Friday, June 24, 2016

Pool Party!

John 4:10
Jesus answered her, "If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water."

It's summer here in the sunny and often sweltering South, and what better way to chill out on a hot afternoon than taking a dip in the local swimming hole?

I have glorious memories of afternoons spent at the pool of our most generous next-door neighbors, who welcomed us as long as Mom supervised.  What a refreshing, rejuvenating experience, especially when our home here in Georgia had no air-conditioning at the time (I really don't know how my transplanted Yankee parents survived!).  Our only relief from the oppressive heat was our immersion in the clear, cool water of that pool, or in the afternoon pop-up storms, which brought rain and sweeping down-drafts of chilled air to offset the summer doldrums.

Today, I'm so thankful that my daughter, Sarah, and her husband, John, treat their girls to a swim in their apartment pool every chance they get.  Here are some photos of their most recent pool party.

As cool and revitalizing as a swim on a steamy summer day can be, its effect is only temporary.  If we desire everlasting refreshment, we must plunge our souls into the Living Water offered to us by Christ Jesus.

By drinking in deeply His Word and His love, we will not thirst.  We will be reinvigorated.



That's the pool party I choose.

What about you?


Living Water
Flow through me
Turn desert parched
To flowering tree
Quench the thirst
Of heart and soul
In Your mercy
Make me whole



  1. Martha, thank you for another meaningful post. And the photos are sooo adorable! I'm so thankful for the living water that Jesus' provides--that is the "pool party" I want to attend!

    Love and blessings!

    1. I knew you would want to go to His pool party, hands down, Kim!
      Glad you enjoyed these photos.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Martha ... that pool is looking mighty refreshing!


    1. Oh, yes, indeed! So happy my little grandgirls are water babies!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Growing up, my father, who loved the beach and all things *water*, had a swimming pool built in our backyard. I have some wonderful memories of the lazy days of summer swimming and playing games. The only thing was that my dad never wanted to spend the money to heat the pool up - he said that 72/73 temperatures were "just right." Well, no. I can remember shivering after a short while, because a body that is 98.6 feels COLD in water almost 30 degrees cooler!! DAD!!!

    Adorable pics of your water babies!

    And yes, I'm with you. Swimming in the pool of Living Water, where my soul is refreshed. (And it's warm in there, too!!)


    1. You truly had a "cool pool," Sharon, as your Dad refused to heat it. The pool I grew up swimming in wasn't heated either; I can remember, like you, having to climb out of that water from time to time and let the sun-warmed towel give me some comfort.
      Glad you liked the photos, and that we are both basking in the restorative warmth of Jesus, our Living Water.
      Love and blessings!

  4. What a nice way to let the kids enjoy an incredibly hot day. A nice refreshing swim can make any day great and allows for great pictures, which you got a lot of! In addition, you really wrapped this post up well with the thoughts on everlasting life. I really liked how you ended it on a thinker, really enjoyable!

    Nelson Myers @ Aquanetics Pools and Spas

    1. Thank you so much, Nelson, and welcome to the blog!
      I don't think anything beats a cool, refreshing swim on a hot day. Hope this summer's heat is keeping your business "in the swim!"
      Hope you will stop by again soon!
      Love and blessings!


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