Monday, July 22, 2024

As The Deer


As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.  My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.  When can I go and meet with God? ~Psalm 42:1-2

My husband, Danny, is an awesome photographer.  So, where did he travel to get these fabulous photos of wild deer featured in this post?  No further than our own backyard!  

Even though we live in what is considered a suburban neighborhood here in Kennesaw, Georgia, we are surrounded by woods that stretch from ours to other subdivisions surrounding us.  It still amazes me that deer can survive and actually thrive in this environment of expansion and development demanded by the exponential growth of our nearby Kennesaw State University.

Here are a selected number of deer photos from previous years, including that majestic buck above; the last four are from this current season.

We endure an uncharacteristically hot and dry June here.  Fortunately, the deer have a running creek at the bottom of the hill and a large lake in an adjacent neighborhood where they can quench their thirst during the worst heat of the summer.  And recently, God has blessed us with some much-needed rain, welcomed and embraced by all the plants and animals living in our vicinity.

God provides for all His beloved creation, and yes, that includes us.  All of us!  When we find our souls panting and parched by the things of the world, longing for His Living Water, all we need to do is grab our Bibles and drink deeply from the endless spring that bubbles up and overflows in His life-giving Word.

And when we do, God will meet us there.



  1. Hi Martha Jane, beautiful pics of the deer, your husband is very talented at photography. You are right concerning us wanting and needing the living water of God's Word. I find that Word speaking to me every day as I read my Bible in my workroom each morning. We have also had very humid weather here, but I thank the Lord that we are very close to the sea, so we have a cool breeze flowing up to the house. God bless you with all He has for you in His precious Word.

    1. Thanks so much, Brenda! I will be sure to pass your kind compliments on to Danny. May our thirsty souls find daily refreshment in the Word of God, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  2. How fortunate to have such lovely creatures in your garden. And thank you Martha for a wonderful reflection today.

    God bless you and your family.

    1. We feel very fortunate, Victor, to have these graceful deer as our neighbors. Others who are trying to grow vegetable gardens don't share in that sentiment as the deer are known for grazing through such delicacies. People who are serious about growing gardens have to place very high fences around them, too tall for the deer to jump over.
      So glad the message spoke to you!
      Love and blessings!

  3. As I read your thoughts this morning the song that came to me was one of the early worship songs by Maranatha (and you used the Scripture): "As the deer panteth for the water so my soul longeth after Thee." (Forgive the King James English but it was in the song. LOL) Anyway, all kidding aside, that verse of Scripture has sometimes been the only thing I have been able to say to God. "Give me water please. I'm thirsty." Love the pictures also.

    1. I remember that song, too, Bill, and our lay leader will often sing it as part of our service. I know that has a lot to do with my idea for this post. Such a beautiful tune and lovely lyrics!
      Yes, Lord, keep our thirsts quenched by Your gracious Word!
      Love and blessings!

  4. Our suburb of St. Louis is as urban/old suburb as you can get - the oldest suburb in the area, in fact, founded in 1857. We're quite a ways from forested areas. We do have deer (one hopped our next door neighbor's fence a couple of months ago), coyotes, raccoons, opossums, a family of foxes living in the drainage culvert across the street, and a gardener's bane of rabbits, which I'm convinced were accidentally left out of the 10 Plagues of Exodus.

    1. LOL, Glynn! Those 'waskily wabbits' can certainly wreak havoc on Mr. MacGregor and all who would want to follow in his footsteps. As we don't have much grass on our property, just moss, we only see the bunnies in the spring when some grass does manage to sprout in a few places. Certainly, you have a great abundance of wildlife where you live.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Lovely images taken by Danny!
    We have had plenty of rain this summer and trust that all critters on our property did thrive. We of course have a pond and a creek that always provides water and we fill the bird baths for the birds.

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed Danny's photos, Mariette. Sounds like you all have had a lot more rain where you live in the southern part of our state. And with your creek and pond, I'm sure there is always respite for the thirsty wildlife in your backyard.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Beautiful! I love how the deer feel safe nestled in the 'arms' of the fallen trees. Not unlike the refuge we're given by our Father's love.

    1. What great imagery about being nestled in the arms of our Father, Myra. I love it! May all of us run to His embrace when we feel lonely or afraid, knowing He cares for us like no other.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Danny is talented, enjoyed these photos.

    1. Thanks for your kind words here, Christine. I'll be sure to pass them on to Danny.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Danny's photos are absolutely beautiful and it's amazing the deer are close by.

    1. Coming from another photographer, Bill, that's a great complement! Yes, we never tire of seeing our deer friends in the neighborhood.
      Love and blessings!

  9. I love the fawn photos. We are so often on the same wavelength- I recently wrote a blog on this same subject- coming out soon.
    Blessings, Martha

    1. As the saying goes, Lulu, great minds think alike - lol! I'll be looking forward to reading it.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Oh, I LOVE this, Martha. Both the photos and the message are refreshing and comforting to the soul. Thank you to you and Danny! Love and blessings to you!

    1. You are so very kind, Trudy, and I'm so glad you found this post to be refreshing for your soul.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Those of us who trust and love the Lord Jesus Christ do pant to be in His presence. I want to gaze on His beauty and worship in His house forever.
    I'm so happy y'all are getting rain too! It is wonderful.
    We're surrounded by all kinds of wildlife here in the country and especially deer. They are so much fun to watch. We plan to fill our freezer this year. God is blessing us 'rich' in food. Thank you Lord.
    Hope y'all have a great remainder of the day. Keep looking up! 💙

    1. Amen, Sparky! One day we will drink of His Living Water in eternity. And we are more than grateful for the recent rain as we know all the critters are, too. I'll keep looking up!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Beautiful, and so accurate, word pictures here to go with the photographs. Thank you for such a beautiful illustration of scripture.

    1. You are so welcome, Barbara, and thank you for your kind comment here.
      Love and blessings!

  13. The photos are beautiful. You take care and God Bless.

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed Danny's photos, Debby. I'll be sure to tell him.
      Love and blessings!

  14. What wonderful photos and taken in your own backyard that's so cool

    1. It is cool, indeed, Jo-Anne. We are fortunate to have these elegant creatures in our backyard.
      Love and blessings!

  15. Amen to quenching our spiritual thirst in the living water of God's Word. So thankful for God's Word being alive and always perfect for our day and time. I love the photos of the deer, especially the fawns. You are blessed to be able to see them where you live. I miss seeing them where we used to live, along with the bears. But God has blessed us with other beautiful things to enjoy here in His creation, so I can't complain. Thank you for sharing these magnificent photos. Be sure to thank Danny for us!

    1. I will be sure to thank him, Pamela. I do love it when I can incorporate his photos into my posts. And I do know how grateful you are to live where you have so much wildlife to enjoy at Still Waters Pond, though deer aren't a part of the mix. God is so good!
      Love and blessings!

  16. Amen!! Your Danny is such a good photographer, as you said. The photos of the deer are beautiful. They survive there because of the welcoming environment and neighbors, like you, who give them space. Thanks for sharing!

    1. We feel so glad to live in this special place, Terri, that's for sure. God provides for all His creatures, doesn't He?
      Love and blessings!

  17. Wow, Martha! You and Danny are quite the talented pair--writing, music, wildlife photography, etc. Thank you for sharing the gifts God bestowed on you and for once again bringing us into the world where you guys sit at Jesus' feet and absorb His lessons about love and life.
    The deer are such an appropriate illustration of our dependance on God's gracious provision and His faithfulness in providing it. Looking at those beautiful animals and thinking about David's longing for God left we wishing that I had thirsted more deeply and mor often for that refreshing and soul satisfying time in His presence. God bless you both and may He multiply the fruit of your ministry together.

    1. Thank you so much, Ron, for your kind and thoughtful comments here today. We are so thankful to live where we do and God has been so gracious to the both of us. We all need to realize that we are completely dependent upon our loving Father to provide us with that Living Water that eternally flows.
      Love and blessings!

  18. Danny's photos are amazing! I just love seeing the deer, and the sweet fawns. God's incredible world for us to enjoy and marvel! And just as the deer pant for the water, so my heart longs for more of the Lord - a very apt and beautiful devotional thought, dear friend! Much love to you!

    1. Thanks so much, Marilyn, for your kind words about Danny's photography - I'll be sure to tell him. The fawns are so sweet, I agree. We are so grateful for God's gift of Living Water for all who believe.
      Love and blessings!

  19. Bom dia, Martha
    Lindas fotos, o seu esposo é muito talentoso e você também. Postagem muito abençoada, o Senhor é maravilhoso, Ele cuida de nós, vamos buscá-lo a cada dia, a sua Palavra é alimento e nos fortalece, um forte abraço.

    1. Thanks so very much for your kind words here, Lucinalva! May we always seek out His Word to find nourishment for our souls.
      Love and blessings!

  20. Oh my goodness, that is just fantastic. An as you said, your husband makes great pictures. No deer where we live, just snails eating up my pepper plants.

    1. Thanks so much for your compliments on Danny's photos, Marja. I know he appreciates all the kindness shown him here. Tell those snails I said to quit! LOL!
      Love and blessings!

  21. Living in the country we get many visitors ! What a blessing to see God’s creation first hand! B Blessed Martha!

    1. It is such a blessing, Mike, I agree wholeheartedly. I'm sure the wildlife is plentiful where you live in the country and like me, you can celebrate God's marvelous creation.
      Love and blessings!

  22. I'm getting bad at not replying on my blog. You are so lucky to have deer so near to where you live, I only get to see them now and again outside the village where I live. Your question about the chapels, they are non-conformist places of worship. I have been inside a few of them and find them somewhere you can be at peace with yourself and God. One of them I visited was very simple inside and a place I could spend some time in

    1. Thank you, Billy, for your thoughtful comment here today and for letting me know more about those chapels. They certainly did seem to be a more intimate place to seek God and His presence in prayer and solitude.
      Love and blessings!

  23. It caught my attention in the first two sentences of the last full paragraph . God takes care of us, ALL of us. ALL living things whether animal or human, good and bad are under His care. The deer are a good lead in for that statement. I used to go hunting but could never bring myself to shoot them. I enjoyed watching them in their exuberance of life. Your husband took some very good photographs.

    Hugs and Blessings

    1. I'm so glad those phrases touched you, Jim. It is true and I sure wish more people would realize how much God loves them. The animals already know. The deer are such elegant creatures and we are thrilled when we get to see them. I'll make sure to pass on your compliment of Danny's photography to him.
      Love and blessings!

  24. What beautiful photos, Martha. We visited a cabin in the Smokies a few months ago and deer came out every monring, Also, we see deer at a lot of our camp sites when we are traveling for our YouTube channel. We have also received a lot of much needed rain here. God bless! Karen Friday

    1. Thank you, Karen, and I'll be sure to tell Danny how much you enjoyed his photos. I can imagine that y'all do see a lot of deer in your travels through the Smokies. Still enjoying 'hitching rides' with you both through your channel!
      Love and blessings!

  25. His photos fully caught an expression of love.

    1. Thanks so much for this kind comment, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  26. God bless you and your deer neighbors 🙏🏽

  27. beautiful photos and glimpses of God's nature, Martha. and love it that it is in your own back yard. We have lots of deer here in Ohio too but not in my backyard, though.

    1. We do feel so honored to claim the deer as our neighbors, Jean. God reveals himself in so many countless ways, doesn't He?
      Love and blessings!

  28. I love these pictures of the deer, Martha! We occasionally will see a deer in our backyard. It's always a big deal when we do! We have a stretch of road near us that we often see deer; such a treat to spot these gentle and graceful creatures.

    1. It's a treat, indeed, Lisa, and one we never tire of seeing when the deer decide to visit. Such elegant creatures, I agree.
      Love and blessings!

  29. We too see deer in our yard now and then. A neighbor down the street actually feeds them, so I think they spend most of their time at her house! But I never tire of seeing them. I never tire of studying the Bible either, taking in God's instruction, wisdom, encouragement, and inspiration. Morning quiet time is my favorite time of day!

    1. No matter how many times we read scripture, Nancy, there is always something new and insightful we can glean from even the most familiar passages. God provides an endless fountain of wisdom and we can always drink deeply of it. I'm glad you enjoy seeing deer where you live, too.
      Love and blessings!

  30. Thanks so much, Linda.
    Love and blessings!

  31. Awsome pictures of the deer! Its good you had some rain. We have no rain, and lakes and creeks are scarce. Water is a great issue in warm countries such as ours.

    1. I do know that Israel has a lot of issues with rain, having to irrigate so many of your farms there. Conserving water is a must!
      So glad you enjoyed the deer photos, too, Duta.
      Love and blessings!


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