Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Spring Break, Part 1 - The Getaway!

Mark 6:31
Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest."

Traditionally, my husband, Danny, and I reserve a cabin in the Nantahala Mountains of North Carolina to celebrate our anniversary.  This year, however, with MIL staying with us, embarking on an extended vacation is out of the question.  So Danny does some research and finds a charming place, Lake Rabun Hotel and Restaurant, where we can indulge in a one-night getaway.  Of course, he asks MIL if she's comfortable with this venture; she assures us she is, but I know it's a relief when my son, Daniel, arranges to take a day off from work in order to be available to her.  That eases our minds, too!

The drive to our destination is fairly long, but oh, so scenic!  We drink in the rural landscape and the mountains, which loom in the distance.  The balmy spring air has coaxed the trees into leafing, and recent rains have transformed pastures into lush seas of green, soothing sights for our eyes and refreshment for our souls.  Though I initially worry that the lengthy drive will tire us out, just the opposite is true.  We arrive at our destination more relaxed than either of us could have imagined.

According to its website, Lake Rabun Hotel is the oldest one remaining near the lake.  At 96 years old, but with a major renovation in 2008, it maintains its rustic, welcoming feel.

When we check in, the pleasant young woman at the desk gives us a tour of the common areas, which are many, shares some of the hotel's history, and graciously shows us to our room.  Danny has booked the only one boasting a private deck.  What a perfect space for us to sit and chat, sip wine, and play some backgammon.

Our concierge also makes us aware of the resident hotel cat, Meow, who will slip into the building any chance she gets.  Although the staff tries their best to keep her out due to guests who might be allergic to cats, Meow is a crafty one.  We welcome her visit with us on our deck in the late afternoon, but not so much when, at seven o'clock the following morning, Meow is outside the window, practicing with gusto the origin of her name.

After a delicious dinner in the hotel's restaurant, Danny and I decide to go for a stroll.  Bad timing!  Here comes the rain, so we beat a hasty retreat to the hotel.  How delightful it is, though, to hear the rain drops pinging and dinging on the tin roof sheltering our deck!

We enjoy a satisfying night's sleep, and are greeted with a generous gourmet breakfast in the morning.  No photos here, but suffice it to say, neither one of us could finish it all.  Not surprisingly, we see Meow again, boldly roaming the restaurant.  The scrambled egg Danny offer her is promptly gobbled down, and she moves on, hoping other guests will be so generous.

All too soon, it's time to pack up and head for home.  But we are so grateful to the Lord that we came to this quiet, peaceful place where we found some much needed rest.



  1. Jo and I have both come to the conclusion we need at least a week of this. It is getting close to "fry time."

    1. I hear you, Bill! Hope you and Jo will take some time to get away from it all; it's so restorative!
      Love and blessings!

  2. That sounds so peaceful and relaxing, and it looks absolutely gorgeous. What a wonderful way to getaway!! I love that area of Georgia...long to go up there again someday...but I don't have any clue when that will be...So thank YOU, for sharing this beauty with us. I feel refreshed just looking.

    1. I'm so glad to know just seeing the photos of this place refreshed you, Pamela. Yes, it was just what the doctor ordered for the both of us, and we are so thankful we could have this time together.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Glad you got a chance to sneak in a day of rest for yourselves!

    1. We are too, Roy. As you can tell, we had a lot of fun.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Happy Anniversary to you and Danny, Martha. Best wishes of happiness and good health.

    I am so glad you enjoyed yourselves at your holiday break. Loved the photos of the hotel - excellent place to stay awhile. We used to have a backgammon set like the one in the photo. I wonder where it is?

    God bless.

    1. Thank you, Victor, for the anniversary wishes. That means so much!
      You play backgammon, too? The set pictured here is our portable version. We have a gigantic board we use at home, which we much prefer, but it isn't always convenient to take it with us on trips. Hope you'll find yours and start playing again.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Oh Martha, what a wonderful, delightful getaway you and Danny enjoyed! It was truly needed and refreshing in many ways. We all need those times of rest and refreshing, just like Jesus. There's a reason why God rested on the seventh day--our bodies weren't designed to go full tilt seven days a week.

    The hotel and its grounds are scenic and beautiful! And the cat...is a sweetie. :)

    Love and blessings!

    1. Exactly, Kim! This time away truly felt like a Sabbath rest to both of us. I like to remember what Jesus said: The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. ~Mark 2:27
      And yes, it was/is a gorgeous place and Meow, except for waking us up early, was delightful.
      Love and blessings!

  6. How absolutely wonderful!! What a beautiful place.

  7. How awesome! Love it that you take the needed time. Love the shots and the wonderful descriptions. Reminds me of a cat at a hotel in Telluride one year that went by the name of six pack.

    Thanks for sharing and reminding me that I'm over due...

    1. Yes, Floyd, if this reminded you that you're overdue, then you are, indeed! Take that Sabbath rest, my friend. And a cat named Six Pack? Oh, that is just too funny!
      Love and blessings!

  8. What a charming hotel for your get away--FULL of ambiance! Glad you had a least a night!
    Blessings, My Friend!

    1. Yes, Lulu, it definitely was charming, and we so needed this brief but meaningful getaway.
      Love and blessings!

  9. You stay in the coolest places! This looks beautiful. Your life has changed a lot with MIL in residence, but it sounds like you are figuring out how to make the adjustments and keep some time for yourselves.

    1. It isn't easy, but we are learning to make those necessary adjustments, Galen. MIL is back in the hospital this week - another breathing episode - but hope she will be released today.
      Love and blessings!

  10. such a beautiful relaxing place. I am so glad you took the time for some self care and partner care to get away. How clever to find a place for one night too. Try planning something for yourself more often. Glad she is home from the hospital too. been praying!

    1. Thanks for your prayers, Jean! Yes, it was so good to get away, even for just one night. However, after this last episode with MIL, we realize we can't leave for any extended time without getting her 24/7 care. Hoping Danny's brother will be able to come stay with her sometime in the near future so we can have a break.
      Love and blessings!


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