Friday, August 11, 2017

Will You Take a 3-Minute Retreat?

Matthew 11:28
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

My fellow blogger and friend, Jean Wise, is always offering amazing resources to enhance our prayer life, and showing us unique ways of entering God's presence with calmness, awareness, and hearts filled with praise and thanksgiving.  In one of her most recent posts at Healthy Spirituality, Jean recommends this site:  3-Minute Retreats.

I am immediately intrigued, yet at the same time, doubtful.  How can I possibly explore a retreat with God in the brief space of three minutes and get anything out of it?  On the surface, it doesn't seem either possible or probable.

Until I try it.

One visit to this site, and I'm hooked!  I sign up to receive this daily inspiration and reflection in my inbox, right then and there.

And I've yet to regret the move God has me make.

I am more than well aware that our lives are busy, hectic, and bustling with expectations, activities and obligations.  For many, time for oneself is an elusive, somewhere-over-the-rainbow scenario.

But what about time with God?

Isn't that worth a 3-minute investment?

Isn't it, when we come right down to it, worth a life-time investment?

The time we spend in communing with God comes back to us ten-fold.  Yes, dear readers, it does!

Maybe, at this point in your Christian walk, you are feeling dejected, deprived, unworthy, or just plain tuckered out.  You do for family selflessly, yet rarely receive thanks.  You are the dependable one on the job, but the boss never acknowledges you.  You volunteer for church positions, yet you feel you are only a spectator as your unique gifts and insights go unnoticed.

You.  Need.  Rest!!!

Take three minutes.

Just take them.

Tell God how much you love Him.

Thank Him for loving you.

Revel and rejoice in His Word.

Make the 3-Minute Retreats your reentry into an enriched life with our Father, who longs to spend time with you.

Even if it is only for three minutes.

Spend time with Him.

Find rest.

Be blessed.



  1. Thanks for the mention, Martha. You know I think we'd be amazed if we really tracked out time in how much we spend focused on God. So much is hit and miss or multitasking. This site has really helped me slow down too and be more intentionally throughout the day. Glad you shared it again with others

    1. You are so welcome, Jean! Yes, it has done the same for me in making me much more intentional about how I spend my day with God. It's been a blessing, it seems, to both of us!
      Love and blessings!

  2. I have an 8 minute retreat every morning as i don my talit, tfilin, and thank Hashem for another day. And, a 60 second one at night as I go to sleep.
    It's not the seconds- but the attitude.

    1. You're so right about that, Roy - it IS the attitude, and the mindfulness of immersing ourselves in that special time with God.
      Love and blessings!

  3. I love this idea...and have tried to do this when I began sitting in my Secret Garden every day...but then got sidetracked when the weather got too hot to be out there...and even though I do have my devotional reading time each morning, it's not the same. Thank you for this wonderful reminder to intentionally set aside even a short 3 minutes to just be refreshed with the Lord. Blessings my friend. I haven't forgotten our book reviews...I think my brain just took a little vacation. Couldn't put my thoughts together. But I will get there, I promise.

    1. Don't worry a whit about the reviews, Pamela. Life happens! I never doubt that your heart is in the right place at all times, and I can't begin to tell you how much your blog inspires me.
      Yes, I hope you'll hook up with this retreat and let me know what you think. Jean has never steered me wrong in the years I've followed her. You can refer to her comment at the top of the page.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Martha, thank you for sharing this call to spend time with the Lord. Sometimes simply being quiet before Him is exactly what is needed. While I spend a solid amount of time with the Lord each day, I get hints from time to time what I need a degree of "margin" or "white space" in my days to simply be, to relax. I'll check out the website you mentioned.

    Love and blessings!

    1. I'm glad you are choosing to explore the website, Kim, and also hope you will add Jean to your list of must-read blogs. She is a gem of inspiration!
      And yes, you need, we all need, those white spaces in our days, special moments carved out just for God. Easier said than done, granted, but the 3-Minute Retreats are a wonderful place to start and continue.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Oh, wonderful, Marie! I know you will be drawn in immediately.
    Love and blessings!

  6. Thank you, Martha, for a wonderful suggestion on spending special time in God's presence. I enjoy reading your post.

    1. I'm so gratified, Nells, that you enjoy my posts. Yes, as I write this to you, I've just taken my 3-Minute Retreat, and am feeling all the more blessed and freed by it. Hope you will try it!
      Love and blessings!

  7. What a heartwarming post, it is insightful and filled with practical wisdom. It's so good of you to share.

    1. You are more than kind, Blogoratti! I know you have a plethora of folks commenting on your posts, I am so honored and humbled that you take the time to comment here. Know you always get my weekends off to a positive start with your "Good News" sharing. Lifts my spirits every time!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Martha, I must say, I was skeptical at first. But I went there and WOW! What a wonderful tool. I love it!

    1. Isn't it simply fantastic, Beckie! I just finished today's when I hopped over here and saw your comment. The retreat, as brief as it is, always calms me and sets my sights and heart on God.
      Love and blessings!


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