Monday, August 30, 2021

Unbroken Circles


Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life.  The one who believes in m will live, even though they die." ~John 11:25

Pictured above is the memorial in Oakland Cemetery in Atlanta to Kenny Rogers.  If you hover over the photo, you can see that the inner lettering states, "Will the Circle be Unbroken."

I must tell you that since my mother passed away, this song has played in my head on a daily basis.  If you are not familiar with it, I've linked to one of my favorite versions at the end of this post.  Let it suffice to say that, in listening repeatedly to this song, this poem emerged.

Unbroken circles whirling

In heart and soul and mind

Promise of reunion

With no one left behind

Joyful presence entered

A peace forever won

Rejoice in everlasting

Life is never done



  1. Yes, we will all be re-united in God's Kingdom. Great poem, Martha. I liked Kenny Rogers, and Johnny Cash too. Played them often on the radio.

    God bless.

    1. I loved both of these musicians, too, Victor. Glad you enjoyed the poem!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Strange if you're coming from another continent where country music was not such a big thing, you're never familiar with it.
    Had to look it up and listen...
    Your own words are the best and yes, life's cycle goes on as our souls will continue! Our body is like a rose, best when in the bud and stunning when in full bloom but it will die after that...
    Still we all LOVE the rose and so we do life in all its stages. If we will be remembered for it, that is great.

    1. We certainly do need to celebrate life in all seasons, Mariette, whether bud or bloom. So glad you enjoyed the poem, too. May the circle never be broken!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Talk about an old song! Life is never done for the follower of Christ. That song speaks of a legacy of an unbroken circle. It is cool that even those we have never met here on earth (Like you and me) will someday spend forever together in the presence of the One who made it all possible.

    1. That fact never ceases to amaze me, too, Bill. We will one day all be together in God's heavenly realm, singing praises and rejoicing!
      Love and blessings!

  4. It's funny how certain songs, expressions, and images will play in your head about loved ones. With my mother, the expressions are about food -- like how we could never leave a restaurant without her looking around and saying, "Well..."

    1. What a sweet memory, Glynn! Yes, we all have our ways of remembering our loved ones. And it's so funny that this should be the song I associate with losing my mother. Whereas my dad loved country music, she never did. Go figure!
      Love and blessings!

  5. I love this song choice, Martha! Sure, I'd heard the title, but never really listened to the lyrics until we saw Sean Dietrich perform ... and later, titled that his autobiography.
    Your poem is lovely; it resonates deeply.

    1. That's a great title for an autobiography, Myra. I'll have to look Sean Dietrich up, for sure.
      So glad the poem resonated with you, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  6. That song will be in my head all day now. NOT a bad thing! Beautiful post, my friend!

    1. Yes, getting songs stuck in my head happens a lot to me, too, Lulu, and it isn't always a bad thing. :) Glad you enjoyed the post!
      Love and blessings!

  7. My heart continues to ache for you, Martha. My mother died in 2010, and I still miss her so much. In the first years after her death, she appeared in my dreams still with Alzheimers. But thankfully when my mom appears in my nightly dreams now, she is in her prime. I know that both of our mothers are living glorious lives with our heavenly Father for all eternity. It doesn't take away our loss, but it does give us reason to smile and to look ahead to our reunions with them.

    1. Thank you, Lisa, for sharing these stories about your mother. They have certainly infused me with fresh hope that we will, indeed, see our loved ones again, whole and healed by the Lord. No, it doesn't remove the loss, but it does give us hope for eternity.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Wish I could feel this way, but I'm the only Christian in my biological family. My parents and two brothers are a thousand kilometres from God and happy to stay there. :-(

    1. That is so, so sad to hear, Frank. But don't lose hope! Keep praying for your family; God will hear and act in His good time.
      Love and blessings!

  9. It's a beautiful song and a wonderful message, no matter the singer. I love your poem as well. We will be reunited. Counting on it! Love & hugs!

    1. Thanks for your kind words here, Terri. Yes, I'm counting on that glorious day of reuniting with loved ones, too!
      Love and blessings!

  10. When we are blessed to have loved ones precede us in departure from this life for life eternal we are assured, it will not be broken. Amen my friend. Great solace is found in these words. Thank you!

    1. Great solace, indeed, J. D. We will be reunited one day in the by and by.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Beautiful poem, Martha. My dad was a big Johnny Cash fan and I heard him sing that song so many times and in person once when my dad took me and my twin sister to see him in concert one time when we were preteens.

    1. How wonderful that you actually got to hear/see Johnny Cash perform in person, Karen, and that your dad was such a fan! I did get to see Johnny and June perform back in '94 at a Billy Graham crusade here in Atlanta. I took my then 10-year-old son with me, and he still talks about it to this day. Glad you liked the poem!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Oh, wow! That is such a neat monument! We sing that song a lot in our band. It is a sad one, that's for sure. God bless you, sweet friend.

    1. It is a beautiful song, Cheryl, even though it's sad. I didn't know you were part of a band. How cool is that? Glad you enjoyed the post!
      Love and blessings!

  13. Oh, Martha. Thank you for sharing this. I always love your poetry, too.
    Praying God's peace over you and yours.

    1. You are too sweet, Beckie. Thank you!
      Love and blessings!

  14. This is so lovely. It describes the connection we have with our loved ones even though death has claimed them. Blessings, peace and hugs.

    1. Connected always, Nells, and what a joy that is for us to know!
      Love and blessings!

  15. Wonderful share. Thank you so very much. The words to Will the CIrcle Be Unbroken are beautiful to play inside our heads. Thank you

    1. This is a song that I will ever treasure when it runs through my mind, Anne. I'm glad this post spoke to you!
      Love and blessings!

  16. I love this song, use to sing it often when I sang with a group called, Sweet Spirit. I think of my Mom when I hear it now as she has passed to glory. It was hard to let her go in one sense but easy because I knew she would not rise out of her bed anymore here. Only in heaven would she rise and no longer to be in pain. I know this must comfort your heart too about your Mom. Blessings.

    1. It gives me such comfort, Betty, that is for sure and certain. So neat to hear that you were once in a singing group and that you all sang this one often. It truly stirs and soothes the soul at the same time.
      Love and blessings!

  17. oh these words bring hope and comfort. wonderful reflection, Martha!

  18. I love that old song...and yes, we have dear ones waiting for us in heaven, and one by one we will join that heavenly chorus singing with our new "heavenly voices" that will ring throughout the halls of heaven for ever. What a grand day that will be!!! Until then, keep a song in your heart and praise in your voice...the best is yet to come!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...