Mark 2:27-28
Then he said to them, "The Sabbath was made for people, not people for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath."
Jesus' words infuriate the scribes and Pharisees. In two short sentences, He negates every man-imposed regulation regarding Sabbath behaviors which they oversee, and, in their minds, commits blasphemy by referring to Himself as the Son of Man. Their power and control over the Jewish people is threatened, shaken to the very core, by this irreverent upstart whose startling authority rings true in the ears of those they once held in their sway. With their supremacy in question and their preeminence waning, the sin of pride clouds their hearts and they begin to plot Jesus' destruction (Mark 3:6). Is it any wonder the Lord describes them as a brood of vipers (Matthew 23:33)?
When God gave the fourth commandment to Moses - "Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy" - He knew human beings required two necessities in life that we have the option not to practice: rest from the routines of our daily tasks and purposeful time spent in communion with God. To deny either one is to doom us to ill health, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. To live full, meaningful and productive lives, we must allow ourselves time to relax and rejuvenate and we need to attend worship regularly in addition to setting aside focused time each day to spend in prayer and praise to the Lord who always knows our needs before we ask.
How have you been spending your Sabbath? Is there something you need to change in your practices in light of knowing that this day was created for you? Go to the Lord of the Sabbath; He will give you the answers you seek.
Psalms 37:1-18 or 37:19-40
1 Samuel 20:24-42
Acts 13:1-12
Mark 2:23-3:6
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