Monday, July 29, 2024

The Race We're Meant to Win


Do not be deceived:  God cannot be mocked.  A man reaps what he sows.  Whoever sows to please their flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. ~Galatians 6:7-8

I have always been a fan of the summer Olympic games.  I especially look forward to the gymnastics competitions where the human body defies gravity with physicality and grace, and the swimming meets, when bodies conquer waters' resistance by sheer strength and will.

Behind every elite athlete chose to represent his or her country are countless hours of practice, determination, sacrifice, and downright grit.  We all should celebrate the caliber it takes to be such a person in whom we can witness earthly glory and accomplishments, but as Christians, we should rejoice in each aspect of their talents as generous gifts from God, gifts He inspires within them.

I'm confident that I'm not alone in saying this:  After the decadent and heinous debauchery unabashedly displayed during the opening ceremonies of the 2024 Olympics, I will not be watching the games this time around.  Yes, I'm sure I'll 'catch' some winning performances on the news, but that will be after the fact.  I refuse to support the games in real time, nor will I endorse any advertisers who hawk their products on the stations affiliated with the official broadcasts.

Let the unbelievers claim I'm a homophobic, intolerant, better-than-thou hypocrite all they want.  I know that it's not true of me, and God knows it, too.  The Lord gave me my life that I might live it fully for Him, and give thanks daily for all the blessings He has lovingly bestowed on me and will continue to do so.  Before knowing Jesus and His saving grace, I was just like them; unaware of the depths of depravity that the father of lies has perpetrated throughout this fallen world for generations, and continues to do so to this very moment in time. We can take this moment, though, as an opportunity to ask ourselves some deep and potentially life-changing questions.

  • Why is it deemed okay by the world to brazenly deride Christians?
  • Why is there an horrific rise in anti-Semitism in our nation and in others?
  • Are other religions persecuted in the same shameful fashion in the public eye?
  • Who benefits from clumping people into groups and pitting them against one another?
No, friends, you don't have to answer these questions in the comments, but I do hope you will ponder them intently, going to God in humble prayer if the answers don't readily come.  He will faithfully guide you into all goodness, and give you strength for any battle, inward or outward, you may face.

In the Olympics, there are winners and losers.  But as Christians, may we vow to "run with perseverance the race marked out for us." (Hebrews 12:1b)  Marked out for us by none other than Almighty God.

That is the race we are meant to win.


Monday, July 22, 2024

As The Deer


As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.  My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.  When can I go and meet with God? ~Psalm 42:1-2

My husband, Danny, is an awesome photographer.  So, where did he travel to get these fabulous photos of wild deer featured in this post?  No further than our own backyard!  

Even though we live in what is considered a suburban neighborhood here in Kennesaw, Georgia, we are surrounded by woods that stretch from ours to other subdivisions surrounding us.  It still amazes me that deer can survive and actually thrive in this environment of expansion and development demanded by the exponential growth of our nearby Kennesaw State University.

Here are a selected number of deer photos from previous years, including that majestic buck above; the last four are from this current season.

We endure an uncharacteristically hot and dry June here.  Fortunately, the deer have a running creek at the bottom of the hill and a large lake in an adjacent neighborhood where they can quench their thirst during the worst heat of the summer.  And recently, God has blessed us with some much-needed rain, welcomed and embraced by all the plants and animals living in our vicinity.

God provides for all His beloved creation, and yes, that includes us.  All of us!  When we find our souls panting and parched by the things of the world, longing for His Living Water, all we need to do is grab our Bibles and drink deeply from the endless spring that bubbles up and overflows in His life-giving Word.

And when we do, God will meet us there.


Monday, July 15, 2024

The Greatest Story Ever Told


For the word of God is alive and active.  Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. ~Hebrews 4:12

I can't recall a time in my life when I didn't love words.  All those stories read aloud by my mom at bedtime; classic fairy tales, the lilting cadences of Mother Goose rhymes, and silly stories about Midgie, the mischievous elephant, my dad would make up on the fly for my brother and me.  Certainly, their own love of books and reading had a profound affect on this developmental aspect of both my brain and my heart.

By the time I was ready for first grade (we did not have public kindergarten at the time - yes, I'm old!), I was already reading way above grade level.  I could depend upon words to transport me in time and space to exotic lands and imaginary realms like nothing else could.  A trip to the library for me was like traveling to a coveted amusement park with no end of rides and excitement. 

Writing is the natural fallout for a word lover like me.  Ever since my fourth-grade teacher showed us a picture from a magazine (remember those?) which featured children happily fleeing the school house to embrace a carefree summer, and challenged us to write a short story about how the characters were feeling, I've been hooked!

So, what does any of this have to do with these Jumble puzzle books featured above?  While some people enjoy figuring out giant jig-saw puzzles to stimulate their minds, I prefer unscrambling words to help keep my cognition up to speed.  This not only relaxes me, but also gives me an advantage (I hope) in keeping the dementia wolves at bay as aging often invites these unwanted guests into our latter years, causing chaos and confusion.

This world in which we live is already chaotic and confusing enough, isn't it?  No need to add insult to injury!  When all seems to be spinning out of control, we can lean into our loving God and His eternal Word, as alive and active today as it always has been and ever will be.  We don't need to panic nor fear.  We know our Father is the One at the helm of our lives, and only He will judge the thoughts and attitudes of our hearts.

And when I find myself at my wit's end as I attempt to unscramble a Jumble word, I know I can turn to the answer key for direction.  In our Christian walk, God and His Word are the keys to all the answers we will ever need to live an abundant life, the life Jesus promised, to His honor and glory.

May we all fall in love with God's Word, the greatest story ever told.


Monday, July 8, 2024

Our Vision of Hope


We don't yet see things clearly.  We're squinting in a fog, peering through a mist.  But it won't be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright!  We'll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowing him directly just as he knows us! ~1 Corinthians 13:12 (MSG)

Have you ever experienced fogged windows where you live?  Here in Georgia, we don't just entertain hot summer temperatures, but our humidity can also increase exponentially, making outdoor events unpleasant and downright impossible for many of us to enjoy.  I know my Florida friends can identify with that!

This fog phenomena occurs when the outside glass of a window matches or goes below the dew point temperature of the air.  As a result, the air cannot hold any more water in gas form; it must turn into liquid.  (Thank you, Danny, for explaining this in terms even I can understand!)

So yes, it is July in Kennesaw, and with the blessing of recent rain, we've awakened to misty window panes for two mornings in a row.  Will it happen again tomorrow?  Only if the air continues to be humid, which could most likely be the case.

Clouded windows obscure our usually clear view of the outdoors.  It reminds me of the steam which used to form on a bathroom mirror from a hot shower when the bather forgot to run the exhaust fan.  You certainly cannot see your own reflection unless the moisture is wiped off the glass and allowed time to dry.

In this life, as the apostle Paul states in 1 Corinthians 13:12, we cannot possibly see the entirety of our existence the way that God can and does.  Nothing can obstruct His always clear vision!  But even through the mist, we can know that God is leading us forward, and closer to Him, with every faltering step we take by faith.  We can rest assured that when we leave this darkened world, the clouds will lift, and we will see the Son shining brightly forever and ever.

May we resolve to fully live each precious day God gives us here on earth, and show others, by our actions in love, how He will help them see clearly one day, too.

He is our vision of hope!


Monday, July 1, 2024

Celebrating Freedom


It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.  Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. ~Galatians 5:1

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.  We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream.  It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend out sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free. ~Ronald Reagan

Happy Independence Day, America!  It's time for parades, picnics, patriotic music, pageantry, and masterful firework displays all over this great nation of ours.  As you plan your activities for this momentous holiday, I hope and pray that you will make special time to celebrate the fact that we were formed as one nation under God by visionary Founding Fathers immersed in the teachings of our deep and lasting Judeo-Christian values.

And unless we teach our children and grandchildren why our Constitution and Declaration of Independence formed a system of government unlike anything this tired, weary world had ever known, how will they be equipped and eager to preserve it for posterity?

I am so heartened by the stance recently taken by Oklahoma's state legislature.  It passed a law which requires all public schools to display the Ten Commandments, and to equip classrooms with copies of the Bible.  A curriculum is being developed for grades 5 - 12 to instruct them about how both have influenced the rule of law in our judicial system and in our country's exceptional precepts that declare our freedoms are given us by God alone.  I'm not so naive as to think there won't be push-back from entrenched secular forces in our government, and from those who despise Western civilization in general, but let us, as Christians, not allow those forces to poison the minds of our children with disingenuous lies.

I do believe, with all my heart, that our loving Father is giving us another chance as a country to surrender to His will and be renewed by His Holy Spirit; the same Spirit who, despite all unimaginable odds, inspired this fledgling nation to overthrow the burdensome yoke of the British Empire that we might live free.

As former President Reagan so succinctly expressed, "Freedom is never more than a generation away from extinction."  May God grant us the grace and wisdom to understand and appreciate, to the very depths of our beings, how generously He has blessed us.

And with God's help, let us resolve to maintain His blessing for generation to come.


Envision the Future, Cherish the Past

  Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to their children, and their children to the next generation. ~Joel 1:3 The day we...