Friday, June 10, 2016

Catch a Wave!

Proverbs 22:6
Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

Two months ago, I register our granddaughter, Virginia Rose, for Vacation Bible School at our church, which will be held this coming week.  I tell Lin, the intrepid organizer of this event, that I would love to volunteer to help, but am hesitant to commit; since Virginia will be staying with my husband, Danny, and me during that time, I'm afraid tending to children from morning to night will do me in.  

I can't say I feel comfortable about this decision.  And when a plea for a snack coordinator comes across our church prayer chain, I find myself praying that someone else will step forward to fill those shoes so I won't feel I have to.  To my huge relief, Lin announces in church that not one, but two folks have readily accepted that challenge.  Still, she insists, there remains a need for additional volunteers.

Now I feel the guilt seeping in.  Yes, I've done Vacation Bible School before, and have absolutely loved every moment of it.  But for the reasons already mentioned, I hang back.  I'm so accustomed to having quiet "me-time" every day, how will I manage a 24/7 stream of activity?

The call comes while I'm working on a blog post.  I don't recognize the number, so don't answer.  I always figure if it's important, the person calling will leave a message.

She does.

Volunteers are still needed.  Would I reconsider?

I close my eyes and heave a sigh.  I walk out on our deck, my favorite spot to commune with God, and pray to know His will in all this before I return the phone call.  His answer, to my utter amazement, is instantaneous.  Bonding experience!

Bonding experience?  What?  Virginia and I are joined at the hip, Lord.  What do You mean?

God's bolt from the blue, and the pieces fall into place.  Virginia Rose will bond with me if her Gammie is there to reinforce the lessons learned, my promises, never-ending, given.

My mind is made up.

I dial the number with God-given confidence.  And guess what?  There is a position open for an assistant in Virginia's rising first-grade class!

So, friends, I'm catching the wave of God's amazing love, and headed for the Surf Shack come Monday morning.  That being said, I won't be posting any blogs this week; I will try my best to read yours and comment, but please don't think my silence means I don't care for each and every one of you.  I do, and always will!

And if you would be so kind, would you pray for me and all those helping with and attending Kennesaw United Methodist Church's Vacation Bible School?  We have high hopes that we will, with God's help, start children off on the way they should go and reach young hearts for His kingdom.  


Have you ever volunteered for a VBS at your church?

Prayer:  Father, we pray that You will bless all those who attend and volunteer for VBS events throughout this land.  May Your love and glory be revealed to hearts and minds that have yet to know You; and may these children always catch the wave of Your amazing, infinite love.  In Jesus' name, we pray.  Amen.


  1. I am sure it will be a marvelous time and who knows what you will gain from this -- keep us posted

    1. Yes, Carol, I imagine I'll have quite a few blogging inspirations to take home from this week. Just have to wait until later to pen them.
      Love and blessings!

  2. All the best on your assignment, dear Martha. I have been a teacher many times at VBS and have also been a volunteer to teach songs and dance. You brought back memories from years ago.

    Take care and enjoy your new engagement.

    1. I'm so glad this brought back good memories for you, Susan! I'm looking forward to my week, expecting to get as much out of it as the children do.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Praying for you,the bonding that God so desires for you to experience with your granddaughter. Have fun!

    1. Thank you, Shira! I'm sure this time at VBS will make special memories for both of us, and open up new channels to talk about our amazing God.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Praying for you,the bonding that God so desires for you to experience with your granddaughter. Have fun!

  5. Martha, What an amazing opportunity you have coming up to build into many lives. Who knows, because of your presence/words, a child may ask Jesus into his/her heart. Prayers for you.

    Quite awhile ago, when I was visiting with my pastor about a long-distance friend of mine who seemed to have a spiritual hunger, I stated that I was praying that she'd have a divine appointment (meaning someone nearer geographically than me and some one of her culture). His response to me was: "May be you're the divine appointment!" Sigh! I think he is/was right!

    Love and blessings!

    1. How wonderful is that to be someone's "divine appointment!" Yes, I'm praying that the lives of many attending will be changed for the better because they've asked Jesus to be Lord of their lives. We have many children attending who don't go to church regularly, so this is a tremendous opportunity to witness to God's love.
      Love and blessings!

  6. neat story and a good example of discerning and being open to hearing God. I smiled because I agree with you 100% about needing time away and how much energy VBS takes. also smiles at how you handle the phone calls. I do the same. great lessons

    1. As I reply here, Jean, Virginia and I have just completed our first morning at VBS and I think she's more tired than I am. Lol!
      So far so good. I'm so blessed to have listened to God's advice in this.
      Love and blessings!

  7. I expect to hear good things from this. Following His voice never leads us astray. I want to hear how VR bonds with Jesus over your obedience.

    1. I'll be sure to fill you and everyone in, Bill. Just had our first morning at VBS, and Virginia declared this was the best day of her life! Wow! God is moving in a powerful way already.
      Love and blessings!


    Oh Martha, I just think this is the neatest thing. I love how honestly you shared your hesitation in volunteering, and the protectiveness of your quiet time. But I also love how you listened to the Lord's prompting, and obeyed. And look where He placed you!!

    May your week be especially sweet as you share life and faith with dear Virginia Rose. I will pray for supernatural energy and strength. And for sweet communion with the little ones.

    I have never volunteered for VBS, but I did spend some time in AWANA's. My commitment to caregiving for my mother, and my rather convoluted scheduling because of that, led to me to back down. But, someday I hope to once again work with children. I do love it.

    For the time being, I am asking the Lord to use me to pour my heart and life into my family - including a special little one who just turned one!


    1. Thank you so much for your sweet words and prayers, Sharon! Those prayers must already be working because our first morning today went swimmingly (pun intended) and I think I have more energy this afternoon than Virginia does.
      If God is calling you to pour your heart and life into your family at this time, that's exactly where you should be. A little grand who just turned one? Now that is so, so special, indeed. My youngest grandgirl will turn one in July.
      Love and blessings!

  9. That's awesome, Martha. Praying for you! And how great is it not to bow down simply to the pressure of guilt and hear God's direction?! Makes everything better. :) Thanks Martha.

    1. Thanks for your prayers, Jason!
      Oh, we had such a fantastic week, I have no words to describe it! Virginia couldn't wait to leave the house each morning, and God gave me all the energy and stamina required to navigate the week. He is so good!
      Love and blessings!


Grace for the Race

  Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil.  After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry...