Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Lord, Save Me!


But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!" ~Matthew 14:30

Have any of you seen this commercial depicted below?

If you haven't, here is the plot in a nutshell:  A Vision Works customer, floating on a make-shift raft, decides he doesn't like the glasses he has chosen.  Enter the Vision Works associate with a new pair, assuring him there would be no cost as he chose to exchange the glasses within the 100-day window.  Before she departs, she asks, "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

To which he responds, "Like what?"

It's obvious to all watching this commercial that this man needs help.  He needs saving in the worst way.  Yet, he is oblivious to the offer made to him.  Makes for a momentary chuckle, maybe, but the implications of refusing help when you're at the end of your rope is no laughing matter.

As Christians, we have the ultimate lifeline we can share with those who don't even realize they need saving.  Jesus commanded us to go into all the world, and make disciples of the lost, the hurting souls who wander aimlessly day by day, not even aware that their greatest needs and wants can be satisfied in having a meaningful, personal relationship with the only One who saves and forgives.  Are we doing that, or are we shirking our mission?

Peter had no qualms about whom he should cry out to for help when in rough waters, and he knew in whom he could put his eternal trust.  We know that, too.  Isn't it time to share that abundant life message with all we meet?  Maybe, just maybe, that person will not say, "Like what?" but will be convinced to grab ahold of Jesus' hand and hold on tight!



  1. I love the nugget of wisdom in this funny commercial. Sometimes we're not aware we need help. And sometimes we do see someone needing our help but do we always offer?

    1. That's a great observation, Lux - we see someone in need, but do we choose to help them or let the opportunity slip away? And we can always find God's nuggets of wisdom no matter where we are if we remain awake and aware.
      Love and blessings!

  2. That commercial....no comment needed. Sadly, there are people that blind to their need for help and their unwillingness to see there is an answer to that need. You state it well, Martha, that as followers of Christ we have and know the answer.

    1. We sure do, Bill, but we must share it with others when the opportunity arrives.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Bom dia, Martha
    Linda reflexão, Jesus está voltando, é tempo de falar de Cristo, um forte abraço.

    1. No time like the present, Lucinalva, I agree.
      Love and blessings!

  4. We've all had those moments. I think it's a variation on what used to be called "the tyranny of the urgent at the expense of the important."

    1. I've never heard that phrase before, Glynn, so I'm happy that you shared it here.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Replies
    1. I will read your post, gladly. Just wish I could see a way on your blog to actually get notifications when you publish a new one, Rajani.

  6. I've not seen that commercial spot, but what a sad illustration about much of modern society. I can't count how often I cry out, "Help me, Lord!" -- sometimes for the most minor things. It's a comforting habit.

    1. Not a day, it seems, goes by without me asking God to help me through something, nor should it, Myra. We are His children, after all!
      Love and blessings!

    2. How true! I ask God for the simplest things and looking back, every little request was granted in His time though sometimes I failed to see it then.

      Hugs and blessings, dearest Martha.

  7. Cute commercial I guess Ms. Martha, but what struck me the most from your post is that this young woman ASKED. How few of us Christians are bold enough to evangelize others? Oh, many of us (me included) claim Christianity, and a few try to live it out in their lives as an example, but when it comes to leading souls to Christ, we become timid little bunnies who will scamper away at the first sign of resistance or "danger." Great point made sweet sister. Let us come forward boldly!

    1. Exactly, J. D. How many of us ask? That what struck me the most about this commercial. We need to leave our timid, bunny routines and engage with the moment at home.
      Love and blessings!

  8. No, I've not seen this commercial but you have described it well. What a good post you've written here!

    1. I'm so happy to know that this post spoke to you, Barbara. How many times do we ask, "What else can I do for you?" Wake up call!
      Love and blessings!

  9. Never seen the commercial but it does illustrate how clueless people can be. People need to wake it and pay attention to what is really important..

    1. They certainly do, Bill. Since this is an American company, it's probably only seen on this side of the pond. Too many people are clueless, and that makes it more difficult to get through to them about the salvation that is right in the offing.
      Love and blessings!

  10. It is no point having faith in a Master who walks on water if we do not trust Him enough to follow Him.

    God bless, Martha.

  11. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Yes, when asking God for help, in Jesus' name—we are granted that help. I've prayed for strength and I've received it for living through the most painful period of my life thus far.
    Grateful for all those that prayed for me.

  12. I had never noticed the faith-related implications of that commercial, Martha! Kudos to you for your keen observation. I pray for attentiveness to the hurting and wandering souls around me, who don't even know they are lost without Jesus!

    1. Thank you for your kind words here, Nancy. It seems that my radar is always up for God's gems that can be found in the least likely places. I'm so grateful to Him for this gift.
      Love and blessings!

  13. I've not seen this commercial but just reading about it makes me chuckle too. How often we are blind to our own problems!

    1. Amen, Lisa, as blind we are to our own shortcomings. Lord, I pray that you will continue to give us all wisdom and understanding when it comes to leading others to you, and serving them in love.
      Love and blessings!

  14. I've not seen the commercial but the message you have given us is one we all need to heed. As Christians, we do have a certain responsibility to do our best to bring others to Christ. Thank you, Martha, for this message which is perfect as we approach Easter! xo

    1. Thanks so much, Terri, for your kind and affirming words here. With Easter on the horizon, what could be a better time to spread the Good News?
      Love and blessings!

  15. He does need a lot of help right there!

    1. Oh, yes, he does, Christine, but the fact he doesn't even see it right before him is the sad twist in the story. Too many in this world are just like he is.
      Love and blessings!

  16. "Do you need some company? " This has helped lots of people. Accepting a kind proposal would bring us a lighter world.

    1. I love the idea of actually inviting someone to join you, Crane. Beautiful!
      Love and blessings!

  17. Martha Jane: I have seen the commercial. I know there are people in this world who DO NOT KNOW they need to be saved. They are 'perfectly' happy living as they do-without the Lord. That there are people out there living like that saddens me. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. That thought saddens me, too, Cecelia. Sometimes, for these folks, it takes some tragedy in their lives in order for them to turn to God.

  18. Like what? This is so true, I see it on people's faces, I used to ask it myself!

    1. Exactly, Marja! Loved your blog today, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  19. thecontemplativecat@blogspot.com here. Google is messing with me. This commercial makes me laugh each time. People don't grasp the opportunity to be saved, by God!

  20. Martha, wonderful and evangelistic message. A great reminder for all of us who took hold of that lifeline and met the Savior. May we show the path to help and hope. God bless.

  21. Such a great thought, Martha. God bless you, my friend.


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...