Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Celebrating Daybreak!

Ephesians 6:12
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Daybreak is author, Beckie Lindsey's, third novel in her brilliant Beauties From Ashes series.  Not familiar with the first two books?  Please read my previous reviews of Secrets here and Uninvited here.

In Daybreak, the four main characters, Krystal, Mackenzie, Tammi, and Sadie, once again are mired in the spiritual battle of their lives.  The demons, who know their secrets from the past, try mightily to drag them deeper into despair and hopelessness, while the Angels of Light defend and protect them as their relationships with Jesus are becoming more solid and real.

When Krystal's life-long friendship with Bryce takes a romantic turn, she is confronted by a decision that will change her life forever, no matter which path she chooses.  Her friends, along with Bryce, rally to her side, giving her the support and encouragement she so desperately needs, even as the battles continue to rage in their own lives.

Beckie is no coward when it comes to exploring the tough issues facing so many teenagers today:  Bulimia; childhood sexual abuse; depression; suicidal thoughts, and now, with Krystal, an unwanted pregnancy.  Beckie's engaging, descriptive writing style propels the plot along seamlessly, as the story weaves between the earthly and spiritual realms.  As I've noted before, Beckie has such a heart for young people, and that is reflected in the depth and breadth of the memorable characters she has created.

True confession:  I was invited to proofread/edit Daybreak, and had to pinch myself repeatedly to remember I needed to slow down in my reading in order to fulfill my job in a worthy manner.  The story held my attention riveted from beginning to end; yes, it is that enthralling!

With Christmas right around the corner, I do hope you will order all three novels in Beauties From Ashes as the perfect gift for that special teen in your life, or as a gift just for you!  I predict that Beckie's stories will sweep you off your feet from the first paragraph to the last.

And I hope, if you're not already subscribed to Beckie's blog, God in Real Life . . . Also Coffee, that you'll pay her a visit, and sign up today!

Happy reading, everyone!


Beckie Lindsey is a wife and mother of three adult children, and proud grandmother of recently-arrived Luke.  She is thoroughly content with a piece of dark chocolate, a cup of coffee, a great book, and her beloved cats.  She loves to encourage others to not only know the truths of the Bible, but to experience them personally and practically in everyday life.  Beckie is the editor of SoCal Christian Voice, an author and blogger.  
 Beckie's novels are available on Amazon.  All you need to do is type in her name, and voila!

You can connect with her on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook.


  1. This is a wonderful book review, Martha. Beckie would be quite proud of what you have written here.

    God bless you always.

    1. Thank you, Victor! Yes, Beckie's series is amazing, and well worth the read.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Victor states it well... bravo... I am encouraged to pick up the series for my 18 year old daughter...

    1. Ryan, I believe your daughter would enjoy this series immensely. Hope you will choose to get it for her.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Let's see if I qualify to buy these. I have a 44 year old and a 40 year old daughter. Nope. Think I'm beyond that! But I can recommend.

    1. I do hope you will recommend these books, Bill. Beckie is such a gifted writer and so worth reading!
      Love and blessings!

  4. I'm going to share your thoughts with my Bible Study ladies! Great point about these making great Christmas presents.

    1. Thanks, Myra, that's a great idea! As the saying goes, "Sharing is caring." :)
      Love and blessings!

  5. Wow! What a wonderful review of Daybreak. I cannot thank you enough for your encouragement, edits, and friendship. I'm beyond blessed to have your support, Martha. Praying God uses the BFA series mightily.

    1. I pray God will use your books mightily, too, Beckie! They are so, so wonderful, and with His help, they will make a positive difference in so many young lives.
      Love and blessings!

  6. A great book review, Martha Jane! Thank you!

  7. I really wished our library would carry these books, Martha. I have checked before and have just rechecked. Your book review is great! I love that Beckie is open about the tough issues facing teenagers. Love and blessings to you!

    1. I love that she is fearless in facing the problems of teens, too, Trudy. Your library really should carry her books, and I hope they will in the future. Actually, I need to work on our county library carrying both hers and mine. Just haven't been as proactive as I need to be.
      Thanks for your kind words regarding the review!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Wow! What a great review. Thank you for sharing with us.

    1. You are so welcome, Nells! And might I add, these books are as appealing to us grown-folks as they are to teens. :)
      Love and blessings!

  9. The books sound wonderful! Thanks for your thoughts.

    1. They are amazing, Laurie, and great reading for adults, too!
      Love and blessings!

  10. Sounds like a really intense, interesting book. Thank you so much for sharing!!

    1. You are most welcome, Cheryl! Yes, Beckie's books are powerful.
      Love and blessings!

  11. I appreciate books that make me want to keep reading! This sounds like that kind of book. Thanks for sharing about it, Martha! I'll keep my eyes out for it.

    1. All three of Beckie's books are absolutely excellent, Lisa, page-turners all!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Martha, I'm sorry to once again to be reading and commenting so late. What a delightful review of a book that sounds amazing. I'm thankful for Beckie's heart and talent.

    Love and blessings!

    1. I'm thankful for her heart and talent, too, Kim! Thanks for visiting here, as always.
      Love and blessings!


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