Friday, November 2, 2012

" . . . You're an Angel to Me . . ."

Luke 10: 36-37
"Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?"
The expert in the law replied, "The one who had mercy on him."
Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise."

Amy stares in disbelief at her car's smoking engine.  The hose has cracked and all the coolant has leaked out.  Her hand trembles as she makes the call to the car repair shop near her home.  Her eyes brim with tears.

"Lord, why this?  Why, now?"

For the past year, Amy's life has been one struggle after another.  When she is laid off by her employer, she manages to string together some temporary jobs while seeking a permanent one.

But, in this economy, these are few and far between.  Every day, is a challenge for Amy to make ends meet.  To keep a roof over her head and the bills paid.  There isn't any wiggle room in her budget.

How will she manage to pay for the car's repair?

"Please, God, please help me figure out how to do this . . . please . . ."  Amy prays over and over while waiting for the tow truck to come to the rescue.

When she finally arrives home, Amy tells several of her neighbors about her car trouble.  They all tell her how badly they feel for her situation.  All show genuine empathy toward her predicament.

But, only one decides to do something about it . . .

The next day, Amy walks the short distance to Scott's Auto Center to retrieve her vehicle.  The bill is a whopping $500.  She doesn't have that much in her checking account and will have to use her charge card.  The one she is trying desperately to pay down.  And, just can't seem to make headway.

"But, if I don't have a car, I can't look for work," she sighs.  "I have to believe everything will be okay in the long run."

Amy approaches the service desk and introduces herself to the attendant.  He smiles warmly and hands her the bill.

Stamped in bold red letters at the top of the sheet, Amy reads the word "PAID".

"What???"  she cries in amazement.  "Who paid my bill?"

"Anonymous," replies the attendant, still grinning.  "It seems you have a guardian angel."

A guardian angel . . . The words repeat in Amy's head the entire drive home.  But, who?  Who is my angel?  Who could it be?

As she pulls into her driveway, Amy spies her next-door neighbor, Michelle, pruning rose bushes.  A devout Catholic . . . always doing things for her family, her friends, and even strangers . . .

In a flash, Amy sees Michelle's wings and halo.  She leaps from the car, bill in hand, and races over to where Michelle is hard at work.

"Thank you, thank you, dear Michelle!"  Amy exclaims as she waves the bill excitedly.  "How can I ever thank you enough for this?"

"For what?"  Michelle asks, looking up.  When she sees the receipt in Amy's hand, she blushes.  "They weren't supposed to tell you who paid."

"They didn't!"  Amy assures her.  "I spied you out here when I drove up, and I just knew!  You certainly didn't have to do this.  Why did you?"

Michelle looks Amy right in the eye.

"Because, my dear, I know you will pay it forward when life improves for you."
How have you shown mercy to a neighbor in need?

Will you pray with me?
We thank You, Father, for Your guardian angels who give us protection and show us mercy.  Let us show mercy to those in need.  May we always be willing to pay it forward when we are able.  Amen.


  1. What a positive story Martha. I love how it ended. I do thank God for the angel He brings our way.

    After reading this, I reflected on it as I cooked dinner. This morning before I started with gardening, a little child came. She was four years old like my little niece. She accompanied me throughout those two hours~collecting the leaves and replanting the new buds. When my cousin passed by, she asked me who this girl was, and I told her, she's my angel :)

    Yes, pay it forward :) I love that.

    I pray with you that we may become Guardian angels to each other.

  2. Oh, Melissa, what a tender story you have shared here in your comment! Yes, I believe the little girl was an angel, indeed!
    So glad you stopped by and that you enjoyed the story with its positive ending. This was based on an experience which actually happened to a friend of mine, so was most blessed to be able to share it here.
    Thank you for praying with me . . . may we be guardian angels to one another and always look for ways to pay it forward.
    Blessings to you, my friend!

  3. A very touching story Martha.. I truly agree we all can be angels for someone when we lend a helping hand.

    I pray each one of us understands this as this will surely make the world a better place to live!

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Me!
      Oh, yes, wouldn't the world be such a beautiful place if we all took the opportunity to be an angel for others? When my friend told me this story, I was so touched, too, I simply had to tell it.
      Blessings to you!

  4. absolutely beautiful story! Getting out of my car at the grocery store a woman approached me and asked for money. I asked her if she was hungry and she said yes, and proceeds to tell me about her situation... very sad! I told her that I had no reason to doubt that she was hungry and there was no reason to explain. I did not have much money, and was on my way to pick up a prescription for my daughter that wasn't covered by insurance, and we were having all kinds of problems having it compounded I was worried and stressed but I can't stand the thought of sending someone away if they say they are hungry. I know some people think... bum. drunk. no good. whatever. maybe they are right, but what if they are wrong??? I have no reason to doubt... She thanked me profusely and went about her business. I get over to the pharmacy and hand them my paperwork, the cashier gets the prescription, gives me the price; I nearly choke and then the pharmacist approaches and says, "I am so sorry for all the problems you've had over getting this prescription filled, we aren't going to charge you." hmm. um. chills went through me like you wouldn't believe. Thank you for sharing your story... I am better for having visited you today! I hope you have a fabulous weekend!

    1. Oh, wow, Amy, I got chills, delightful ones, just reading your story here! Thanks so much for taking the time to share this with me and other readers. We never know how we will blessed for the love and generosity we show to others. Just beautiful!
      Blessings to you!

  5. I just heard from a student who was one of the few people in New Jersey with electricity after the hurricane. He talked a lot about people helping each other and that "his shower was open to anybody who needed one." He was doing it as an expression of love for God and his neighbors. He gets it.

    Thanks for this, Martha.

    1. Thank you, Andy, for stopping by and sharing this wonderful story. So many of our friends and neighbors in the N.E. are in desperate need. So glad this young man does "get it" and is offering to help. As he is blessing others, my he be blessed!
      Speaking of blessings, sending some your way! :)

  6. Simple and beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing and bringing a little more light to my day. :)

    Take care, my friend.


    1. Thanks for coming by, Casey! So glad the post lifted your spirits today. :)
      Blessings to you!

  7. Yes simple and beautiful is a perfect description. I have had many blessings from many different people when in need. I don't know that they are all angels, but I do know that when I am working towards improvement and the "luck" rus the other way, someone is there to help. Every time, be it with words Ideas, strategy I haven't considered or a simple hug, someone is always there.
    Thank you Martha for the uplifting and encouraging story.

    1. Thanks for dropping by, Jan!
      I love what you have shared here - that no matter what trials you seem to be going through, someone is always there to help. What a blessing that is!
      Blessings to you!

  8. I just cried when I read this. I loved this story so much. Sometimes we hear someone's need and really all we can do is pray for them (not that that isn't a lot!). But sometimes there is something tangible we can do in response. There's a verse in the Bible about not waiting to help our neighbor if we can help today. Do you know the one I mean? I have certainly been the beneficiary of guardian angels and I hope I have played that role in someone else's life.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Galen! I am humbled that this story touched you so deeply. And, I must admit that I can't recall that Bible verse right off the top of my head, but will think on it some more.
      I'm sure, with your generous spirit, you have been an angel to others many times. :)
      Blessings to you!

  9. Before I knew it the tears were rolling! I love true stories like this. In fact I have a guardian angel in the form of my best friend who have helped me through some very tough times when we just opened our business. God has sent her as my guardian angel!

    Thank you Martha for sharing!

    1. So glad this story touched your heart, Nelieta. And, how wonderful it is that you have a real-life guardian angel who has helped you through the tough times. What a blessing that is!
      Thanks so much for coming by!
      Blessings to you!

  10. it's a wonderful story!!
    Something similar happened to me so many times lately. It's such a great feeling when you desperately need something and then it gets to you with no effort and without even asking, even if it's just needing love and then you meet a friend who gives you a hug!

    1. Thanks for dropping by, Nikky, and so glad you liked the story.
      Yes, it is the best feeling of all when we are in need of something and it is granted before we even ask. I'm so happy this has happened to you!
      Blessings to you!

  11. Such a touching story of true Christian faith, Martha. It's amazing how God uses us to 'save' one another, if we are open to receive and give.

    1. Yes, Corinne, we are blessed when God can use us to help others in need and be an angel for them
      Thanks so much for visiting, my friend!
      Blessings to you!

  12. what a lovely story!!
    let's all pay it forward...

    1. Thanks so much, Ann Marie, for stopping by. Yes! May we all pay it forward when we can.
      Blessings to you

  13. Martha, this post reminds me of when I moved to NY from Detroit to attend college. I didn't even have a job and all I had was a paltry savings of less that $500. In NYC, that money was gone in an instant. I was living at the YWCA and being that I had run out of funds, I feared I would have to pack up and go back home, my dreams of graduating from a NYC school deferred.

    One day in class, a student that I had only spoke to approached me after class and asked me why I had looked so sad in class. Usually I don't tell people I don't know about my worries, but that day everything came spilling out! LOL!

    She listened and told me that her dad who was a preacher had a spare room and that I could live with him until I found a job! Then later that week, I received money from a college fund set up for out of state students! From that moment on, whenever the opportunity strikes and I am able, I pay my blessings forward. Thanks for reminding me of this today.

    1. Oh, wow, your story is, indeed, an amazing one, Tameka. I'm so glad you shared this here with me and the other readers.
      Our blessings come in many forms and often at times when we are at the end of our (human) rope. Don't you just love how God works like that? :)
      Thanks so much for coming by!
      Blessings, my dear, and don't worry about the typos. :)


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...