Monday, October 7, 2024

Old Glory


Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he chose for his inheritance. ~Psalm 33:12

Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.  It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. ~John Adams

I have always wanted to fly an American flag at our home.  There are so many neighbors who fly theirs proudly, day after day, here in Kennesaw, Georgia.  And when our patriotic holidays roll around?  The town, itself, displays flag after flag along main streets within the city limits.  It is a constant reminder of the precious freedoms our Founding Fathers envisioned for our nation almost 250 years ago.

We decide to order ours from a company in South Carolina.  I mean, really, does anyone want a flag that is NOT made in the USA?  I don't think so.  Since we have an outdoor camera that catches activity on our driveway and front deck, we have to be strategic about where to place it; the last thing we need is Danny's phone pinging endless alerts because a brisk breeze causes our flag to wave.  That would be counterproductive to the task the camera is supposed to reliably do.

The following photos detail the steps Danny takes to attach the flagpole below the camera's view and still be a witness to our belief in the values upon which our nation was founded.

In less than 30 minutes, Old Glory adorns our home, beckoning one and all to salute and honor her.  Long may our star-spangled banner wave over the land of the free and the home of the brave.

And may the Lord continue to bless and keep us, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.



  1. A job well done. Best wishes from over here to you and your family. God bless you all, Martha.

  2. AMEN Martha! IMHO those who want to burn it, stomp on it, demean it, or defile it can take their vitriol to another country. After all, didn't some of them promise that? I pledge allegiance to the Lamb not the elephant or the donkey, but I am grateful for the men and women who made it so I and others can live in this free country.

    1. Absolutely, Bill. Yes, I do recall such things being emitted from certain people's mouths, but they never have left, have they? This is the greatest country exactly because it was founded on Judeo-Christian values, admitting that all our rights come from God, not government. May God bless all those who have given their all to preserve those freedoms.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Amen! We love to fly our flag proudly every day, except when it is raining/storming. I will probably have to forego the flag salute for the next few days. Yours looks great there! "America! America! God shed His grace on Thee! And crown thy good with brotherhood, from sea to shining sea!"

    1. I so love that patriotic song, Pamela, and I always enjoy your photos of the sun rise with the flag in it. Yes, y'all are about to get hit again, and hard, by Milton. Know you are all in my prayers for your safety.
      Love and blessings!

  4. There have been a few times in past years where we couldn't bring ourselves to display it on days associated with it. We usually do now, but sometimes it's with considerable doubt. Watching what's happened in the country leads me to question what exactly the flag stands for.

    1. I pray for this nation every day, Glynn, that God's will will be done. We have been through the fire as a country, and we will probably go through it again. But if we put our trust in the Lord and His provisions, we will prevail.
      Love and blessings!

  5. We have a flag pole that proudly displays the American flag. To the side front of the house, we always fly the Israeli flag.

    1. I can absolutely understand why you fly both flags, Debby. Good for you!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Your flag looks beautiful. So happy for you.

    1. Thanks, Debby! It makes us happy, too.
      Love and blessings!

  7. AMEN!! Love it!
    Blessings, Martha!

    1. So glad for your vote of confidence.
      Love and blessings!

  8. That looks perfect! I hope one of these days my son will find time to come put up a new flag mount. It's been more than a year I discovered our flag lying in a deep pile of muddy water on the front lawn. The wind gusts were such they ripped the mounting mechanism practically in two. I miss seeing Old Glory waving proudly.

    1. Oh, dear, Myra, that's tragic! I hope your son can come sooner than later to help y'all mount it once again. May Old Glory ever wave.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Dearest Martha Jane,
    Well, we are the proud owners of two very special United States Flags.
    Upon becoming both US Citizens, our late Congressman flew one over the Capitol for us. They had to wait till we were home, from our international consulting jobs for receiving it:

    And another meaningful flag flown for us:

    Good for you for having yours up!
    May indeed God watch over us as One Nation Under God and may our prayers reach him.


    1. How wonderful is that, Mariette!!! I'll be sure to look up the links you've posted here. I don't think there can be any prouder Americans than those who came here legally and chose to go through the long process of becoming citizens as Pieter and you did.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Having one's countries flag displayed or flying outside one's home isn't a thing here, that said I do like the idea of having one's flag on display if one is proud of their country

    1. That's something I never knew about Australia's traditions, Jo-Anne. Here in the USA, we do like to say it loud and proud with our red, white and blue.
      Love and blessings!

  11. What a great reminder of the freedoms we enjoy and the responsibilities we bear.

    1. Absolutely, Diana. Freedom is not possible without those of us who enjoy it taking responsibility for our actions.
      Love and blessings!

  12. This is Awesome and great thinking about how the waving flag might pick up on the camera. Glad Danny found the perfect location for the flag to hang. We have had one on the corner of our home for years. I had to replace it this past Spring. It saddens me when I see an American Flag that is raveling. Of course...I love any American flag

    1. I sure hear you about a flag unraveling, Shug, as we had a neighbor up the street who literally had one in shreds until it was finally replaced. The new one is so wonderful to see! Danny is so good when it comes to figuring out how and where to place things around our home. He didn't graduate from Georgia Tech with an engineering degree for nothing - LOL!
      Love and blessings!

  13. Many here in Mas Verde, including myself, fly the flag proudly. I love that you were able to get Old Glory flying from your home! xo

    1. We are so happy we did, too, Terri. Stay safe in the coming storm, dear friend!
      Love and blessings!

  14. It was such an uplifting thing to watch you guys get your flag up, and Diane and I could really relate. We used to plant a flag in our yard for special days, but our house has no woodwork that will facilitate hanging a flag. But one of our neighbors across the courtyard from our house gave everyone in our little circle a flag made by Allegiance--an all American operation start to finish. So, I got some masonry bits for my drill and went to work--unfortunately, the screws we used didn't hold and we came home a week or so ago and the bracket was hanging by one screw--thankfully keeping Old Glory off the ground. But ultimately, I got some more secure anchors and it's flying high and proud. I'd send you a picture but it's dark outside--maybe later. We absolutely love your witness for Jesus Christ and for the values and principles He taught.

    1. Oh, Ron, I love your story about your flag saga here, my friend. And how generous of your neighbor to give out flags to all in your circle made by Allegiance! We did look into that company first, but they were a bit high in cost for us at the moment. Their workmanship is excellent, so I've heard. Feel free to send a photo anytime you'd like as we'd both love to see it.
      Love and blessings!

  15. Yes, made in the USA. Glad you put that flag up. We had friends from the USA visit us over the weekend, we had not seen them in 12 years (since we were last in California).

    1. How nice to have a visit in the Netherlands from your American friends after so many years, Marja! I know they must have been thrilled to see you. Made in the USA should ever and always mean quality and excellence. We really are enjoying our new addition that sings of freedom to all who see it.
      Love and blessings!

  16. Had to smile and read aloud to Gary of this predicament with the placement of your flag! I'm glad you've found a suitable solution!

    1. I'm happy to hear that you shared this with Gary, Barbara. Sounds like he, too, appreciates the intricacies of engineering. Stay safe in this upcoming storm!
      Love and blessings!

  17. I love to see the flag flying from homes, businesses, and schools. She's been the banner of freedom, strength, and help to the world for generations now. Long may she wave!

    1. Amen, Nancy! I love to see the same wherever we go.
      Love and blessings!

  18. Oh, I love it. And love that Bible verse and John Adams quote. Good job, Danny! :-) God bless, Martha! Karen Friday

    1. Thanks so much, Karen, for your kind words here. May we all realize that we can only be united as a nation when God is the Lord of our lives.
      Love and blessings!

  19. Great post.
    Everyone should respect history and think about future through it.

    1. Exactly! We should be proud of our country's history and learn from it.
      Love and blessings!

  20. So beautiful, Martha! I agree wholeheartedly with your prayer. May God have mercy for the sake of us who still deeply love this country and continue to serve Him with all our hearts.

    1. Amen, Cheryl! May God have mercy on us all.
      Love and blessings!

  21. It’s great to see your pride in flying the American flag.
    Choosing a made-in-the-USA flag and being clever about its placement shows how much you care.
    Here’s to Old Glory waving proudly at your home!
    God bless!

    1. Thanks so much for your kind and thoughtful words here, Veronica. Long may Old Glory wave!
      Love and blessings!

  22. I got curious. Our flag is made in OHIO! Yah!

    1. How cool is that, Jean! Thanks for sharing with us here today.
      Love and blessings!

  23. Thanks for sharing Martha! We are the land of the free and the flag is a great reminder of that. B Blessed.

    1. Amen, Mike, it is! And all our inalienable rights come from our mighty God.
      Love and blessings!

  24. Hi Martha Jane, I like flags. I was born in Wales and would love to fly our lovely flag in my garden, but we now live in Northern Ireland, which is a lovely place. Regarding who we are, the Welsh, Scots and the Irish are all Celts, regardless of the fact that the Union Jack flag shows nothing on it that represents Wales, and London appears to rule all four countries .

    1. That's a dilemma for sure, Brenda. I hear you about wanting to fly the flag of your birthplace, yet feeling that it might appear out of place in Northern Ireland. It's a shame that the Union Jack isn't more representative of all the people residing in the United Kingdom.
      Love and blessings!

  25. Yes! No matter what our political leanings, it's always a joy to see our flag flying freely, reminding us of the liberty we have to speak to each other respectfully and kindly and make our voices heard without condemnation. We fly ours from the side of the garage, honoring both our son-in-law and grandson-in-law who serve our country.

    1. It is such a joy, Linda, and I'm so glad to know you take pride in flying yours, reminding you of the freedoms we cherish and to honor your son-in-law and grandson-in-law. We are so proud of Giovanni, Danny's eldest son, who currently serves in the Air Force. May God bless all our brave troops.
      Love and blessings!

  26. Martha, we too just purchased an American flag last week to proudly display on our home for all of the same reasons. May God continue to Bless the USA!!!

    1. Oh, yes! May God shed His grace on us, always, and may our nation repent and turn to Him fully.
      Love and blessings!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...