The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever. ~Isaiah 40:8
With Valentine's Day right around the corner, many of you might find yourself scrambling to procure those last-minute flowers, cards or candy to acknowledge your love for that special someone in your life. Danny and I are pretty low-key when it comes to celebrating all things Cupid. The last year, and this one, too, we shop together for the flowers we'd like to see on our dining table and our box of chocolates to share.
Now cards? Those are really special for both of us, so we sneak down the greeting card aisle solo in order to find the one that best expresses our deep feelings for one another.
The flowers we choose are tulips; aside from daffodils, are there any other blossoms that herald the coming of spring perfectly? Enjoy these amazing photos Danny takes of them.
As lovely and gorgeous as these tulips are, we know it won't be long before they will droop and fade, leaving us no choice but to let them go. Sad, yes, but we can remember how beautiful they were in the photos Danny has taken here.
I am eternally grateful that God and His Word will always be with us. He is the same yesterday, today and forever, and He will never cease to love His creation.
And He will always love us who put our faith, hope and trust in Him.
Forever and ever.
Hi Martha Jane, I love tulips, and daffodils , and the photos that Danny has taken are beautiful. Yes, God's Word will always be with us, and will enable us to grow in Him while on this earth, and live forever when we leave it. God bless you and Danny.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Brenda, for your kind and complimentary words here about Danny's photos. His creativity with picture taking never ceases to amaze me. And thank goodness that our God and His word stand forever.
DeleteLove and blessings!
What a lovely post for this special occasion on the 14th. Thanx Martha.
ReplyDeleteGod bless you and Danny and family.
I'm so glad you enjoyed it, Victor.
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Neither Jo nor I are flower people-in the 60s or now. I know. Bad. :) When i do buy flowers it is so random she stops to appreciate them. At our age (72 & 74-she is older-LOL) and the years of marriage (52 in June) we cherish the times we spend together. I'm glad God's love is forever. I know Jo will never stop loving me and I know beyond a shadow of doubt God NEVER will.
ReplyDeleteAmen to God's love for us and the love that Jo and you have shared for all these years, Bill. You are both a success story that we should all celebrate.
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Such lovely flowers, smiles...and I am eternally grateful for you. smiles.
ReplyDeleteOh, Linda, thanks so much for your sweet words here today. I'm so grateful to God for you and all my blogging friends. You are all so special!
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That's nice what y'all do. Very sweet.
ReplyDeleteI guess I'm not a romantic person. I told Steve before our marriage in 1979 I don't celebrate Valentine's. No need for flowers or candy or cards, just treat me respectfully, that's all I ask. He has and he does. I am content. I hope I treat him the same way.
I'm so thankful that God's love by His Son Jesus never fades nor changes. HE does show us that love in so many ways. Isn't that grand?! 🥰
It's the grandest thing imaginable, Sparky! Respect for one another is key to a strong and lasting marriage. We all have our unique way to celebrate each other and God's perfect love for us all.
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What beauty in His gifts. Love it.
Thanks so much, Regine! Danny is a gift to me just by being who he is.
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Happy Valentine'sDay soon!
ReplyDeleteSame to you, Christine!
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Amen!! We are the same around here. We enjoy giving cards, which can be lasting and tulips are my favorite for valentines. Your scripture verse blessed my heart this morning....and now I am singing "Glory" by Jervis Campbell. Absolutely a gorgeous song with so much meaning.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad this post blessed your morning, Shug. Your sweet comment here has blessed me. I'm not familiar with that particular song, but will go look it up on YouTube shortly.
DeleteLove and blessings!
Every Sunday at out church, right before the pastor begins the sermon, the pastor and the congregation repeats those words from Isaiah. (And the Valentine flowers I buy vary from year to year - I mix it up.)
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful is that tradition in your church, Glynn! I like that you mix up your flowers, too. Since Danny and I are always together now, it's so much harder for him to surprise me, but he always chooses well.
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Beautiful floral photo parade, Martha, and I felt a connection, a kind of kinship with them. It wasn't the radiant colors that did it, of course, I never had any of that, but when you pointed out the "sagging and drooping" that awaits them I could really relate to that :).
ReplyDeleteI also enjoyed watching in my mind as you and Danny go through your own little Valentine's Day expressions of the love that has endured and that has guided you through so many adventures together. And it obviously continues to nourish and enrich your own lives as well as your fan club out here. Diane and i are a little more random, but like you and Danny, not so wildly extravagant or complicated. We like down-to-earth things, like your flowers, and we love genuineness and simplicity. So, Happy Valentine's Day to you guys, and may God's incredible love continue fill both of you and carry you in magnificent triumph over everything this screwed up world can throw in your path.
Thanks ever so much for your kind words here today, Anon. And the sagging and drooping comment? Just comes with the territory of getting older; Danny and I are in the same boat as Diane and you. We do like simple things and enjoy just spending time together. Love is not meant for one day, is it? Happy Valentine's Day to both of you!
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I am blessed because I am a believer - and I know no matter what - even if it is crushing - HE IS STILL WITH ME.
ReplyDeleteRick came home last night and today he is doing really well. A miracle. So, let's plan in a couple of weeks.
I'm absolutely thrilled that Rick is doing so well, Chatty! Yes, because of our faith in our Lord, we know that we can get through all the challenges and struggles life sends our way. Our everlasting Father will always be with us, and I take such comfort in that every day.
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I’m so thankful for God’s never-failing, never-ending love. May we always follow that example whether we give flowers and candy or not.
ReplyDeleteAmen, Diana! God should always be our first love, as everything falls into place when Jesus is at the heart of the matter.
DeleteLove and blessings!
Sounds like you and Danny will enjoy a delightful Valentine's Day together. Praise God for HIS love that augments our love for one another!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Nancy. Yes, because God first loved us, we can love one another. And for that, I'm eternally grateful.
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Tom and I are definitely low-key; in fact, Hallmark probably hates us. (lol) I do love the idea of a living table adornment, and may float the same idea. Danny's images are really stunning; did you have to flip a coin between those and the daffodils?
ReplyDeleteI believe God's word is the greatest expression of true love ever!
When I mentioned the daffodils, Myra, I'm referring to the ones that bloom every year in our yard; I don't pick them, just enjoy them while they last in their natural habitat. Low key is sometimes the best way to go, too. And God absolutely is the greatest and grandest expression of love and devotion we could ever have, forever and ever.
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We are low key when it comes to days like Valentine's Day. We make our own cards or write a note that expresses our love for each other. My wife is allergic to the scents from flowers so we don't have those around. A nice photo will do justice and she appreciates that. It works for us so that makes us both happy and that's what counts.
ReplyDeleteWhat works best for you as a couple is absolutely the best, Bill. Especially when you've been married for many years, the traditions you cherish are what matters to the both of you. Danny's photos always bring me such joy, and that's what we all need, isn't it?
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That is sweet that you give each other cards and do the candy & flowers together. Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your kind words, Debby. Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day!
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So sweet and beautiful post, thanks a lot Martha jane for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you enjoyed the post, Snobe. I know from your poetry how expressing love is close to your heart.
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Amen! I love your analogy of the flowers fading and God's Word remaining...Jesus Christ, the same, yesterday, today, and forever! We are also very low key about Valentine's Day. Usually just a card will do. But hubby's birthday is the 16th, so we usually combine the two events. Those tulip photos are amazing!! Thank you for sharing them with us.
ReplyDeleteDanny's photo skill never ceases to amaze me, too, Pamela. I always love to feature his gifts here with all my blogging friends. And in following your blog for so long, I would already assume that your Valentine's Day was a low key day for John and you. Flowers in their season are lovely and enchanting, but they can't compare to the wonders of God's eternal Word and promises that will never fail.
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Lovely photos by your sweet Danny! Forever and ever, amen!! xo
ReplyDeleteOh, yes, Terri, forever and ever is our amazing God's promise when we believe! I'll make sure to tell Danny that you enjoyed the photos.
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Martha, the tulips are gorgeous. Danny's photography skills display them beautifully. Thankful the Lord's Word is eternal, even after the grass withers and the flowers fade. God bless!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Karen, for your complimentary comment about Danny's photos. I love to be able to share his creative gifts on my blog whenever I can as it's a testimony to the talents God gives us. I, too, am so thankful that I can rely on the truth and faithfulness of God's Word that will never fail us even when we leave this world.
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The flowers are just as beautiful as the message you shared! God bless you both!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Mrs. White, for your kind words and wishes for God's blessings on us. He knows how much we need that affirmation at this time in our lives. May our Father continue to look after you and yours with tender care.
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My favourite flower are carnations, but I will not get any on Valentine's Day as for me and Tim it is just another day more so on Tim's part then mine, I wouldn't mind some acknowledgement of our love on the day
ReplyDeleteIt is sweet, indeed, to be acknowledged by your husband no matter what day of the month or time it is. Carnations are beautiful, too, Jo-Anne.
DeleteLove and blessings!
Bom dia, Martha
ReplyDeleteQue postagem tão singela, vocês formam um belo casal, lindas flores e os cartões são maravilhosos. Que o amor de Deus fortaleça essa união em todo tempo. Aqui no Brasil o dia dos namorados é comemorado no dia 12 de junho, bjs querida.
I didn't know that about Brazil, Lucinalva. I wonder why June 12? I'm so glad you enjoyed the post, my friend.
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thecontemplativecat here. Tulips are so lovely, colors so varied. But they do not last long. Last year for Valentine's Day we went to Home Goods store and bought each other the one item they really liked. Lots of fun.
ReplyDeleteYes, Susan, that sounds like a great way to have fun and to acknowledge your love for one another. We will certainly enjoy the tulips while they last, and remember that God's love lasts for eternity.
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beautiful. Happy Valentines day!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jean. Happy Valentine's Day to you, too!
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Thanks, Jean. Happy Valentine's Day to you, too!
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What a beautiful reflection on love, faith, and the fleeting yet precious nature of life’s moments! The tulips may fade, but the love shared and the memories captured will always remain. And how reassuring it is to know that God’s love is eternal, unchanging, and steadfast. Thank you for this heartfelt reminder—truly a blessing to read! 🌷🙏💖
ReplyDeleteThanks for your kind and thoughtful words here, Veronica. I so appreciate them and you! I'm so thankful that God's love will never fade nor fade, and we can rely on His steadfast presence and grace every day of our lives and beyond.
DeleteLove and blessings!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteLovely post
ReplyDeleteThank you, Rajani.
DeleteLove and blessings!
Martha Jane: I like the flowers. Jim knows I like flowers. He buys me roses on Valentines Day, other kinds of flowers throughout the year, and poinsettias for Christmas. The poinsettias have to be red. Be blessed.
ReplyDeleteThat's so sweet of Jim, Cecelia. He definitely is a gem of a husband and I know you are so grateful to have him in your life.
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I remember reading/seeing this post...and somehow, I forgot to post a comment, sigh...anyways, wishing you a beautiful Sunday my friend.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for taking time to visit, Linda.
DeleteLove and blessings!
I hope your Valentine's Day was beautiful! Thank you so much for your visits that do so much to uplift me. Aloha!
DeleteI feel fairly strongly that the best of flowers are those still attached to a root in soil; that's the way God made them, and it's the way in which He has them still fertile. Snowdrop time still here, with a few yellow crocuses appearing.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you to a large extent here, David, but if the flowers have already been cut, why not give them a happy home? We did enjoy these tulips, but when our daffodils begin to bloom in our yard, we leave them just as God intended.
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oh I just love that you and Danny choose the flowers and the chocolate together. i find that to be more romantic than the traditional 'surprise' purchases. i'm going to take this with me, Martha. it's such a sweet way to go about things ...
ReplyDeleteThanks, Linda, for your kind words here today. I'm so glad you liked this idea and plan to go forward with it in the future.
DeleteLove and blessings!