Friday, February 23, 2018

Taste and See

Psalm 34:8
Taste and see that the Lord is good!

Many moons ago, my husband, Danny, plants a sugar maple fairly close to the house.  It has grown like the proverbial weed over the years, and with the shade it provides over our deck in the summer, this tree is my favorite one in our entire forest, hands down!

And it seems like it's a favorite of the wildlife, too, particularly when its sugary sap begins to rise and run.  All these scars attest to the myriad visits by woodpeckers, nuthatches and chickadees, eager to savor the sweetness this tree has to offer.

But as it turns out, the birds aren't the only creatures with a sweet tooth.  Imagine my surprise when I discover this little fellow, sent by Racer, no doubt, nibbling on the bark.

He is so enamored and enthralled by the tasty goodness, he takes no notice of the crazy lady with the camera snapping away at him.

In fact, the squirrel stays on the tree for an hour and a half, alternately indulging in the divine delicacy and resting as if he's recovering from a self-inflicted sugar high.

The squirrel has tasted and seen the goodness the maple tree has to offer.

And while the tree's goodness is fleeting, the Lord's goodness is forever.  We can savor His sweetness when we go to Him in prayer, read and study His Word, reflect upon Scripture in our journals, or sit quietly, inviting Him to be present with us in the moment.  Sweetness, pure and simple, with only positive, nourishing side effects.

Will you join me today at the Lord's Table, where He offers all we need to grow strong in Him?  Come!  Taste and see that the Lord is good!



  1. wow!!! What a wonderful story about this sugar maple...I guess I didn't realize how sweet the bark would be in the spring when the sap starts to run! Duh! That would explain the bees all around my little tiny maple tree last week when the leaf/flowers were blossoming. I couldn't get near the tree for all the bees! And RACER! What a clever fellow he is! Love the analogy to God's Word as well. Great post.

    1. Racer is a clever fellow, indeed, Pamela. In my mind's eye, I could envision him whispering into this unsuspecting squirrel's ear. Lol!
      So glad you came by to taste and see, my friend!
      Love and blessings!

    2. It was a sweet treat!! Blessings dear friend.

    3. You are such a blessing to me, Pamela!

  2. Racer knows where the good stuff is! He also knows the One who provides it :)
    Love the sweet pictures, too!

    1. Amen, Beckie! Yes, Racer certainly knows the One who provides. And he's not afraid to share his witness! :)
      Love and blessings!

  3. love this and a great reminder of Racer too. Great photos!

    1. Thank you so much, Jean! I was so thrilled to get these photos, I can't thank God enough. I'm still learning how to use my camera better, and need to make that effort.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Martha, what a "sweet"post. Your object lesson is a good one--wildlife enjoying the sweetness of your sugar maple--while we enjoy the sweetness of the Lord through reading the Word (and studying it!), journaling, prayer, worship, and practicing His presence. Yes, taste and see that the Lord is good!

    Thank you for the reminder about Racer! :)

    Love and blessings!

    1. Taste and see, and taste and see, again, Kim! The sweetness of the Lord's Word and his mercies never grow old, but are new every morning. Racer, in my novels, certainly knows that God is good!
      Love and blessings!

  5. A beautiful post! I just read Barb's post at Sweet Tea & Sandals. She posted similar thoughts and this scripture:

    Even to your old age,
    I will be the same.
    I have made you and I will carry you.
    I will sustain you and I will rescue you.
    Isaiah 46:4

    A lovely promise!! His goodness is forever!

    1. Oh, Terri, I absolutely love this promise in Isaiah! The Lord will always sustain and rescue, provide and protect. And as you state, His goodness is forever.
      Love and blessings!

  6. We sometimes have visits from squirrels in our garden feeding from the bird table. A hedgehog, and sometimes a fox visits too.

    God bless.

    1. Oh, wow, Victor, a hedgehog and a fox? That's so cool! We do see lots of deer, hawks, and sometimes, an owl. God's creation is so grand!
      Love and blessings!

  7. "And while the tree's goodness is fleeting, the Lord's goodness is forever."


  8. Hi Martha! I love the reference to Racer! I have to applaud you, I would be chasing that thing out of the tree. I suppose he's not hurting it, but that would be my perception.
    Yes, the goodness of God is forever, and no one will chase away from that love and goodness either. What a comfort that is.
    Wishing you goodness and comfort my friend,

    1. Glad you liked the reference to Racer, Ceil. Every time I see a squirrel, I can't help but think of that character. :)
      And don't worry, the tree can take it. Just think of how all those folks in Maine "tap" those trees when the sap is running so we can enjoy maple syrup!
      So thankful, too, that God's goodness lasts forever. We will never run out or run dry.
      Love and blessings!

  9. I was around that table today. It was good.

    1. Amen, Bill! That's the best place to be.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Racer poses well in photos Martha! And gives you plenty of material to write about. Wondering if he's going to demand royalties soon. ha

    Love the analogy as much as Racer loves the sweet bark!

    1. Lol, Vishnu! He might start demanding at any time. Glad you liked the analogy.
      Love and blessings!

  11. What an excellent scripture to meditate on! Appreciate you sharing it. I need to take time to do just that. :) Have a blessed week!

    1. Yes, Karen, let us taste and see that the Lord is good! May you have a wonderful week, too!
      Love and blessings!


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