Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Giving Back to Caesar?


Then Jesus said to them, "Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's."  And they were amazed at him. ~Mark 12:17

We all, undoubtedly, recognize an United States' quarter the moment we see one.  I can remember helping granddaughter, Virginia, learn about the various coins, their monetary values, and encouraging her to master basic mathematical equations using each coin's worth.  I believe she was in first grade.

But coins are also one way we can keep American history front and center.  Our Founding Father, and first president, George Washington's, face appears not only on the quarter, but also on the dollar bill - a double dip!  And one this great man most certainly deserves for all his many accomplishments that led to the creation of this great nation.

It seems very appropriate, too, that Washington's face is turned toward our nation's motto, "In God we trust."  He was a man of stalwart faith, never doubting that God had His mighty hand on this fledgling country as we defeated the British in the Revolutionary War.  This motto was nationalized under President Dwight Eisenhower in 1956, and has stood the test of time.

Until recently . . .

Study the quarter, minted in 2023, below.  Notice anything different?

That's right!  George Washington's face is looking away from the sacred script.  What kind of subversion is that?  What genius in this administration thought it was an appropriate move to make?  Don't we have a plethora of other problems, like inflation, the border crisis, and energy woes, that need to be addressed?

Does this reflect a country's willful abandonment of God, or is it done to spite those Americans who believe this nation is still under God?  Maybe, one of you reading this, has the definitive answer.

In the meantime, perhaps in defiance of this "new and improved" coin, the state of Louisiana has passed a bill requiring our country's motto be on prominent display in every classroom in every school in the state.  Good for them!  My hopes and prayers are that no one will think a law suit is in order to "correct" the will of the people.

Our so-called leaders so easily dismiss the statement in our Declaration of Independence:  We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

We are not endowed by our our government by these rights; they come directly from God.  Our nation owes everything, and then some, to Him and Him alone.

If we fail to put our trust in God, the cards will be stacked in Caesar's favor.  He already wields enough power, doesn't he?

I think so!


Due to entertaining grandchildren for awhile, I'm going to be taking a break from blogging here.  I'm not sure how long my hiatus will be at this point, but it will also involve my not frequenting your blogs either.  I know you all, my friends, will understand and know I'll keep you all in my prayers!


  1. American money is strange to me, but to me those two coins look a little different. We have a collection of coins including some from other countries

    1. Jo-Anne, even though you're not familiar with American money, I'm sure you could pick up on the differences. Regarding where we are in this country, and lack of true leadership, even the seemingly littlest of deviance jumps out of us. We can't help but wonder what underlies these motivations to undermine the principles of our country.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Ery unfortunate about this new coin. Enjoy your important time away. -Christine

    1. It is very sad, indeed, Christine. Time away can be rejuvenating, that's for sure. I will visit y'all's blogs every chance I get.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Very unfortunate I meant to say -Christine

  4. I didn't notice before. It is a sign where we are. I pray this country will turn things around.

    1. I pray the same, Paula. May we trust in God to help us.
      Love and blessings!

  5. It probably didn't even occur to whomever designed it and whomever approved it.

    1. Because it isn't even on the backburners of their minds? Maybe, Glynn, I'm wrong to be a bit paranoid, but the more I observe the current corruption, I can't help but speculate.
      Love and blessings!

  6. I have not seen a new quarter, and so was not aware of this change! Wow! I don't like it. It's like he's turning his back on God...That doesn't even look like George Washington to me. Harrumph! Too many changes to not be deliberate. Makes me sad. Have a wonderful time with your family. We will miss you, but you will be making precious memories, and that's what matters most. We'll see you when you come back!

    1. So many folks pay with credit cards these days, that I'm sure not too many others are aware of this coin alteration. Danny was alerted to it several weeks ago when he came upon a news article. Had that news been on Fox, I would have seen it. And I have to agree, Pamela, that the depiction of George Washington doesn't really look like him. Couldn't the vultures have done a better job of that at least?
      I will miss you all, too, but I have several days coming up when I can still visit until I take a hard break.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Thanks so much for your words of affirmation, Terri - they mean so much! I will surely miss all of you, and I so appreciate your prayers during this break. And let's continue to pray for the salvation of our nation.
    Love and blessings!

  8. It is sad to see so many people distancing themselves from God.

    Praying for you and your family. Enjoy your holidays.

    God bless.

    1. Yes, there isn't anything more devastating than to see people willfully turning away from God, Victor. What a mess that creates for the world!
      We will enjoy our time with the grands, and you will be in my prayers, too!

  9. i would not have known if you had not said something. I save all my change and when I get it I put it in a jar. But there is most definitely something to be said about the change. I would like to believe it was simply an oversight but the deviousness of our current administration knows no bounds so I can speculate what really happened. Only God (the One True God) can bring about change. 'Nuff said on that. Meanwhile, enjoy your time away and you get some grandma time. (Jo is jealous since ours is almost 17 and lives 4 hours away).

    1. We save all our change, too, Bill, and when the jar is full, we take it to our local grocery store to trade it in for big bills. I wouldn't have known about this alteration on the quarter unless Danny had brought it to my attention. And since most folks don't even pay with cash anymore, I don't think many of us were aware of this move, either. Shame on our government bureaucrats!
      We will enjoy time with the grands, and tell Jo I commiserate with her in that we are lucky to see the girls twice a year!
      Love and blessings!

  10. As some others have said, I never noticed! Makes one wonder, what else in the name of Distraction they're doing while we sleepwalk through life. I hope you enjoy a wonderful family time together; we'll miss you!

    1. This made me wonder, too, Myra. I honestly don't put anything nefarious past the current administration.
      We will enjoy our time with the kids, and all of you will be in my prayers.
      Love and blessings!

  11. I never realized that people weren't asked about the changing of the quarter and if they approved. That's quite the change. Have a wonderful holiday with your family.

  12. If this administration is known for anything, it's a lack of transparency, Bill. The people are almost always the last to know.
    Thanks for the well wishes, too!
    Love and blessings!

  13. Martha Jane: Thank you for alerting us to the change in the quarter. Several years ago, my husband was into coin collecting. There was a change in one of the coins where the government put the motto on the edge of a certain coin. I don't think it lasted. Enjoy your grandchildren, I will miss you but I understand. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

    1. I would love to know which coin that was, Cecelia. We certainly will enjoy every moment with our precious grands.
      Love and blessings!

  14. I hadn't noticed the change either. Looks like they made the head larger, leaving no room for the motto under Washington's chin as before. I had to go through our little coin collection and find a sample of each for closer inspection. The letters on the old coin are in higher relief, meaning they last longer before fading away. On a 2023 quarter I found, the "I" is already worn away! I suppose we should be glad the motto is still there.

    1. How observant you are, Nancy! And it doesn't surprise me that the letters in relief are already wearing thin. Who knows what material is being used in the minting of them these days. Like I said, I never would have noticed any changes if Danny hadn't run across a random article about it.
      Love and blessings!

  15. Oh, Martha! I hadn't noticed this. How sad! Every time I hear something like this, I get such a sinking, sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. We are losing so much and it seems to be happening at such a rapid pace. Our founding fathers wouldn't recognize America today.😥

    1. Sadly, they wouldn't, Cheryl. We so need to get back to our roots of what it truly means to be an American. I tend to get those sinking feelings, too, as I watch a two-tiered justice system playing their deadly games. Let's keep praying for this nation and for the welfare of all young people who are now growing up.
      Love and blessings!

  16. First noticed this last year Ms. Martha, and while they claim "that's the way it originally was", and then later claim, "it's part of a four-year "American Women Quarters Program", I think your post is much closer the truth. I can't help but think of the quote by President Ronald Reagan who said, "If we ever forget that we are one nation under God, then we will become one nation gone under."

    1. What a wise and prudent man our President Reagan was, J. D., and he was definitely spot-on with his statement here. And since Danny received a comment similar to the one you quoted above, claiming that the change of coins began when Bush was president, I think my theory is the correct one - though some might say it's a conspiracy theory. Let them! We have to be alert in these times to any subtle changes that indicate a turning from our founding principles and put a stop to it.
      Love and blessings!

  17. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Let's pray HARD that the future of your Grands will resemble the way we grew up with Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness and above all—One Nation Under God.
    May people think hard and deep about 'The People's rights and vote for high morals again.
    Enjoy your Grands!

    1. Yes, Mariette, let's pray hard without ceasing! If we lose this nation under God, we won't be a nation at all, at least not a law-abiding one.
      Love and blessings!

  18. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Meant to mention also that for our Sister–City in Japan (from YKK) I've collected several complete year sets of States Quarters as a gift. They were so well received! It sure took us a long time for finding them...
    But there is so much to learn from each state's images!

  19. I imagine a lot would and could be learned, Mariette. Thanks for sharing!
    Love and blessings!

  20. WOWOW. I never really paid attention to I am.

    1. Glad this caught your attention, Linda.
      Love and blessings!

  21. What an interesting blog post and AMEN!!! to all you have said. Thanks for educating us. Enjoy your time away with the grandchildren and come back when you can!

    1. Quick break from the grands - we're having a blast!
      Thanks for stopping by, Barbara!
      Love and blessings!

  22. I was unaware of this, Martha. How sad. I remember in a competition in high school, my reponse to who I admire and why, I answered with George Washington, our country's first President. Because he added, "In God We Trust" to our nation's monetary system. Great post as usual, God bless! Karen Friday

    1. I've always admired George Washington, Karen, just as you have. He was a devout man of God.
      Love and blessings!

  23. Bom dia, Martha
    Postagem interessante, aproveite esse tempo de pausa, desejo ricas bençãos de Deus, um forte abraço.

    1. We certainly did enjoy our time with the grands, Lucinalva. We are finally back to somewhat normal, but I miss them all so much.
      Love and blessings!

  24. Oh yes, I know you're absolutely enjoying every minute with your grandkiddos. And how wise you are in taking a break so you can fully be present for them. These are the good old days!

    1. These are definitely the good old days, Linda. We had a marvelous time, and I'm sad, of course, that that chapter has come to a close.
      Love and blessings!

  25. I attended a Catholic convent school back in the day, and the cross and bible were featured in the design of both our school's emblem and the badges we wore on our uniforms. The cross was changed to a star and the bible to a flower due to religion-related politics (our nation is a Muslim nation).
    I was furious and really upset by the change.

    Enjoy your break!

    Hugs and blessings

    Hugs and blessings, Martha

    1. That would definitely upset me, too, Veronica. We are guaranteed religious freedom under our Constitution, but there are those who are determined to chip away at our Judeo-Christian heritage. It has to do with power over others as much as anything. Politicians think they're in charge, not God.
      Love and blessings!

  26. I did not know this happened. The difference in the quarter is troubling. Thank you for bringing it to our attention. It might be a good idea to start doing a little coin collecting of the older ones to preserve for our grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Enjoy your time with your family!

    1. So nice to meet you, here, Mrs. White! Yes, it is so troubling to so many of us. Your idea of making a coin collection is a fabulous one, too. As a "Gammie" who just had an amazing visit with the grands, I will most likely start my own endeavor.
      Oh, and I've subscribed to your blog just now.
      Love and blessings!

    2. Just got a notice that my subscription didn't go through; I'll try again later.

  27. thecontemplativecat here I always taught 3rd gr. students to examine the details of the coin. It has changed from the early 90s, and I didn't notice.

    1. It's so easy for us not to scrutinize the look of coins as we've come so accustomed to what they're supposed to look like, Susan. If Danny hadn't alerted me after an article he read, I, too, would be unaware.
      Love and blessings!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...