Sunday, July 24, 2011

Good Intentions

Matthew 26:33-34
Peter replied, "Even if all fall away on account of you, I never will."
"Truly I tell you, " Jesus answered, "this very night, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times."

Peter has a big heart; the problem is he has a big mouth, too. He reminds me of the student in class who can't wait to be called upon and has to urgently blurt out the answer, right or wrong. While Peter's intentions are worthy and honorable, Jesus knows that this disciple upon whom the church would be built will not be able to keep the promise he made so impulsively. He has not yet been brought to the time of rial, the test he will fail so miserably. Indeed, before the rooster crows that morning, Peter has denied his Lord three times. His brash, bold words uttered just hours before are now nothing more than hollow, empty shells crumbling before his eyes. Ashamed of his inability to live up to his vow to Jesus, he weeps bitterly. (Matthew 26:75)

Has someone ever promised to be there for you, no matter what, but let you down? Have you ever made a pledge to a friend or family member, but could not follow through? I imagine there isn't one of us who hasn't been on one side or the other of this pendulum; each swings with the same emotions: despondency, disappointment, and grief. The good news is, Jesus forgave Peter his transgression, He forgives you, too, for the times when you hurt someone, and He calls you to forgive, with a big heart, those who hurt you.

Can you accept His forgiveness? Can you forgive others? Don't tell Jesus you can until you know you are able and ask for His help along the way. Good intentions are never good enough.

Psalms 24, 29 or 8, 84
2 Samuel 1:17-27
Romans 12:9-21
Matthew 25:31-46


  1. A great message. May we all learn to really think out the words we say, weigh them in our hearts, before we say them. I think everyone has experienced being let down by another person. It is escpecially difficult when it has been someone that you have had a lot of trust in. I have done it...promising once something that I thought was a sure thing and that didn't happen the way I had planned. It is an awful feeling when we fall short. Thank God for His grace when we fail and His love for us which never fails.

  2. I try on a daily basis to forgive others who have done me wrong or hurt me some how in the past. But to live His way it is something I am trying every day to do, forgive others.

  3. I experienced betrayal by co-workers I thought were friends several years ago. It took me a long time to forgive them and the situation, but I finally let go. Everyone is capable of forgiveness; sometimes, it takes awhile and we have to learn to be patient with ourselves and continue to pray about it.

  4. We all have struggled with forgiveness Martha. I pray for the grace to forgive “from the heart” when someone has deeply wounded my soul. And I pray the same for those I’ve offended. Even now as I write this, I pray for a certain loved one. Beautiful message and so timely my friend.


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...