Tuesday, February 26, 2013

All in God's Time

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

On the evening of the day I post this meditation, I am scheduled for a book signing at a local middle school.  Boy, am I thrilled to have been invited by my friend, Donna, to be a part of her son's school's annual festival!  It will be so exciting to meet new readers and potential fans of The Glade Series.  And, if the Lord is willing, to sell abundant copies of the first novel in this trilogy, A Trip, a Tryst and a Terror.

The week before last, my second novel, Children in the Garden, was sent by my publisher to the printers.  Oh, how wonderful it would be to have both novels for the signing!  I decide to e-mail my publisher and get her take on the timing of the book's release.  Will it be here by February 26th?

She responds promptly and honestly.  All depends upon how many projects are ahead of mine.  She thinks it's a 50/50 proposition.

Unless . . .

"We could place a rush order on it," she suggests, "but, that will cost extra."

I read and reread her words on my computer screen.  I think.  I'm tempted . . .

But, I respond, "Don't worry about a rush order.  I'll have plenty of bookmarks and will do lots of talking about the second book, and how to order it if they aren't delivered to me by then."

Because, if I've learned anything from my publishing ventures and adventures, it's this:  I need to ever trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding.  Everything that happens, when and why, where and how, is in His impeccable timing.  What I think should happen, when and why, where and how, is irrelevant, not to mention a waste of time and energy.

So, I will sit back and enjoy the ride.  Letting God take the wheel.  Knowing He alone is in control.

I will lean on His understanding . . . 


Was there ever a time in your life when leaning on your own understanding led you down the crooked path?

Will you join me in prayer?
With all of our hearts, our minds, our souls, and our strengths, Father, let us trust in You, knowing Your ways are higher than ours.  Let us trust in Your timing, Your infinite goodness, and Your matchless grace.  Amen.

Postscript -
As many of you know, I write my blogs days before posting them.  So, here's the rest of the story:  Book 2 arrived at my doorstep February 22, in plenty of time for the signing.  Unfortunately, my signing was cancelled at the last minute by the school's administration even though Donna had been given the green light days before.  It's okay.  I will continue to lean upon God and His plans for me.


  1. Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing your realizations and understanding in depending on the Lord.

    1. Thanks for visiting, Vrndavana, and for your kind words.
      Yes, without the Lord, I can do nothing . . . How my life changed the day I realized this!
      Love and blessings!

  2. This is just what I needed to hear today! I'll pray that your second book will be ready for the book signing!

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Jennifer!
      The second book was on time, but the signing got cancelled due to school protocol. But, it's better than alright because I have two signings scheduled in March! God is so good!
      Blessings and love!

  3. Oh, yes, that Proverb has been my mantra the last couple of months! In fact, I wrote it down on a little card and had it with me in court last week!

    1. Ah, Galen, and what a great mantra to have always! So neat to know that you actually wrote it down and had it with you in court. I'm sure it was such a help and inspiration!
      Thanks so much for visiting!
      Blessings and love!

  4. Excited to hear that your newest book is out!! You are such a woman of faith and inspiration!! Love the post.

    1. Thanks for coming by, Lynne, and for your kind words. So glad you enjoyed the post!
      Blessings and love!

  5. yes, learning to trust in God is the best way to live life. I've found that only one person can be in control of the steering wheel so to speak. I thought I was driving for a good portion of my life. Then I realized that I was in the back seat. haha and God was driving. Now, I can enjoy the view and know I'm traveling safely!

    If the books show up early, a blessing. And even if they don't, you'll have plenty of bookmarks to hand out and the book to talk about - still a blessing.

    1. Yes! I am blessed either way! Glad you learned, like I did (albeit the hard way) that God alone is in control. It does feel so good to sit back and enjoy the ride!
      Thanks for visiting!
      Blessings to you!

  6. I love the proverb, Martha. It's amazing how much at ease we can be when we put our trust in God.
    Congratulations on the second book. I'm sure it will be a hit. ♥

    1. Yes! Isn't it amazing the peace we feel when we turn our lives over to the Lord?
      Thanks for coming by, Corinne, and for your well-wishes for the book.:)
      Blessings and love!

  7. oh what a lovely post!! there is something I have been praying for and praying for and I keep praying over and over, " Jesus, I trust in you. Jesus I trust in you. But will you please answer my prayer?!"
    And wow...congrats on the books!!! congrats congrats!!!!
    enjoy the middle schoolers!

    1. Thanks so much for dropping by, Annmarie!
      Keep praying that prayer, my friend. He always answers, but in His time only. It can be difficult for us to understand in our human frailty, but we must ever trust He is the only one in control.
      Thanks for the congrats! Hope you'll order the books - both you and your kids will love the story, guaranteed!
      Blessings and love!

  8. Martha, if we were all to trust and lean on the Lord a bit more, life would reveal itself to us. Oftentimes we want to rush, force, and even scheme so that things turn out a certain way. What we don't know is that in doing so, we run the risk of sabotaging what is meant for us in the long run. I know this story well, both from having done it as well as knowing others who have done the same thing. In the end, we stand in our own way. Now that I'm older, I do like you, and trust that God has a plan. Like you so eloquently said, there's no need to rush; all in due time. Beautiful post! It's such a shame that the school administration deprived parents, faculty, and students from your book signing. It truly is their loss! Hugs! :)

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Gypsy, and welcome to the blog!
      Oh, I've been there and done that - running the show and speeding headlong into my own train wreck. Had the book been published when I thought it should have been, it would have been all about me and not about God. That, indeed, would NOT be right! His plans are always best!
      Blessings to you!

  9. Martha - if there is anything you can I could lament about until the cows come is the publishing game. I used to think writing was the hardest part. I was clueless back then. Writing is the easiest part of the entire process. You are right - trust in the heavens, what will be will arrive in it's own time. Hugs and a gift of patience.

    1. Oh, and such a game it is these days . . . Writing IS the easy part. But, let me offer this bit of reassurance - when the time is right, I know you will find just the right publisher for you. Once he/she takes the wheel, you can sit in the passenger seat and enjoy the ride. Truly!
      Thanks so much for coming by, Brenda! Blessings and love, my friend!

  10. Sometimes, it seems like God's taking forever to answer... and the waiting really gets into my skin. But all in all, I agree His timing is always perfect. I am very happy that your dreams are now coming to reality ~ I pray with you always. Lots of love dear friend.

    1. Yes, it can seem like a lifetime, this waiting, especially for something we truly think should be a part of our lives. As I mentioned in a comment above, had the book published when I thought it should have, it would have been all about me, not about God.
      Thanks so much, Melissa, for visiting and sharing in the prayer with me. I love it!
      Love and blessings, dear friend!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...