Friday, August 23, 2019

No Magic Required!

Virginia with Grandpa Paul

Matthew 6:9-10
"This, then, is how you should pray:  'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.'"

School, where we live, starts early - August 1 - to be exact.  That's not the case in so many other parts of the country, especially up north.  So when our granddaughter, Virginia Rose, is invited to join her Aunt Susan, Uncle Rantz, Grandpa Paul, and her cousins on a trip to Disney World, even though it means missing a week of school, her parents find it impossible to say, "No."

After all, it's Virginia's first visit to the Magic Kingdom, and at nine-years-old, she is guaranteed to make and keep precious memories to last a lifetime.

Wow!  Such a happy girl!  I can't wait until Virginia is back home, and can tell us all about her fabulous adventures at "The Most Magical Place on Earth!"


While Disney World may claim to be the Magic Kingdom, there is only one kingdom that eclipses all the rest in grandeur and majesty:  God's Kingdom.  The kingdom we long to experience here on earth when we pray The Lord's Prayer.

And you know what?  We can, and without traveling any farther than our own hearts and minds.  Let us open them wide to allow God's love and grace to flow into and through us, praying to do His will, caring for others as He cares for all of us.

If each of us would do these things, I think we'd find ourselves smack-dab in the midst of God's Kingdom.  

His Miracle Kingdom.

No magic required!



  1. What a wonderful holiday for Virginia and her family.

    Martha, are you really telling me that when we are in Heaven we will not meet Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Pluto, Donald Duck and all the other animals? There are people who believe that there are animals in Heaven. I knew a priest who once said we'll meet our pets in Heaven. I did not agree with him because to be honest I would hate to come face to face with the Sunday roast admonishing me for having eaten it. Or to see that wasp I killed in the garden last week. I am all confused.

    But I like your post today very much and the photos too; but mostly your message for us all.

    God bless.

    1. Lol, Victor! Nothing like a good chuckle first thing in the morning, my friend. :)
      So glad you enjoyed the post and the message.
      Love and blessings!

  2. Great times, great memories... Our kids were between 7 and 10 when we went to Disney World. Not too young to forget or not enjoy it, but not too old to be wowed by the experience. Too be completely honest, I was impressed with the level of detail that is used to bring the "magic to life" That being said, even with it's grandiose presentation... It is but a facade. The castle is smaller at the top to give the illusion that it is taller than it really is. The characters are just people like you and I. The experience was worth it and greatly enjoyable... but as you said, pales in comparison to the Kingdom of God. Nothing fake, plastic or painted on there. No illusions to make things appear bigger than they are. Nothing but 100% authentically God Made to Perfection with no resource lacking. The excitement, the wonder, the awe to be standing in the presence of the creator of all things and knowing that His unending Love will be fully tangible and encompassing. That will be the ultimate vacation, but without having to return to something less. --And yes, as you say, we can experience a piece of that now.

    Love the photos!

    1. Thank you, Ryan, for your detailed description here today! Yep, nothing fake or plastic about God's Kingdom. It is the honest to goodness reality beyond all reality we could ever grasp in the earthly realm. I'll take miraculous over magical any day of the week.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Well, being from SoCal, we have had our share of visits to Disney. But when Our entire family had the opportunity to visit Disney World in Florida some years ago, we decided to go. What a magical time.

    I'm so glad the grandkids were able to go. Love the pictures and your connection to Heaven.

    1. I figured you had probably visited Disneyland multiple times, Beckie; good to know you enjoyed Disney World, too. Virginia has a grand time while there. Glad you liked the connection made here, too.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Never been there. Really have had no desire to go either. Just me. As I have said before I love the laughter and the exuberance of VR. She will probably find herself one day at the Magic Kingdom working in a show. LOL I look forward to the kingdom that will never pass away.

    1. Oh, wouldn't that be something, Bill? I think working at Disney would be the perfect summer job, but I know there are those fortunate enough to work it year round as characters, etc. I've been there once, and it really wasn't my cup of tea, either.
      And like you, I'm looking forward to the everlasting Kingdom of God.
      Love and blessings!

  5. What a fabulous opportunity! My parents did the same thing when I was 7 y/o - to visit Europe. (Honestly, I would have probably preferred Disney, but it didn't yet exist. LOL.)
    How I hope and pray the Kingdom of Heaven prompts the sort of exuberance Virginia exhibits in these pictures!

    1. Oh, you know it, Mevely! I don't see how the Kingdom of Heaven CAN'T but illicit exuberance from each and every one of us. So glad that Virginia has made special memories on this trip. Now after she spends this weekend doing make-up work for school, we'll see how she feels - lol!
      Love and blessings!

  6. What a sweet post, Martha! It does look like Virginia had an amazing time. Disney is Disney--God and His kingdom are where true joy (happiness) are found. The best thing ever is to see God doing amazing miracles through His people--not magic--it's God's POWER on display!

    Love and blessings!

    1. God's power on display - amen, Kim! There are His miracles surrounding us every day if we open our eyes and hearts to realize them. No need to travel far from home. Glad you enjoyed the post, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  7. I've just caught up on your recent posts. I had out of town company and then I got sick -- a brutal stomach but passed on to my by my adorable grandchildren! So even before I got caught up, I was reciting to myself the verse you quoted a few posts back about giving thanks in all circumstances. Then I came to your blog and there it was! I have always loved that verse because it doesn't say to give thanks for all circumstances, but in all circumstances. So I have tried to remember that these last few days! So happy to catch up and be uplifted by your inspiring posts.

    1. I'm so, so sorry you've been under the weather, Galen, but glad this one verse from scripture helped to keep you going forward. I had a dear friend point out to me, regarding this passage, the same thing you did her - we need not be grateful for all circumstances, but in them. God will ever and always see us through when we lean upon and trust in Him.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Good word, Martha. God’s Kindom does Indeed eclipse all the rest.

  9. What a wonderful (and educational!) experience for your 9-year old! Your lesson on God's Kingdom does indeed hit home! What a glorious place we have waiting for us!

    1. Amen, Terri, a glorious place indeed! May we work faithfully to bring God's Kingdom here on earth.
      Love and blessings!

  10. Wow, what a magical trip for your sweet Virginia! I know she must be having the time of her life...even though she also had a magical trip to the mountains with you earlier this summer...that had to be tops too...I would prefer the mountain trip myself...but kids do love Disney. I look forward to that eternal kingdom, where the light never goes out and the beauty is beyond anything this world can offer. Now that is pure magical!!

    1. Virginia did have such a wonderful time, Pamela, and she will long remember it, as she will the mountain trip. And like you, I'm looking forward to God's eternal kingdom. Thy kingdom come, Lord, thy will be done!
      Love and blessings!

  11. AMEN! I haven't been to Disney in over 15 years. It is really something! Know Miss Virginia is loving it!
    Blessings, My Friend!

    1. Yes, she had an amazing time, Loralu! I'm still waiting to hear all the details.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Aw, that is so wonderful that little Virginia got to go to Disney! There are more important things than sitting in a classroom, and I am glad her wise parents allowed her to go make these amazing memories! I can't believe how they make kids go back to school SO early anymore. When I was growing up, we always got a full three months off in the summer, and all through our years of homeschooling our dear boy, we kept that rule. They put so much pressure on little ones these days and force them to grow up before it is even time. Sorry for the rant. So happy to visit with you today, sweet friend. I look forward to hearing about Virginia's fun times if you post about them. :)

    1. When I asked my daughter the other day if Virginia had caught up with the school work she missed, Sarah assured me that it really wasn't that much to complete. Really? There is SO much wasted time in the classroom! I wish Sarah had the desire to home school her daughters, but I can't make that decision, so will have to live with things the way they are. Glad you were able to home school your son!
      Love and blessings!

  13. glad your adorable granddaughter got to go to Disney World. I can't believe how early some schools begin! Our local school still begins the Wednesday after Labor Day.

    You are right - we have God's Kingdom inside of us all the time. Just waiting for our visit.

    1. Yes, Laurie, you said it perfectly: God's Kingdom is within us, just waiting for us to visit, then share our joy and excitement with everyone else in the world. What could be better?
      And Virginia did have a wonderful vacation with family. Those memories will last a lifetime.
      Love and blessings!

  14. wow August 1 is early. Love seeing her smiling face at the magic kingdom. I do love Disney and hope to take three of the grandkids there next summer too. shhh don't tell them tho, they don't know it yet - will be a Christmas surprise. lol.

    1. Oh, what a marvelous Christmas treat for the grands, Jean! I know you all will have a great time, just as Virginia and the clan did.
      Love and blessings!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...