Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Who's Going to Get Your Vote?

Romans 13:1
Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established.  The authorities that exist have been established by God.

It's finally here!  Election Day!  And, if you haven't voted early, as my husband, Danny, and I have, you are planning ahead for a long line and a long time at your polling precinct today.

That's just the way it is with presidential elections.  Voters who haven't darkened the door of a voting booth in four years emerge vigorously from the woodwork.  I know if I were a politician, I'd want to be running on the presidential ballot.  Who doesn't want a fantastic turn out?

And, that's exactly what will happen today.

I don't know about all of you, but I'm so ready for the hype and hoopla, the jarring and sparring, to be over and done with.  I've had it up to my eyebrows with television and radio ads, calls for campaign donations, and the never-ending stream of political opinions espoused on Facebook and Twitter.

Enough is enough, already!

Will we be watching the election returns tonight?  Hmm.  Let me see . . .

Here we are in this gorgeous cabin, 3,000 feet up in the Nantahala Mountains.

Overlooking Fontana Lake . . .

Quiet . . . peaceful . . . serene.

Away. From. Everything.

I don't think so!

That doesn't mean I won't be thinking about the election and praying for the outcome.  But, finding out who wins can wait until the morning.  After I've had my coffee.  After I've admired God's handiwork all around me.  After I have given thanks to Him.

Because, at the end of the day, now matter which candidate wins, I know that my Lord and my God has the ultimate victory.  There is no authority in heaven or on earth that He has not established.  And, I will pray to Him, "Thy will be done," trusting that He, not I, knows best.

Who gets my vote?

God does!


If you are a U. S. citizen and registered to vote, will you be voting today?

Will you join me in prayer?
As we cast our ballots today, Father, remind us that voting is not a right, it is a privilege.  Let us pray, "Thy will be done" in this election and in every facet of our lives.  We can rest in the promise, even in times of trial, that the final victory belongs to You and You alone.  Amen.


  1. I will be voting! I'll probably be watching Comedy Central tonight to see some commentary as votes are tallied. I can't resist watching Colbert and Stewart together...at least putting a humorous spin on things! Glad you are somewhere beautiful enjoying God's creations!

  2. Thanks so much for visiting, Jessica!
    Yes, injecting some humor into this day sounds like the perfect ticket! Hope those guys are truly entertaining tonight.
    It is gorgeous here . . . I'll share some photos Danny took yesterday on Facebook in just a few minutes.
    Blessings to you!

  3. Martha, I can’t pray ‘thy will be done’ in this situation because that’s what I did in 2008 and look what happened! Kidding aside, I’m 100% with you. I’ve had it up to my eyeballs with politics. Btw, I LOVE that house in the woods. I ‘covet’ such a view as Fontana Lake. That place looks heavenly. If I were you, that’s what I’d be doing tonight instead of watching the returns. If fact, I may pretend I’m there and write about an imaginary view instead of staying glued to the TV because - I can’t look! I told a friend I wanted to hide under a rock. I just can’t bear to look. Just tell me tomorrow what you learn, ok?

    1. Thanks for visiting, Debra!
      Considering this morning's results, I'm truly thankful to be where we are right now, surrounded by the beauty and majesty of God's creation. It reminds me of all that is important.
      Blessings to you!

  4. It must be a time of anticipation and waiting for the outcome. Have a lovely time up at that cabin, my friend. I havent been as regular as I should be in reading your posts, just caught with life.


    1. Thanks for coming by, Rimly!
      We are having a wonderful time here - just what the doctor ordered for rest and relaxation! I know that feeling when I'm trying to catch up on life, so I completely understand. :)
      Blessings to you!

  5. We were listening to the radio about Obama Care and the promise of jobs for nurses in my country... I was 'reacting' a bit about this. I do not know much of your political candidates and so I could just pray for peaceful elections in our country.

    I pray that the people will vote wisely not blindly for themselves.

    God is with you.

    Lots of love

    1. Thanks for visiting, Melissa!
      Being here in God's amazing creation is helping me to better swallow the bitter pill and realize the Lord is in control. May He continue to bless us all . . .
      Blessings to you, my dear!

  6. Hi, Martha! ~

    I was in and out of the polling place in 5 minutes -- No line whatsoever ;-) My life won't change much now that the election is over because I chose not to participate in the 'hoopla' while it was going on -- I don't hardly ever watch T.V. and I avoid people who want to stir stuff up unnecessarily, whether about politics or anything else.

    Your cabin looks AMAZING!!! I'm so jealous!!!

    1. Thanks for dropping by, Linda!
      Yes, the cabin is amazing and we are having a great time. I'm really grateful to be here in God's Country, as I call these mountains. :) It is a soothing balm for the troubled soul . . .
      Blessings to you!

  7. Your cabin gets my vote, Martha! And I watched the results on your behalf! ;)

    1. Thanks for stopping in, Corinne!
      Yes! This cabin is wonderful, and gets my vote, too. Glad to be here in God's Country, especially now, and oh, so grateful that we were able to spend time here.
      Blessings to you!

  8. I voted! It's important for us to use our voices in any way that we can. I hope everyone took a moment to be counted this year.

  9. Thanks for visiting today, Brenda!
    So glad you voted yesterday. It is so important to be counted in each and every election.
    Blessings to you!

  10. Martha, you have such a beautiful view! I hope you and Danny are enjoying your time there. Blessings.

    1. We just got home a couple of hours ago and, yes, we had a super time!
      Thanks so much for stopping by today, Nelieta.
      Blessings always!!!

  11. First off Martha, that cabin and scenery look absolutely beautiful! If I were you I would not have wanted to focus on anything else either. So much beauty in those images.

    It reminds me of the last presidential election. I was happily on the beach in the Dominican Republic. I voted by absentee ballot and was miles away. Sometimes it's nice to be a part of the process but physically and spiritually removed.

    I have been voting since I was eighteen and I always carry a sense of history and pride with me whenever I go to the voting booth. Knowing that in years past, women and certain ethnic groups were not allowed to participate makes me feel blessed to have my say. I love the ending of this post, as God always gets my vote too.

    My prayer is for people all over the world to remain peaceful in their protests even when they disagree during a political time. Sometimes the things we write and say can harm another person's spirit even when we are just expressing our own beliefs. Blessings to not only the US, but to the whole world. God's leadership should govern our lives and we should pray for the humans who take the task of governing here on earth. We need to be more kind even when we disagree. Bless you Martha. :-)

    1. Wow, Tameka, thanks so much for coming by and leaving such an awesome comment here!
      So proud of you for voting and not taking this privilege for granted as so many folks do. It is so important to understand the history of voting in this country and appreciate what we have.
      Oh, I, too, pray with you for peace both here and abroad. What if we all loved each other as Jesus commanded? My! That would bring heaven to earth now, wouldn't it?
      Blessings, my friend!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...