Friday, February 8, 2013

Blogs! Blogs! Everywhere the Blogs!

Psalm 19:14
May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Every morning, first cup of coffee in hand, I open my e-mail inbox to peruse the contents.  I weed out the unwanted ads and news feeds.  Click on anything which I think needs my immediate attention.  Answer the pressing e-mails.  And, save the best for last . . .

The blogs I subscribe to!

Most days, I don't read them until later in the morning or at lunchtime.  I save them like one would a coveted chocolate or favorite cookie, a special treat to be savored slowly and sweetly, at a time when it's most appreciated.  That, too, is the time I usually visit Facebook blogging communities to which I belong.

And, then, there are the blogs which I follow at my Blogger site.  As I check often for comments which you, kind readers, so graciously leave, I note if there are any new entries from my writing friends.  How delighted I am when something pops up!  Often, I just dive right in to read them since I'm already on the Blogger page.

So many wonderful gifts of words to unwrap make every day feel like Christmas!

Out of curiosity, I decide one day to tally up the number of blogs I frequent.  I am astounded!  There are 50+ with two, recently recommended, in the offing.  That many???  I say a quick prayer of thanks that most of these talented writers do not post on a daily basis.  If that were the case, I honestly don't know when my own writing would get done.  I'd be having too much fun reading their works instead of working on my own!

While most of the blogs I subscribe to are Christian reflections, others focus on poetry, short fiction, book reviews, photography, and personal growth.  As different as they may appear on the surface, each blog always contains these two all-important ingredients:  encouragement and inspiration.  Is there any one of us who doesn't need those in our lives on a daily basis?  I know I do!

It's been said many times before and will be said many times again:  writing is a lonely profession.  Just you, the computer screen, and the keyboard.  Making the social connections I have through blogging and social media have bolstered me, comforted me, given me the human interaction I need to feel that I, too, can offer that word of encouragement or be the inspiration for someone else.

That is empowering.

That is humbling.

It's what loving one another is all about.

May the words we write, both in blogs and in comments, be ever acceptable in Your sight, Lord, our Rock and our Redeemer . . .


Are you currently a blogger?  An aspiring blogger?  Please share in the comment section and feel free to post the link to your website!

Will you join me in prayer?
Dear Father, we thank You for the gifts and talents You have so graciously bestowed upon us.  May we do nothing displeasing in Your sight, but ever strive to shine the light of Your love into this hurting world.  Amen.


  1. I always look forward to you blessings Martha. :)

    1. Thank you, Janu, and you know how much I love reading your poetry and other reflections. :)
      Blessings, my friend!

  2. Thank you for your exceptional level of encouragement. You really seem to "get it" - as writer, reader, and encourager.

    1. You are more than welcome, Andy! You're not the first person who has called me an encourager - it's a trait for which I thank God all the time.
      So happy to be following you!
      Blessings, my friend!

  3. Loved this Martha! I love visiting other blogger's blogs and reading what they have to share. I find it also the case that most of the blogs, though some might not be specifically spiritual in nature, are inspiring and encouraging. And who doesn't need a little more inspiration and encouragement? :)

    I have to say kudos to you because I do notice you on threads all of the time on the blogs I frequent. You are truly dedicated to encouraging others in their writing and blogging efforts, including myself. Thank you! :)

    1. Thanks so much, Jessica, for you kind compliments here. I really do try to get around to everyone, including you, of course! :) I always feel I should leave a comment even if it's only a short sentence or two; it's rare for me not to do so.
      Thanks for coming by!
      Blessings, my friend!

  4. Blogging and the blogs I follow are a blessing... I am amazed at the connections I've made, things I've learned and the laughter I enjoy all from blogging. I never imagined it.

    1. It is unimaginable, isn't it? Yet, here we are! And, what blessings we are given and are enabled to give to others.
      Blessings, my friend!

  5. I learn a lot reading blogs Martha and try to apply the lessons of the blogosphere to my life. Yours is one I try not to miss. Now, you're going to share 50 great blogs we can follow too right:) ?

    1. LOL, Vishnu, I'd share, but I'd be so afraid of leaving someone out unintentionally! I'm glad to be following yours, that's for sure!
      Blessings to you!

  6. I made a list too, Martha and it looks like I keep adding to that! Like you said, thank God most people don't write everyday. I have told you this before, but I'll say it again - you absolutely rock with you insightful and meaningful comments. I'm so blessed to have yours in my circle of blogs I read. ♥

    1. Oh, you are too kind, Corinne! You know I'm a devoted fan of yours, too, and am looking forward to participating in the new challenge you put out there today. :) You are such a blessing to me, dear friend!
      Blessings always!

  7. I have learned so much from blogging! sometimes just simple tips that make life easier..but really mostly about how sheltered my little world is.. I am liking some blogs with totally different opinions than mine but my favorite are religious reflections (like yours!)

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Annmarie, and for sharing your blog experience! I so enjoy following yours - you have such a knack for seeing the humorous things and the lessons in everyday life.
      Blessings always!

  8. Ah, there are so many blogs I follow that sometimes I lose track. But I do remember to stop by the ones that make me think, wonder and inspire. Your blog is one of them, Martha. Perhaps I don't stop by frequently but they are always on the radar. Thank you for choosing to blog and be a blessing to many like me.

    God bless you abundantly.

    Joy always,

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Susan, and for your kind words regarding my blog. I so enjoy yours, too, and am blessed to have met you through your writing!
      Blessings and joy to you!

  9. Oh how beautiful Martha. Your post brought tears to my eyes. Through each blog I have felt connected to each soul. Your blog is such an inspiration and I always feel peaceful, serene and calm. Blessings to you and yours and hugs and love.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Suzy, and for your so kind words here! Yes, I believe we do become connected deeply with the bloggers we follow; the friendships and the love are truly real and they are, indeed, a marvelous blessing.
      Blessings and love to you!

  10. I keep myself updated to at least five of my favorite blogs including yours... I realized I keep adding but not really have given the time to read nor comment...

    But I do agree with you that there are lots of wonderful and thought provoking posts around...

    I pray with you with all the bloggers, that we may write life giving words and share these to others.

    Lots of love dear friend...lots of love!

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Melissa! It's always a happy time for me when I open my blogger page and one of your posts pops up. I am so blessed to have you as a friend and inspiration in my life!
      Thank you, too, for praying with me for all the bloggers out there who continue to encourage and enlighten us.
      Blessings and love!

  11. we have similar morning rituals with that first cup of coffee...and if I didn't follow so many blogs I might get some books read! But I enjoy so the online relationships I have, as with you. The weekly blogging is a good point; I was sticking to that, as I was the believer that less blogging is less overwhelming to you readers. Hard to know as I do find I blog more often than I'd planned:)

    1. Thanks for dropping by, Sandra, and welcome! I'm with you - if I didn't read so many blogs, I'd cover more books, too, but I so enjoy the give and take that blogging affords. I used to post a devotion daily, but once my book started to go into production, I cut back to twice a week. Seems to be working for me! Can you send me a link to your blog?
      Blessings to you!

  12. I love that you shared our routine. I've often wondered how on earth you get around to always commenting on my blog. I'm not nearly so faithful! Even though I love reading blogs, it's hard to read and comment on them all so I'm always behind. Thanks for your constant words of encouragement:)

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Lynne! You have to remember - you have a full-time job and I'm at home with much more leisure. If I were still teaching, I would never be blogging. I'm loving the trade-off! :)
      Always look forward to your posts, my friend!
      Blessings and love!

  13. I read a lot of blogs regularly too but never bothered to count them. I try to visit everyone who visits me, but sometimes it takes me a few days to get there.

    1. Thanks for coming by, Joyce, and welcome! Yes, sometimes it takes me a day or two to make the rounds, but I try to keep up. Will check out your blog, for sure!
      Blessings to you!

  14. I'm afraid to count how many blogs I visit! But I have given up getting to all of them for every post. I have my favorites (yours among them) that I get to more often; others I might visit only every couple of weeks. I was interested in your survey of the demographics of the blogs you read--mostly Christian, you said. One of the things I have really appreciated about your blog (and I hope mine is like this, too) is that you have welcomed everyone to your table. One of our ministers gives a wonderful invitation to the communion table welcoming everyone without exception. You've created a place like that. It's always a spirit refreshing place to visit.

    1. Oh, Galen, thank you for stopping by and for your all-too-kind words about my blog. As your minister does in your church, our pastors do the same - inviting all to the table as Jesus died for everyone. To have my blog compared to that type of open table is one of the most amazing and humbling compliments I have ever received. I pray it will always be a place where the welcome mat is rolled out, a place where all can freely accept the invitation.
      Blessings and love, dear friend!

    2. Oh, and your blog is one of my favs, for sure! Always doing the happy dance when a new post from you appears on my blog roll. :)

  15. Hi Martha,

    I seriously wonder how these bloggers are able to visit close to 10 - 15 blogs and give their detailed comments in each one..

    One day all these bloggers will be faced with sore knuckles and fingers..So I write less and don't try to impress google..

    Ur thoughts please?


    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Rafi, and welcome! My thoughts? If I worked outside the home, not only would I not have time to read and comment on so many blogs, I probably wouldn't even write one! I feel so blessed to be able to make these connections and enjoy the friendships and inspiration. May we never suffer from sore fingers! :)
      I will be sure to check out your blog!
      Blessings to you!

  16. Writing has become an inseparable part of my life, it defines who I am :-)

    1. Thank you for coming by, Purba, and welcome! Writing definitely defines who I am, too. It is a great gift from God, and I strive to use it to His honor and His glory.
      Do you have a blog? If so, please leave a link here.
      Blessings to you!

  17. Oh my, where does one start when we begin to talk about blogging? It has definitely been an avenue to open doors on the internet. Today, you can find a blog written just about anything! I have several blogs, as you already know, and both can keep me busy between content, participation in recipe hops, and comments. But what most people don't know, is the one blog [that is not open yet] that I am feverishly working on a daily basis to get quality content loaded. A lot of it will be of videos and that can sometimes take more time than writing content LOL.
    Blogging and blogging groups can introduce you to people from all over the world. I thank God for the multitudes of friends I have made through the world of blogging. I'm now finishing up my 3rd year blogging and it seems as though it was yesterday when I first started and knew absolutely nothing about blogging :) How far we have all come!

    1. Wow, Mary, a new blog featuring videos sounds fantastic! I so enjoy reading all of your blogs, and I know this will be delightful, too.
      And, with you, I'm so grateful for the many friends I've made through blogging. We are all so blessed!
      Thanks so much for coming by, my friend!
      Blessings and love!

  18. My first time here. What a beautiful prayer. So fitting for bloggers. Thank you.

    1. Hi, Dayle, and welcome! Glad to have you on board. :)
      Thanks for your compliment regarding the prayer - hope is both fitting and uplifting to bloggers.
      Blessings to you!

  19. Dear Martha,

    I'm grateful to have made your list of encouraging & inspirational bloggers that you read & comment on regularly. Such an honor! Getting to know you through reading your posts and comments has been one of the greatest gifts that blogging has brought into my life! Thank you for all that you are! XOXOXOXOX

    1. Oh, wow, Linda, you are too kind! I do so love reading your blogs - always refreshing, innovative, and inspiring!
      Most importantly, blogging has allowed us to become friends - such a blessing!
      Blessings and love!

  20. Martha,
    Like you, I enjoy the writings of so many others. I have now scheduled a spot in my week whenever I just catch up with my RSS feeds from the ones I follow through that. What I love most about reading blogs and being a blogger is feeling like there is a whole network out there offering a bit of "I've been there too." when I need the support, humor, encouragement, inspiration or even technical know-how.
    I encourage others to blog even if they don't publish as I think it is interesting to see how one's perception changes over time. Always enjoy your posts, Martha.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Kathy, and for sharing your thoughts about blogging. We can and do learn so much from others, don't we? It's been such a joy for me and I'm glad it has been the same for you. Always enjoy visiting your blog, my friend!
      Blessings and love!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...