Monday, October 28, 2024

A Father's Love


But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God's unfailing for ever and ever. ~Psalm 52:8

Next year will mark the 50th birthday of Danny's Martin acoustic guitar.  As you can tell by the wear and tear on the body, this instrument has been well loved and well played throughout its many years.  Danny's first real gig after graduating from high school was actually singing and playing in various hotel lounges, mostly throughout Florida.  His repertoire of songs from the '70s is vast, collected and saved in two giant-sized loose-leaf binders with plastic page protectors.

Some of you will recall how special his two boys, Giovanni and Nicco, made their dad's 70th birthday last December.  Not only did they gift him with a refurbished Gretsch electric guitar like the one he played while on the tour circuit, but also gave him a gorgeous set of gold strings for his Martin, which is the only guitar he plays at church.

Alas, just like any other strings, the gold ones wear out with use and must be replaced.

Danny can't bring himself to just throw them away, and comes up with the brilliant idea to use them, along with some old guitar picks and sheet music, to create a shadow box for each of his guys.  We make the trek to Michael's last week for the needed supplies, and these photos show the marvelous results.

Just as Nicco and Giovanni are as different as night and day, Danny makes each shadow box with a unique design.  Giovanni and his wife, Hope, are in town this past weekend, so he is the first to choose the one he prefers.  Honestly, it fits his personality perfectly!  Anyone want to take a guess as to which one he takes with him?  Go ahead!  There's no penalty for a wrong answer.

I've come to realize over the years we've been together that when Danny sets his mind to accomplishing a task or project, he is determined to finish it.  What a great quality that is!  And what he's done here for his boys will be a lasting reminder of the love he has for them in the past, in the now, and forever.

And this reminds me of how much our heavenly Father loves each one of us, uniquely and forever.


Monday, October 21, 2024

My Best Face Forward


Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. ~Proverbs 31:30

I have worn makeup for most of my adult life.  Not heavy, mind you, but enough so that I feel, when in public, I'm putting my best face forward.  Maybe, that sounds vain to some of you, but as my foundation contains sunscreen in it, and my skin is quite fair, it does afford me that extra protection from the harmful UV rays that tend to prematurely age one's skin, and possibly lead to skin cancer.

The interruption of my daily makeup routine happens during the pandemic.  Really, when half of your face is covered by and unseemly mask, and you aren't around strangers on a day to day basis, why bother?  I realize that I would only be wasting money by continuing to use it.  And Danny?  He is more than a good sport about the whole thing.  He'll tell me, honestly, that my wearing makeup doesn't affect the way he sees me, and I look as fine as when we met over twenty years ago.  Yes, ladies, he's a keeper!

But let's face (pun intended) the facts.  With every passing year, we are all growing older.  The suppleness of youthful skin, no matter how much care we give it, will eventually betray our age.  We can angst about wrinkles and crow's feet, but I prefer to look at them as badges of honor.  A life lived joyfully, with frequent smiles that involve a full facial expression, is destined to create this phenomenon over time.  And no amount of makeup can erase those.

Our outward charm and beauty cannot last, no matter what potions and remedies and snake-oil promises the advertisers would have us believe contain the fountain of youth.  True confession:  I've fallen for lots of them in the past, and guess what?  They don't work!  Oh, there might be a temporary benefit here or there, and if you know of one that you trust, please feel free to leave your info in the comment section.  

In the grand schemes of things, though, I do NOT want to be remembered because I wore fancy makeup.  I already know that I'm beautiful in God's eyes just as I am.  When the time comes for me to return home to Him, I hope and pray that the people most dear to me will remember me as a person whose heart beat for the Lord, and they could always see Jesus in everything I said and did while I was here on earth, loving them all.  Could there be a better legacy than that?

Yes, with or without makeup, may we all strive to put our best face forward for God and His glory.


Monday, October 14, 2024

Welcome Home


Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.  Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." ~Matthew 9:37-38

It's that time of the year again!  Our church's annual pumpkin patch is up and running just in time for Halloween and all things autumn.  As this is the largest fund raiser we hold all year, we are hoping that a lot of folks will purchase pumpkins, gourds and goodies during the coming weeks.  The weather has turned sunny, dry and much cooler, and is predicted to stay that way for most of October.  I do hope that puts people in the mood to stop by our church and start decorating their homes and businesses.

These are just a few photos of this year's pumpkin patch, featuring even more pumpkins than we had last year.

We were most fortunate to have an entire baseball team, to which one of our high school church members belongs, volunteer to remove all the pumpkins our of their huge boxes and display them for us last Saturday.  Many in our congregation are older folks who are no longer able to do such physical labor.  God bless those young men with strong arms and backs, and a willingness to serve!

Danny and I count ourselves as part of the baby-boomer crowd.  Because of the health strains on us this year, we can only offer to help in the selling booth when we are both available.  Danny still doesn't feel confident in driving on his own, and I don't blame him.  Last year, I could come and go freely, but that's no longer the case.

Our congregation at Shiloh Community Church isn't large in size, but they're large in love.  My prayer is that those who visit to buy pumpkins will feel God's Holy Spirit through us, and decide to visit with us for church services and/or Bible studies that we offer throughout the year.  As Jesus tells us in Matthew's gospel, the harvest of hearts and minds is plentiful, but the workers are few.  May our presence in our community at this time of year turn both heads and hearts toward our true home in the Lord.  As our service bulletin declares each Sunday:


Monday, October 7, 2024

Old Glory


Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he chose for his inheritance. ~Psalm 33:12

Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.  It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. ~John Adams

I have always wanted to fly an American flag at our home.  There are so many neighbors who fly theirs proudly, day after day, here in Kennesaw, Georgia.  And when our patriotic holidays roll around?  The town, itself, displays flag after flag along main streets within the city limits.  It is a constant reminder of the precious freedoms our Founding Fathers envisioned for our nation almost 250 years ago.

We decide to order ours from a company in South Carolina.  I mean, really, does anyone want a flag that is NOT made in the USA?  I don't think so.  Since we have an outdoor camera that catches activity on our driveway and front deck, we have to be strategic about where to place it; the last thing we need is Danny's phone pinging endless alerts because a brisk breeze causes our flag to wave.  That would be counterproductive to the task the camera is supposed to reliably do.

The following photos detail the steps Danny takes to attach the flagpole below the camera's view and still be a witness to our belief in the values upon which our nation was founded.

In less than 30 minutes, Old Glory adorns our home, beckoning one and all to salute and honor her.  Long may our star-spangled banner wave over the land of the free and the home of the brave.

And may the Lord continue to bless and keep us, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.


Thursday, October 3, 2024

Prayers, Prayers and More Prayers ~ Part Two


Pray without ceasing. ~1 Thessalonians 5:17

As most of you who follow this blog have figured out by now, Danny and I are safe at home.  But allow me to take you back to the anxious time a week ago today when we prepare to leave the Hilton Garden Inn.  We still don't know for certain what awaits us on our return home.  Will there be a branch piercing our roof?  A tree across our driveway?  Will our neighborhood look like a war zone?

We approach the city of Kennesaw, keenly observing any abnormality that might jump out at us.  So far, so good.  Our hearts become just a bit lighter.  Before we know it, the entrance to our neighborhood is in sight.  As we turn in, the sighs of relief become prayers of gratefulness.  No one, it seems, in our neck of the woods has suffered any damage from the storm.  Even the creek at the bottom of our development flows at its normal level, with no trace of storm debris on the road except the usual piles of fallen leaves.

As our car stops at the crest of our steep driveway, we can't see any violation of our roof by tree limbs.  Of course, debris is everywhere, but nothing out of the ordinary that could cause undue alarm for us.  Danny knows, too, because of an app on his phone, that our home never even lost electricity.  How miraculous is that?

We enter our home safely, our hearts are overflowing with thanksgiving.  Just the thought, at our age, of having to start all over again is enough to make the most stalwart of hearts grow faint.  It is a fall-on-your-knees-praise-the-Lord moment!

But as we watch dreadful events unfolding in other regions of the southeast, a deep sense of survivor guilt engulfs us.  Each new tragedy brings fresh tears and repurposed prayers.  We are hit particularly hard by the flooding in our beloved North Carolina mountains.  Place like Chimney Rock and Asheville are reduced to mud-slicked rubble.  The images on our television look like scenes out of a horror movie.

But this is no movie.  It is real life in real time with real people who have lost homes, businesses and, worst of all, their very lives.  As of today, there are still hundreds of thousands of people in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, and the Carolinas without electricity, cell service and the basic essentials of clean water and food.  With so many roads washed away in the mountains, I see on the news that mules and horses are being used to bring in such supplies as can be carried to these remote areas.

I know there are hundreds of private organizations, churches and volunteers working round the clock to help in all the areas adversely affected.  But where is FEMA?  Why are they saying they don't have enough funds to last through this hurricane season?  As we say here in the South, and it is NOT a compliment, "Bless their hearts."

Please join me in praying fervently and continuously for the victims of this disaster.  The recovery will be long and arduous for so many.  Even if we can't afford to monetarily contribute, prayer is free.

And God, our one true Life Line, is listening.


Envision the Future, Cherish the Past

  Tell it to your children, and let your children tell it to their children, and their children to the next generation. ~Joel 1:3 The day we...