, Ryan, do we hear God calling, but fail to answer? Like Jonah, we go our own way, thinking it's the best choice when God is offering so much better for our lives. Glad the post inspired you!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Wonderful post today with a great lesson. Congratulations on your new garage doors. I like them. Very modern style.

    Sadly, I always procrastinate on many things. I promise to change my ways tomorrow.

    As for Jonah and the whale. If he could be in the whale's belly for three days, why are we making such a fuss about a few plastic bags in the sea? Surely the whale can manage a plastic bag!

    (Thinks: I can see all the environmentalists rushing to your blog to correct me. More readers for you).

    God bless, Martha.

    1. Oh, Victor, thanks for making me laugh today, or should I put it off until tomorrow? LOL! I doubt the environmentalists will come rushing in, but they just might. Anyway, glad you like the garage doors and the post today, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Yeah, you're so right, Martha ... it often takes some kind of bolt from the blue to wake us up, to recalibrate us, to cause us to stop and ponder who we are, where we're going, and what God's trying to speak to us.

    I do prefer the 'still, small voice' though ...


    1. Unfortunately, at times, it does take those huge thunder strikes to get us moving, Linda, but like you, I much prefer that still, small voice.
      Love and blessings!

  4. I've had a few of those bolts of lightning -- not literally like you did, but just as dramatic and motivating! Always makes me wonder what more subtle nudges I ignored before the catch-you-up-by-the-lapels-and-shake-your-teeth-loose approach was required.

    1. Oh, yes, Galen, the Jonah awakening! I can certainly identify with that. We are all works in progress, learning day by day. Thank goodness our God is so patient and understanding of our shortcomings.
      Love and blessings!

  5. I like your new doors, they are most attractive. This post was a good reminder that when God tells us to go, we surely had better start moving. Thank you, Martha.

    1. Yes, Nells, when God's command is go, we only do ourselves a disservice by not complying. We can be so stubborn, can't we? Danny and I learned a powerful lesson here. Glad you liked the doors, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Martha, like you and Danny, I know a thing or two about procrastinating on home repairs, until it becomes a dire need. Sadly, that happens in other areas of life too. Ignoring God's voice, His directive isn't a wise plan--as we can see in Jonah's experience. God ultimately has the last word. God's plans are fail proof. He uses frail humans to accomplish so much.

    The garage doors look amazing!

    Love and blessings!

    1. Yes, Kim, God's plans are the last word, and they are fail proof. Oh, that we would simply learn to trust and obey! I can't get over how generous He is with regard to our failings on so many fronts. So thankful that He still loves me even when I don't meet His expectations.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Great message, Martha. Like others, I can most definitely relate to the proverbial 'elephant in the room.' Sure hope God doesn't ever find it necessary to pull out the big guns. Ha.

    1. I don't want those "big guns" either, Mevely, but sometimes, that's exactly what it takes to wake us up. May we, instead, be always listening for that still, small voice.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Oh, boy. I've had those kind of wake up calls, unfortunately. I'm beginning to listen a bit better as I walk closer with Christ.
    Love the new doors!

    1. I hear you, Beckie, loud and clear. Hopefully, we're all learning to be actively listening to God more and more in our lives.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Love the look Martha and the added bonus of Q-U-I-E-T.

    1. Thanks, Bill! You must be back from your glorious vacation, my friend. Hope you'll share some photos with us.
      Love and blessings!

  10. perfect example and how true: often once we finally do something we put off we find it easier or say to ourselves we should have done this sooner. you would think we would be wiser by now but noooooo. I wonder if we remembered that line abut should have done it sooner in the discerning process, would that make a difference? maybe????

    1. You'd think we would be wiser, Jean, but sometimes different circumstances prompt different responses. And I do like what you said about the discernment process - I think we need to do some of that before we make any major decision. Procrastination isn't always good, but it can be if there is a good reason for it.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Learn to listen. YES! My husband and I were just talking about last night about how God wants us to pay attention to the clues and cues He drops along our path. Another man once told me that we need to pay attention to the signs God puts on the sign posts. His Spirit is so faithful to lead and guide us IF only we will pay attention and be quiet and still before Him until we hear His still small voice or gives that unexpected thought or gentle urge, as I call it. God help me to stay in that place of full surrender where I can discern His perfect will! So wonderful to visit with you today, sweet friend, and your new garage doors look amazing!

    1. You've made the perfect point here, Cheryl. We must be quiet and still before God, eyes and hearts open, so we can rightly discern the signs He gives us, and surrender to His will. Too many times, we are guilty of ignoring His nudge. May we all become better at listening!
      Love and blessings!

  12. It's funny how it often takes something drastic to move us out of our procrastination, even when we know that move will be to our favor. Glad you're liking your new doors! We have a home project that we've begun talking about, but we need to start taking first steps or it'll never happen. ;-)

    1. Yes, Lisa, sometimes it does take something drastic and "out of the blue" to get us moving. Looking forward to hearing about your latest home project. Keep us apprised!
      Love and blessings!

  13. I've been procrastinating about a project to plug the jets in my tub and make it a soaker tub. It's something I've thought about for two years. I told Rev about it a little over a week ago and he's taken care of getting all the supplies and we will work on it on Monday. I'm very blessed to have married a non-procrastinator. Like Jonah, I can be so guilty of putting off things I think will be hard or unpleasant. Thanks for this great reminder!

    1. So glad this was a great reminder for you, Deb, and that Rev is the type to take the bull by the horns. Sounds so much like Danny - once he decides something needs to be done, he sees it through, well, perhaps with the garage doors were okay until they weren't. But once they weren't, he went right to work. And a soaker tub sounds fabulous! I know you'll enjoy it.
      Love and blessings!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...