Tuesday, March 12, 2019

It's About Time

Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Do any of you detest the bi-annual time change as I do?  Especially the one we just endured, where we lose that precious hour of sleep?  Here it is, Tuesday, and I've yet to recover.  I have to set my alarm to force myself up at an irregular time in the morning, lest that precious part of the day slips away from me.

I know, I know.  Eventually, my body will make the necessary adjustments.  I just wish, as a country, we'd choose either standard or daylight savings time, and simply stick to it year round.  

Hey, I can dream, can't I?

If anything good can come out of the inconvenience of changing every clock in the house, it's the realization that time is relative.  It is, after all, a human invention, and as such, can be altered to fit the season.  Even though my internal clock might rebel in the moment, time marches on, with or without my consent.  

And I'd better keep that straight, or be late for work, school, appointments, and everything in between!

There is ultimate comfort, however, in knowing that Father God is beyond time.  No watches or alarms for Him!  The Lord is unchanging, immutable, all-mighty, and all-powerful.  And thankfully, Jesus is the same yesterday and today and forever.

No matter what time it is here on earth, it's always the right time to invite Jesus into our hearts.  He is the eternal way, truth and life.

So, my friends, if you've yet to ask Jesus to be the Lord of your life, I pray that you will decide it's about time!



  1. I asked an expert friend of mine, a scientist knowledgeable about times and all that, why they change the clocks backwards and forwards each year. He said there is no real reason for this. The authorities do it just to annoy people.

    So in protest, I stuck to my own time zone. Got up at the same time as always, regardless of the clock and went to work as always. Unfortunately, I did this in my pyjamas, seeing I was an hour before everyone else; and I was fired from my job.

    As you say, to God Time is the same. To Him a day is like a thousand years, (as St Peter tells us). This made it difficult for Moses to go up the mountain. God called Him to give Him the Ten Commandments and Moses said, "Do you mean tomorrow, or tomorrow in a thousand years; because I'll be dead by then!"

    OK ... enough of me being silly. Seriously, this is a great post, Martha, and as always it makes us think and reflect.

    God bless.

    1. LOL, Victor! Thanks so much for this humorous comment that illustrates the time-change dilemma so perfectly. And yes, I do believe the authorities do this to simply cause annoyance. Where's that hour of sleep I'm missing???
      Love and blessings!

  2. Wonderful lesson on time!! Thank you, as I sit here groggily at my computer this morning, waiting for the sun to come up...I need another cup of tea...But thankfully, with God, He always has time for us. He doesn't shut down at dusk or wait until dawn to wake up. He's always there. Praise God!

    1. So glad you enjoyed this lesson on time, Pamela! Yes, thank goodness our God never sleeps, but it always there for us, no matter the time of day or night.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Sunday morning I tried to trick my body by simply going to bed an hour earlier... This didn't work as well as I had hoped.

    As you said, it is Tuesday and I am still struggling to get up with my alarm.

    Growing up in Indiana, we didn't change our clocks...Shortly after moving out of state for a number of years, the legislation thought it would be a good idea to "do what everyone else is doing"...

    I think their parents forgot to teach them that just because everyone else does it, doesn't make it right!

    Great Post Martha!

    1. Yes, Ryan, they must have forgotten what their parents taught them, that's for sure! I did hear the other day, though, in spite of my cynicism about ever getting rid of the time change, that legisation is being proposed in the Senate to stay on Daylight Savings Time permanently. We'll have to wait and see how that turns out.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Martha, good morning! It's 9 am, my clock says ...


    The older I get, the quicker time seems to flow. I'm not sure why that is, but it prompts me to seize the moment, to focus on who's right in front of me, to be a bit more purposeful as I make my way through the day.

    And to be thankful.

    Thanks for taking me there this morning. Filled with gratitude with you, for you ...

    1. Thank you, Linda, for your kind and thoughtful words here! Yes, I agree, that time seems to fly faster as we age, and we need to purposefully slow down the pace so we can savor each moment, not rush through it. So grateful for you, too!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Timely and meaningful, as always, Martha Jane (no pun intended!). You always lift me up!

    1. I love puns, Terri, so unintentional or not, you made my day! Glad my words were able to lift you up, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  6. I often wonder if God just shakes His head when we change time and thinks, silly people, what is the russ about, I control time. Which is one reason I think they do the time change, some like to control.

    1. Ah, the control issue . . . Great point, Betty! As Christians, we know that only God is truly in control, and has our best interests at heart. I'm so thankful for that!
      Love and blessings!

  7. I love this point of view, Martha! I, too, can find the silliest things to grumble about -- when there's far more important issues. Good to give it to God.

    1. Always good to give it to God, Mevely, no matter what! And miraculously, I'm finding I'm adjusting to this time change better than ever before. Think prayer just might have something to do with that?
      Love and blessings!

  8. I am always amazed when I realize that God is in today, yesterday & tomorrow. He has NO watch!
    Blessings, My Friend!

    1. And thank goodness, He doesn't, Loralu! If He were timing me on my faith walk, I'd be that slow learner, for sure. I'm so grateful that God is patient, and keeps on inspiring me to move forward with Him.
      Love and blessings!

  9. Hi, Martha:
    As you and I both know, time is different in the ethereal. It either stops or slows down dramatically.

    I for one look forward to daylight savings time every year for the simple reason that I don't like driving in the dark. I get intimidated by it. So anything that makes it lighter at night causes me great joy.

    I kinda wish we could stay with daylight savings time all year long. Excellent column as soon
    Chris Jennings

    1. Good news, Chris! I heard the day after penning this post that there has been a bill proposed in Congress to make Daylight Savings a permanent fixture. Wouldn't that be super??? President Trump has already confirmed that, if passed, he will sign it into law!
      And I hear you about driving in the dark. Before I had my cataracts done, it scared me senseless.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Martha, I agree with you on the whole time change situation. And I do seem to be struggling more this year than in the past; nevertheless, I've been keeping to my schedule, even if that means my body thinks it's getting up an hour earlier!

    As you say, God is beyond time--God's time is so much different than man's and for that I'm thankful! Thank you for the call to accept Jesus as Savior--that's the most important decision any of us can make--it's only too late the moment we die.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Kim, as you are a regular follower here at the blog, I know you're aware of how few times I've given that direct call to follow Jesus. I truly believe God prodded me to do so this time around. Who knows if someone who is not saved were to stumble onto this post, and want to find out more about the Lord? And better yet, wish to be saved? No better time than now!
      Love and blessings!

  11. I have the same problem, Martha. :( Even though on Saturday my husband set the clocks ahead earlier and I still went to bed at 9 the new time. I am sluggish first thing in the morning already, but this week is worse. I'm for no DST, too. :) I'm glad God is unchanging! Love and blessings to you!

    1. Trudy, I'm so glad to know I'm not alone in this! As I mentioned to Chris in a previous comment, there is a proposal in Congress to stick to DST all year long. President Trump said he will sign if passed. Know you don't like DST, but if we didn't have to do the switch? Well, I think that would be the best move.
      Thank goodness, too, that our loving Lord is the same today as yesterday!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Martha, I'm with you about the time change! I do like the point you make about time, however.
    I'm also glad that God's timing is always perfect :)

    1. Amen, Beckie, God's timing is ever perfect, true and dependable! That is reason enough to slog through the vagaries of our present circumstances. He is the Lord over the clock!
      Love and blessings!

  13. I know you've heard this but worth repeating here:

    When told the reason for daylight saving time the Old Indian said...

    Only the government would believe that you could cut a foot off the top of a blanket, sew it to the bottom, and have a longer blanket.”

    I'm with you, Martha, no fan of changing clocks back and forth. Pointless.

    1. Debra, when I read this, I realized I had heard it before, but so grateful you shared it here. How true is that about government? So many senseless things introduced to the country - reminds me of teacher's giving "busy" work to kids. >Sigh<
      Love and blessings!

  14. I was just telling my husband son yesterday that one of my favorite attributes of God is that He is unchanging. Everything in this world is so uncertain, people are steadily compromising the truth, but HE is ever the same. That comforts me more than I can put into words. Thank you for another "timely" post, Martha! I always enjoy my visits here and leave refreshed in spirit! Many blessings to you, my friend!

    1. So gratified to know how much you enjoy visiting here, Cheryl - that means the world to me!
      Yes, God is the same, thankfully, day in and day out. We can always count on Him in every facet of life, no matter what time it is.
      Love and blessings!

  15. I kept thinking "In his time He makes all things beautiful in his time." I'm glad it is His time that matters not mine. Sorry I'm late to this party but as you know I have been gone for a few days.

    1. Better late than never, Bill, right? And yes, God does make everything beautiful in His time.
      Love and blessings!

  16. Preaching to the choir, Martha. While I appreciate the lesson of time's relativity, I wish they would just leave it alone. I loved my back to the land days in my youth when I had no clocks and just moved through my days in rhythm with the sun and the seasons. Very simple.

    1. What a marvelous concept, Galen, living in the rhythm of the days, never having to look at a clock. I wonder if I could even do that?
      Yes, let's go back to one time, and one alone.
      Love and blessings!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...