Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Husband Project

Ephesians 5:24-26
Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.  Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word.

If you've followed my blog for any length of time, you probably know two things:  My husband, Danny, and I share a solid, loving relationship, and I never write book reviews.  But, when fellow blogger/Christian writer, Kathi Lipp, issued a challenge to her followers to review her book, The Husband Project, 21 Days of Loving Your Man - on Purpose and with a Plan, I jumped at the opportunity.

After all, even the best marriages can use a tweak and a perk here and there, can't they?  And, I am so excited to read Kathi's The Husband Project which you can order here, so I can share my thoughts with all you married ladies who regularly visit Meditations of My Heart.

Oh, and if you are a married guy reading this, do yourself a favor.  STOP!  Go get your wife, let her read this, and pray she wants to get this book.  You won't regret it, I promise!

Okay, that being said, ladies, we can continue.

Whether you are a head-over-heels newlywed with stars in your eyes every time your man steps into the room, or a seasoned matron wondering why you married this guy 40 years ago, The Husband Project is for you.  Why?  As Kathi states, "(it is) as much about changing our attitudes as it is about blessing our husbands."  The man in your life needs to be encouraged, respected, loved, and recognized for his good qualities.  When you stop thinking about what he didn't do, say, etc., and focus instead upon his strengths, i.e. he's a great dad, a terrific provider, you can build and sustain a better, more loving relationship with your husband.

Why 21 days?  Kathi explains through a humorous anecdote about her over-zealous gym instructor who, when Kathi balks at the strenuous daily exercise, declares, "It takes . . . 21 days to build or thoroughly break a habit."  The 21 creative and flexible projects Kathi offers in her book will help you intentionally and methodically acknowledge and uplift your husband in positive ways each day.  Kathi also recommends that you choose two accountability partners who are willing to participate in The Husband Project with you.  These women can be invaluable sources of praise when things are going well and of comfort and encouragement should you hit a road block in your 21 day journey.

But, this book is so much more than 21 projects.  It is about us learning ". . . to train our minds to think about our man and consider his needs every day."  It is learning to see our husbands as Christ sees them, loving them as He loves them.  

So, when he forgets those flowers on Valentine's, or neglects to take out the trash for the umpteenth time, will you be upset?  More than likely!  But, take heart!  Here's how Kathi handles similar situations:  "When I've been the most angry or frustrated with my husband, I've had to picture Jesus standing on the other side of him.  I focus on loving Christ, and my husband is just standing in the way, receiving all that love."

So, ladies, how about it?  Will you pledge to try The Husband Project?  I can't wait to see my Danny's reactions to these 21 days of intentional, thoughtful encouragements from me!

God bless you, Kathi Lipp!!!

Will you join me in prayer?
We pray today, Father, that Kathi's amazing book will be a blessing to married couples everywhere.  Let us all choose to find the good in our husbands and love them unconditionally as your precious Son, Jesus, loves us.  Amen.


  1. I'm happily single at this point in my life and expect I will stay that way, but I did enjoy your last couple of posts about married life and other recent posts. You and Danny clearly have something very special. (And I love those new shoes--I want some just like them!) Can't wait to read your post after the 21 days. Actually, I think Danny should write that one!!!

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Galen!
      I haven't started the 21 days officially yet, but am looking forward to it. And, yes, maybe Danny should write the conclusion. :)
      Blessings and love!

  2. Hi, Martha! ~

    I will be interested in learning more as you work your way through the projects. I'm definitely in favor of women being more supportive and loving toward their husbands as I think we're seeing an epidemic of 'man hating' in our culture today. Thank you for sharing ;-)

    1. Thanks for coming by today, Linda!
      I think, too, there is so much of a "me first" attitude in society. These projects take the focus of "me" and place it intentionally and with love on the "other" instead.
      I am so looking forward to beginning this project and will let you all know how it goes!
      Blessings and love!

  3. Sounds fun?! Looking forward to the after post - not that I expect you will love any less, probably more, but it should be an interesting project. I quite adore the man in life as well. Worth a gander. Keep us posted.

    1. It will be fun, Brenda, I'm sure of it! I'll let you all know how it pans out. You might want to try it, too! :)
      Thanks so much for coming by!
      Love and blessings!

  4. That's why they say never say never when it comes to helping friends. I'm sure it would be a good book for the Christian audience.


    1. This book is particularly aimed at Christians, Joyce, and is truly inspirational. I'm looking forward to seeing how it all pans out. :)
      Thanks for stopping by!
      Blessings to you!

  5. I'm up to the challenge except that I have to find a husband first LOL! I just read and read things about married couples...and in the house, my mom keeps on saying that as the couple grows older, it isn't about looking at the sunset, silence and just holding each other that keep them together ~ it's the love that they have shared in Christ throughout the years... the challenge is to stay together, know each other well and love each other in his/her imperfection ~ it sounds so ideal to me :P I think the book also says that :)

    I pray for all the married couples, their family and children. May God bless them always.

    Lots of love!

    1. Melissa, I pray that God has the right man in mind for you, and that He will send him your way very soon. You are such a loving person any man would be fortunate to have you in his life.
      And, what your mom says is so true! Beautiful advice!
      Thank you for coming by and for praying with me.
      Love and blessings!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...