Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Go Near and Listen

Deuteronomy 5:27
Go near and listen to all the Lord our God says.  Then tell us whatever the Lord our God tells you.  We will listen and obey.

My husband, Danny, and I love having our granddaughter, Virginia Rose, over to our house and try to do this at least once a week.  We don't have to have anything special planned in order for her to enjoy her time with us, but for two weeks straight in January, we do have specific activities for her to engage in.

Virginia is given a game for Christmas which stays at our house due to the small pieces that could all too easily find their way into baby sister, Savannah Jane's, mouth.  This particular Thursday, Danny is working at home and has to take an important phone call from two until three that afternoon.  I decide that's the perfect time to take Virginia back to our room and teach her how to play The Sneaky, Snacky Squirrel Game.  

I carefully explain the rules of the game to Virginia who listens attentively to my instructions.  Within a few moments, we are ready to play!  And wouldn't you know it?  My granddaughter wins the first two games!

The following Thursday when Virginia is slated for another visit, I decide she's old enough to help me make cookies from scratch.  When her mother, Sarah, tells her what she'll be doing that day, Virginia makes sure I know she wants M&Ms in her cookies instead of chocolate chips.  This Gammie is happy to oblige.  I purchase the ingredients the day before, and set the butter out to soften in a mixing bowl before leaving to go pick Virginia up.  She isn't in our house two seconds before she asks when we will make the cookies.

"The butter isn't soft enough yet, Virginia," I tell her.  "Let's have some lunch first, then you can play with your Crazy Sand until the butter is ready."

"Okay, Gammie," she says, and stays perfectly content and entertained until I deem the butter is malleable enough to cream readily with the sugar and eggs.

Because this is Virginia's first foray into baking, I decide to pre-measure the ingredients and allow her to pour them into their respective bowls.  We start by placing the flour, baking soda and salt in a small bowl and set it aside.  Of course, Virginia wants to play with the flour like she did when she "helped" Danny aka Papa make pizza a few weeks ago.  But I manage to hold her off for a few moments with the promise of how much she'll enjoy seeing the electric mixer at work

All during the process, I explain to Virginia what ingredients we are using and why.  She listens carefully and follows my instructions to the letter.  She is especially elated when the mixing is done and it's time to fold the M&Ms into the dough.

And she can't resist sampling a few of the candies!

When it's time to place dobs of dough on the cookie sheets and pop them in the oven, the flour is a God-send as it keeps Virginia thoroughly occupied at a safe distance from the stove.

What I take away fro both of these delightful experiences with Virginia is how well she listens and how well she obeys.  It makes me reflect upon my own listening skills, or lack thereof, when it comes to hearing God's Word and obeying His commands.  Am I listening half-heartedly, or am I deliberately engaged?  Am I following His lead, or wandering too often down the path of my own choosing?

And I hear Him speak to my heart:

"Go near and listen . . ."

Like a trusting child.

Eager to learn.

Eager to obey.


Are you listening to the Lord?  Are you obeying His precepts?

Prayer:  Father, help us to rekindle our childlike faith.  Let us approach You with open hearts and minds, that we might truly hear Your Word and obey You in all things.  All this we pray in the name of Jesus.  Amen.


  1. Squirrels, huh?
    Hmmm. LoL.

    1. You know it, Chris! When I was poking around on Amazon for educational children's games, I just happened upon this one. Needless to say, I had to have it for Virginia! :)
      Love and blessings!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Martha,
    What wonderful memories you are making with young Virginia. She is learning and growing in leaps and bounds! Glad she listens and obeys so well. Honestly, I do struggle to listen to the Lord--to truly hear Him. Therefore, that leads to struggling to obey Him as well. Oh to have a childlike faith in Him!

    Love and blessings!

    1. Oh, to have childlike faith, indeed, Kim! Virginia really helps me to see with the eyes of a child and listen with my heart. I think it is so necessary for us all to nurture that inner child in us as adults - to play, to laugh, and to wonder anew at God's marvelous works. Writing my books, too, and looking through the eyes of young Davy has helped me incredibly, too.
      Love and blessings!

  3. I'll have to find that game for my grand babies and love all the photos especially the last two. She is a real cutie! How delightful and good lesson too!

    1. Yes, it's a fun, simple game to play, Jean. I was able to order it on Amazon and, of course, being partial to squirrels, I just had to have it! I'll let Virginia know you loved her photos. :)
      Love and blessings!

  4. Ok, I posted a comment but can not see it so I will try and re-post and hope that it is not posting twice.

    So, Martha as I read your afternoon fun with Virginia, I was so very touched that as a family we have all taken away many memories with our grandparents as you shared with Virginia.

    Little Virginia and Savannah are the sweetest girls with such a loving family. It has not been without its trials but step by step we have seen our grandchildren evolve into such wonderful little girls. I wish I could be there to be with them more. You have been so blessed to play a wonderful part in their future.

    Sarah and John have had such hurdles to cross and hopefully with the help and blessings from us and God , we will see to give them the trust and integrity to go forward in life to give their children the wonders before them. Thank you Martha for being there. Nothing that is precious ever comes easy. We both know that. Between us, Virginia and Savannah will always remember us as loving and glorious grandparents. Blessings.........:)

    1. Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful thoughts here, Karen. We have, indeed, been blessed by Virginia and Savannah as our granddaughters. I wish, too, that you could live closer to them so you could enjoy them frequently, too. I do hope I'm creating memories for Virginia - I certainly love playing with her and it keeps me in touch with my inner child.
      Love and blessings, Karen!

  5. This is how one day she will be able to bake perfect 'grandma's cookies' for her kids.
    Good she has you to learn from.

    1. I do hope so, Janaki! I love teaching Virginia new things.
      Love and blessings!

  6. This was such a sweet post and that question...am I listening? It's an ongoing process of learning to listen well, be swift to hear and slow to speak. Love the pictures..

  7. This was such a sweet post and that question...am I listening? It's an ongoing process of learning to listen well, be swift to hear and slow to speak. Love the pictures..

    1. Yes, Betty, it is an ongoing process, but truly a necessary one when we choose to grow closer to God. Glad you enjoyed the photos, too!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Hi Martha! It's so lovely to see how much you love your little granddaughter, and how much she loves you too. What fun to make cookies together! I'm sure you enjoyed a few of them when they were baked too.
    I have granddaughters, the oldest is almost three. I hope we can do fun things like this when she gets a little older.
    And I hope I listen like she does too!

    1. Oh, isn't it marvelous to be a grandparent, Ceil? I never knew such joy existed until Virginia Rose was born. I, too, have two granddaughters, the youngest, Savannah Jane, being only nine months old. I will be a while before she's ready to help with the cookies. :)
      Enjoy those little ones because they grow up all to fast!
      Love and blessings!


Envision the Future, Cherish the Past

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