Friday, May 3, 2019

Happy Birthday, Savannah Jane!

Luke 18:15-17
People were also bringing babies to Jesus for him to place his hands on them.  When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them.  But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.  Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it."

Last Saturday, we celebrate granddaughter, Savannah Jane's, fifth birthday.  Oh, what a joyous occasion!  She is, at this stage in her life, well aware that the day's festivities revolve around her.

On this special day, I see a very different Savannah than the one who instigates raids on older sister, Virginia's, room.  She is patient and undemanding, seeming to revel in the ambiance of the moment instead of insisting that gifts be opened and cake be served immediately.

But when those moments do arrive, she is completely enthralled and captivated by the wonder of it all.

And oh, the unfettered joy and delight upon receiving a gift she requested - Everest from Paw Pals!

"Baby" Alexandra has to hone in on her older "Sissy's" big day.

But that's okay with Savannah.  Being 15 months apart, it's like they're joined at the hip.  Praying already that Alexandra will survive the transition when Savannah goes to kindergarten this August.

Virginia Rose, however, shows the grace of which she is made, and never once hogs the spotlight.

And what better time to let loose than at a birthday celebration?  Savannah and Alexandra harbor no reservations in letting it all hang out!

I can't help but hear Jesus' words as I watch the grand-girls cutting up:  "The kingdom of God belongs to such as these."

Open, honest, loving, trusting, celebrating with abandon.

How far are we, as adults, removed from those emotions that we, ourselves, once cherished?  The joy in the moment?  The trust in the people who surround us with love?  The belief that we are cherished fully and unconditionally?

And more importantly yet, how many of us are surrendering to the inner child that longs to be held in the arms of Jesus, and to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that in Him, all is well?  Are we unsuccessfully trying to make it in the world on our own, or are we willing to surrender to the Lord, climb up on His welcoming lap, and simply lean into and upon Him for comfort and peace?

Children, as Jesus so wisely pointed out, should never be discounted.  Their natural insights and innocence remind us of things we should ever remember as we seek the kingdom of heaven.

For in as much as it belongs to us, it belongs to them first.



  1. Happy Birthday Savannah Jane. God bless you.

    With best wishes to all of you, Martha. Wishing you a splendid time.

    God bless you all.

  2. Happy Birthday to Savannah Jane! Tell her to never lose her childlike wonder.

    1. Thank you, Debra, I certainly will!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Oh what a lovely post, Martha! The unbridled joy of young children--reacting with JOY to the gifts received. We lose far too much as we age (at least a times). Jesus tells us to come to the Father like a child--humble, open, honest (painfully so), and share of our entire beings.

    To worship God with utter joy--dancing for Him--jumping up and down for Him with child-like abandon. Ahh.... May we all find our child-like heart as we come to Jesus.

    Love and blessings!

    1. Amen, Kim! There's nothing like the sheer joy of abandoning ourselves fully to God - no pretense, no hesitation, no holding back. That's what the Lord wants from all of us!
      So glad you enjoyed today's post, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Savannah looks like a mini-me of VR. Hope she grows to have the same grace as well. Congrats SJ on having fantastic grandparents.

    1. She does look like a mini-me, Bill! Lol! And like you, I do hope Savannah will grow in grace as much as Virginia already has. We'll see what God has planned as time goes by.
      Love and blessings!

  5. Happiest birthday blessings to Savannah Jane! Oh, those eyes!

    I love how it seems y'all use the girls first and middle names … I do the same with my pups!

    1. I will pass on the birthday greetings to Savannah, Mevely! Yes, when I introduce the girls in a blog, I tend to use both names. I don't know why, as their first names are certainly long enough, but it's fun. And you do the same with your pups? That's cool!
      Love and blessings!

  6. Oh how wonderful! I love the joy in Savannah's eyes...and the happiness of all who are present at her special day. Yes, Jesus loves the little children...all the children of the world...and yes, to be a little child safe in the arms of Jesus again...I love the idea of sitting in His lap...I kind of would like to do that about now... Happy Birthday, Savannah. Wonderful post.

    1. Yes, Pamela, so much joy in Savannah this day, it certainly does shine! And I can certainly relate to your wanting to be cradled in Jesus' lap - I know that there are many days I imagine myself there, and it gives me such comfort and peace.
      So glad you enjoyed the post!
      Love and blessings!

  7. Yes! Amen! The museum where I spent 20+ years of my career has a student art gallery, dedicated to children's art exhibits, from kindergarten through senior year - 9 exhibits a year. The art is so innocent. The younger children (especially) aren't afraid to express themselves and aren't afraid of what anyone might think. It is always refreshing and wondrous to walk through the student gallery. We do need to watch them and emulate them in so many ways!

    1. Oh, yes, Terri, we certainly need to keep our eyes, ears and hearts open to the little ones. They have so much to teach us when we are humble enough to learn those lessons. I'm so delighted to learn that the art museum at which you worked displayed the works of the young with pride. Delightful for all!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Great looking family, Happy Birthday Savannah Jane.
    Oh to be able to not have a care in the world but to be able to celebrate and let loose. Thanks for letting us be a part of that special day!

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed being part of Savannah's special day, Ryan. May we all take more opportunities to celebrate and let loose in God's love!
      Love and blessings!

  9. Happy Belated Birthday, to Savannah! Thanks for sharing your celebration! Those precious moments are wonderful blessings!

    1. Those moments certainly are wonderful blessings, Deb! We had such a grand time, and I'm so glad Danny captured these photos so we will always remember the day.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Such sweet photos. Three granddaughters? How lovely. I know you feel so blessed. How much older is Virginia Rose? She seems quite serene having two little sisters full of energy!

    Just read your last post too about the computer. Good grief. Sometimes, especially up at the cabin, I wonder if I could ever live without one. Probably not....

    1. Virginia if about 4 years older than Savannah, and Alexandra is 15 months younger than Savannah. Yes, the two "littles" are absolutely brimming with energy! Virginia so enjoys spending weekends with us when she can, just for some peace and quiet.
      Glad you liked the photos, Galen!
      Love and blessings!


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