Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Stay Connected!

John 15:5
I am the vine; you are the branches.  If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing.

Visiting with my mother, Nancy, in Oxford, Georgia, is always an enjoyable experience, but I can count on being technologically challenged when I'm there.  While she has a strong wi-fi signal at the house, her ancient computer is a pain; I don't even attempt to utilize it.

And don't get me started about the lousy phone service!  I get more dropped calls than a beginning juggler has dropped balls.

Thankfully, the era of non-tech at Mom's has come to a blissful end.

Yep!  Danny and I are the proud owners of a Chrome Book!  He finds it at a great bargain price back in July, when Amazon is having its Black Friday in summer sales.  Oh, what a relief to no longer feel disconnected from friends, family and fellow bloggers when I travel!

In fact, I'll be at Mom's today (Tuesday), and plan to stay until Friday.  So more than likely, my responses to any comments you leave here will arrive courtesy of the Chrome Book.  Plus, I'll be reading and commenting on all your blogs, too.  Such a welcome change from struggling to do the same on my phone!


As satisfying as it is to able to stay connected to the people we love, I'm reminded that the one connection we can't live without is our relationship with the Lord.  Jesus tells us that unless we abide in Him, we can bear no fruit.  A branch can do nothing without the support and nourishment the vine provides.

We need to hold fast to Jesus, and never, ever let go.

How is your connection with Jesus?  Maybe it's time to reflect on that.



  1. Wishing you a great holiday with your mom in Oxford, Martha. Enjoy your time there and make great memories. Congratulations on your new Chrome. Thank you for a wonderful post with a great message to remember.

    God bless you all.

    1. I will enjoy my time there, Victor. So gratified that you liked this post and the message. Stay connected!
      Love and blessings!

  2. If I was on my phone I send you several handclapping emojis. But I'm not so here is a virtual handclap. :) I always look forward to your comments and posts Martha.

    1. Thanks so much, Bill! I always look forward to yours, too, my friend. Always enlightening!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Enjoy your time with your mom, Martha. Glad you can now stay connected. I know I'm useless with trying to do anything on my phone (too small to read anything). :) I love how you ended your post... holding fast to Him!!! Blessings to you. Thank you too for your encouraging comments on my blog. It means a lot to me.
    Simply Beth

    1. I love your blog, Beth, and that's the truth! Yes, phones are so frustrating when trying to read blogs, especially when trying to leave comments. I'm just thrilled that I can now stay connected with folks like you!
      Love and blessings!

  4. I look forward to the times of being disconnect from technology. Not so when it comes to God. Both self induced in most cases. Unlike cell service where the coverage area can be spotty or non existent... God does not have any holes or gaps in His coverage area. The time I lack service with God is because I have let my battery drain or I have shut the phone off. Or maybe I have put the phone on silent... Regardless, it's not that God has bad service on His end... It's because I have neglected something on mine.

    Have a great visit!

    1. Ryan, that is so true - God never disconnects from us, but too often, we disconnect from Him. That is never a good thing! May we stay in touch with the Lord through prayer and His Word. We don't need a cell phone or computer for any of that!
      Love and blessings!

  5. Amen and what a great reminder. Isn't it amazing how we "suffer" from not being instantly connected? Feel empty, like something is missing. I think we may have live more in the present, more being before all these gadgets. have fun with your mom, Martha!

    1. I hear you, Jean! Our age of instant gratification via tech is not always a good thing, especially if it distracts us from living in the moment. We need to strike a healthy balance, that's for sure!
      Love and blessings!

  6. A great reminder, Martha Jane. I am confident in my connection with Jesus and feel so blessed by His love, grace, and mercy. Congrats on the new Chromebook!!

    1. I know you are, Terri, and that's an absolutely wonderful thing, isn't it? I simply cannot fathom life NOT connected to Jesus.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Hey Martha, so great about your new Chrome book to stay connected and love the analogy. Our greatest connection IS Jesus Christ. I want to cling to Him, abide in Him, and stay connected to the branch. One thing the Lord showed me about John 15:5 when Jesus said apart from Him we can do nothing..."no-thing." NO THING. Blessings!

    1. Absolutely, Karen! Without Jesus, we can accomplish "no thing" as you stated. May we all stay tightly grafted to Him!
      Love and blessings!

  8. Congratulations on your new 'play pretty', Martha!
    As ever, you've painted a wonderful example for our own lives. I shutter to think how hopeless, how pointless our lives without that connection.

    1. How pointless,indeed, Mevely! I hate thinking about that,too! And yes, I'm really enjoying this new "toy." Still getting used to how sensitive it is!
      Love and blessings!

  9. Wonderful news! I wonder if you will see this? Anyway...yes, we need to stay connected to the Lord even more so than we do here and in cyberspace. I think we (I) sometimes find that I communicate with others far more often than I do with the Lord, and even though much of our communication is spiritual in nature, it is no substitute for our one on one communication with the Lord. I've been so busy lately that my prayer time and meditation on God's Word has been suffering. Thank you for this reminder to stay in touch and draw close no matter what or where we are. Great post. Have a great visit with your mother. Don't let the improved technology rob you of your time with her...I know you won't. She is so blessed to have you come, and vice-versa! Cherish these moments. I know you do.

    1. I certainly do treasure these times, Pamela, and won't let my new tech gadget get in the way. I hear you about being crazy busy with the recent move, but we do need to remember in all the distractions swirling around us to stay close to Jesus. I know you will find the time to do that!
      Love and blessings!

  10. Martha, Have fun at mom's! I'm glad you're connected to Jesus and the internet.
    So, I'm looking into buying a Chrome Book, too.

    1. That's exciting, Beckie! I'm having to get used to using mine as it is ultra sensitive, but I'm hanging in there. Let me know if you decide to get one.
      Love and blessings!

  11. Congratulations on your new Chromebook, Martha. Have a great time with your mom. I suppose Virginia couldn't go along this time. Didn't summer go quickly? Truly, it's our relationship with Jesus that we can't do without. I'm so grateful He is available day or night 24/7, even joyfully available. :) Love and blessings to you!

    1. Ironically, Trudy, school has already started here in the South, but Virginia got to go with her Dad's family to Disney World this past week - my Friday post will highlight some of that!
      Yes, I'm loving the Chromebook! Connections are so important,but the one we have with Jesus is tantamount. And we don't need the internet for that!
      Love and blessings!

  12. Good turn at the end, Martha! I have a Chrome Notebook and love it!
    Blessings, My Friend!

    1. They are awesome, aren't they, Loralu? I'm getting the handle on mine, and am so grateful for the convenience it provides. Let's all stay connected to one another and to the Lord we serve.
      Love and blessings!

  13. Replies
    1. You are most welcome, dear Nells!
      Love and blessings!

  14. We get so used to the latest technology at our fingertips at all times, don't we? Thank goodness we don't need to depend on technology to contact God! :)

    1. Amen, Laurie, thank goodness for that!
      Love and blessings!

  15. I hope you've had a lovely week, a change of pace, some real refreshment, Martha ...

    1. Thank you, Linda. Just read your latest post a few moments ago, and left some love.
      Love and blessings!

  16. Martha, your new Chome computer looks like a great way to stay connected to the internet.

    The best place for us, as Christians, to be (and stay!) connected is on the Vine with Jesus as the branch. We can do nothing if we're not connected. The simplicity of abiding--simply resting in the vine--is amazing. I'm so thankful that it's not a work.

    Enjoy your time with your mom!

    Love and blessings!

    1. Kim, I love your observation here that resting in the vine of Jesus is not a work, but a state of being. Thanking Him once again for this ultimate connection that we all so sorely need!
      Yes, it's been so nice to be able to stay connected here while out of town. Thankful for my Chrome!
      Love and blessings!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...