Friday, February 22, 2013

" . . . Rose Bud . . ."

Isaiah 40:8
The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.

I adore fresh-cut flowers!  Their colorful blooms and fragrant aroma can transform an ordinary room into an extraordinary one.  Bringing a sampling of God's creation indoors always reminds me of the miraculous and beautiful world He has given to us.

My husband, Danny, knows that on Valentine's Day, I could care less about the box of chocolate, the expensive perfume, or the exquisite jewelry.  Just bring me a bouquet of flowers, and I'm than much closer to heaven.  And, that much more in love with him!

This year, it's red roses with baby's breath and a sprig or two of greenery.

The rose buds are already loosening, a good indication that they will eventually bloom to their full capacity.  And, wow!  Do they ever!

And, the fragrance filling the air?  Intoxicating!

I want them to last this way, look this way, forever.

But, I know that isn't possible.  In fact, probably by the time you are reading this, their resplendence will have faded.  Petals wilting, falling one by one onto the table they once made glad.  And, I will dutifully, yet ruefully, trot their faded beauty out to the compost pile where they will wither away and be no more.

But, I take comfort in knowing that I reveled in their presence while they were fresh and vibrant.  Their fleeting days remind me to savor every precious moment I am given.  To relish the sacredness surrounding me.

And, to thank God for His marvelous creation and for His Word which endures forever.


What things or people in your life make you feel closer to heaven?

Will you pray with me?
The incredible beauty of Your creation, Father, takes our breath away.  May we always take care of it as the good stewards You intended us to be.  Let us enjoy and rejoice in all the moments You give to us.  Amen.


  1. Wow! these are beautiful....I love red roses.

    1. Thanks for visiting, Janu! Glad you like red roses, too - definitely one of my favorites!
      Blessings and love!

  2. My children's smiling eyes, entering into the heart of the forest nearby, beside the river that runs through it...those things make me feel closer to heaven. :)

    Loved the pictures of the roses! How sweet! I love flowers in our house too! :)

    1. Oh, I love hearing what makes you feel closer to heaven, Jessica! Beautiful!
      Glad you enjoyed the photos, too. :)
      Blessings and love!

  3. Beautiful flowers. Thanks for sharing. The lesson with flowers is the same lesson in life - enjoy the present moment. :)

    1. Thanks so much for visiting today, and glad you liked the flowers. And, yes, we should all learn to rejoice in the moment!
      Blessings to you!

  4. I love yellow roses...the heady scent of roses is enough to remind me of the beauty of Nature and makes me thankful for it all.

    1. Thanks for coming by, Corinne! I know - their fragrance is amazing! If you can believe it, these red ones are still going strong; I thought surely they'd be toast by now. :)
      Blessings and love!

  5. The sky, the clouds and the stars~ they bring me so high... plus seeing the children happy. I feel near to Heaven really seeing them that way.

    I have received a yellow rose except that it's chocolate lol. I gave it to my mom.

    I pray with you... I love that God takes our breath away. Thanks for sharing this beautiful post. I love the words that you used here~ I find them very fresh and new. I think God's Words are always...

    1. Melissa, that's what I love about reading the Bible, too! His Word is new and different and life-breathing every time we read it. He always meets us where we are in our life's journey, giving us hope, inspiration, and love!
      Oh, the sky, clouds and stars - definitely some of my absolute favorites; we are going to the mountains in about a week, and I can't wait to see the changing sky and the stars on a clear night.
      Thanks so much for visiting - always LOVE your comments, dear friend!
      Love and blessings!

  6. The flowers are beautiful. I love roses too.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Joyce, and glad you enjoyed the flowers.

  7. I've been taking care of family matters, so I just spent some time catching up on your recent posts. I never want to miss even one of them because each one is such a gift. I find that when I'm reading your posts, my breath relaxes and deepens. By the time I get to your prayer at the end, I feel reconnected to God. Thank you.

    1. Oh, Galen, thanks so much for your kind words here; I'm so grateful to know that reading my posts reconnects you with God. Just wow!
      Thanks for visiting, my friend!
      Love and blessings to you!

  8. Things that make me feel closer to heaven? Well I still have difficult time with that concept, but what makes me feel closer to my God is simply the daisy that always come back, the roses I can smell from my room, the raccoons that sidle by in the evening. I agree with you the smell of roses in our home is pleasing to the heart. What a wonderful husband you have.

    1. Thanks so much for coming by, Jan! I do like hearing what things make you feel close to God - it's always the simple things, isn't it?
      And, I'll tell Danny you said he was wonderful. :)
      Love and blessings, my friend!


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