Friday, March 1, 2013

How Perfect in Wisdom . . .

1 Corinthians 1:25
For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.

For any first-time author, being reviewed on that media-megalith, Amazon, is imperative.  Of course, one takes the chance that those posted reviews might be less than stellar, but that is a risk I am more than willing to take.  How else will A Trip, a Tryst, and a Terror be known outside of Facebook or my local community?

To encourage friends to write reviews, I announce a contest on The Glade Series Facebook page which you can access here.  The rules are simple:  Write a review on Amazon and be entered in a drawing to win a free copy of the second book in the trilogy, Children in the Garden.

The results?  Twenty-one amazing 5-Star reviews!!! I am beside myself, and my heart does the happy dance for days.  What incredible friends and fans I have!

When Book 2 finally arrives on my doorstep, the time for the drawing does, too.  I write the names of all these wonderful folks on slips of paper and place them face down in the hat.

And, as I do so, I find myself wishing I could afford to give each and every one of them a free novel.  There isn't a person who doesn't deserve it.

I close my eyes and pray before my hand hits the hat . . . Father, in Your wisdom, You know which one of these people truly needs this book right now.  Please let me choose whom You wish me to choose . . .

I pull out a strip of paper with this name:

Mary is a cousin of my husband, Danny.  Come to find out, she has just undergone neck surgery and will be spending a lengthy time in recovery.  Having a new book to read during her convalescence is absolutely perfect!

And, I smile to myself and think - How perfect in wisdom is our God . . .


Were there times in your life when you knew that a choice you made was really God choosing for you?

Will you pray with me?
May we always trust in Your wisdom, Father, and go to You in prayer before we make important choices or decisions in our lives.  Bless all the kind and caring folks who took time from their busy schedules to contribute reviews for my book.  May we be guided by Your wisdom in all that we do to Your honor and Your glory.  Amen.


  1. In times as these we need his guidance and grace to make important and good choices in our lives.

    Many congratulations once again on your books and may your book touch those who turn the pages and read from them.

    Much love.

    Joy always,

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Susan, and for your kind words! And, yes, we always need God's guidance each and every day.
      Blessings and love!

  2. Congrats on the review. Happy Birthday Martha.

    1. Thanks for coming by, Janu, and for the birthday wishes!
      Love and blessings!

  3. God's wisdom is so amazing! I am in awe of how much He does for us.

    1. Oh, yes, Jennifer! What a mighty and awesome God we serve!
      Thanks so much for dropping in today. :)
      Love and blessings!

  4. I'm sure all the reviews are well deserved!! I need some new reading material myself--I'm going to get your book asap!

    1. Thank you, Galen, for ordering the book! I so appreciate it!
      And, thanks, as always, for visiting.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Congrats to Mary for her win! I am looking forward to reading your first book at some point in the future. It sounds amazing! :)

    1. Thanks for coming by, Jessica! Hope you'll read it soon - I'll bet Montana will love it. Noah, too, although he might be a bit young right now. :)
      Love and blessings!

  6. AMEN! Yes, He guides us and leads us, to the make the BEST choices. ;)

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Lisa Marie!
      Oh, yes, He always leads us in the right direction when we let Him!
      Love and blessings!

  7. I've made too many choices in my life but I guess, there was a particular path He has chosen for me to tread. His wisdom is beyond human understanding...

    I pray with you and thank God for the wonderful reviews you have received on your book. I hope to grab a copy of your book as soon as I've settled some things :)

    Lots of love to you!

    1. So glad you stopped by, Melissa!
      We all make choices, but we make mistakes when we fail to go to Him first. I've certainly been there and done that!
      Yes, I hope you can read the books soon, my friend!
      Love and blessings to you!

  8. It never ceases to amaze me how interested God is in the little details of our lives.
    So glad Mary got the book.

    1. He is so amazing, Corinne, I heartily agree! And, Mary is delighted with her book.
      Thanks so much for visiting! Blessings and love!

  9. We do need to trust more in God's choices for us Martha. I try to fight the way God is taking me sometimes but always realizing later that it was the right path for me. I just have to trust and be guided to do his will and everything else I've noticed works out.

    1. Oh, yes, I've had my moments of being dragged "kicking and screaming" when I've headed in the wrong direction and God turns me around. His way is always the right way!
      Thanks so much for coming by!
      Blessings to you!

    2. no problem Martha - trying to figure out how to comment as myself. there use to be an option for name and website but no longer see that on the 'reply as' under the comment box - Vishnu

    3. Glad to know it's you, Vishnu! :) Thanks for coming by!


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