Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Let It Snow!

Psalm 147:16
He spreads the snow like wool and scatters the frost like ashes.

All winter long, our granddaughter, Virginia Rose, longs for a snowfall here in Georgia.  She recalls the generous storms of December 2017 and January of 2018.

"Are we ever going to get snow again, Gammie?" she asks plaintively.

"I can't promise you that we will," I say, "but there's always hope.  Winter is still young!"

"Then I'll keep hoping," she declares.

And miraculously, it comes to pass, that on the last full weekend Virginia spends with us before her family's move to South Carolina, God chooses to spread snow like wool!  The deluge begins around nine on Saturday morning with accumulation looming, and no sign of letting up.  Virginia is beside herself!  With the snow falling, she is out on our deck, and exploring our yard and neighborhood with her Papa.

After most of the day spent amidst descending snow, several changes of hats and gloves, building a snow "person,"

Virginia is absolutely done in, and a nap is in order.

Luckily for those of us living in Georgia, when the threat of a snowflake finds us dashing for the nearest grocery store, the gorgeous snow that graces us begins to melt almost moments after it ceases to fall.  By the next morning, Virginia doesn't even need a coat, but her snow mound testifies to the joy of the previous day.  She takes full advantage of the icy remnant to recreate yesterday's fun and excitement.

The following is a poem that came to mind as I watch her mold and throw the final snowballs.

In snow, hope unexpected
You frolic and rejoice
Imp, child beloved
Exuberance erupts
Snowball formed and thrown
At unsuspecting tree
Whose bark, resistant, holds
Already melting taunts
Temperatures will rise
The residue will fade
The tree, brave and stalwart
Will remain, remain



  1. Snow can be wonderful when we're young ... and young at heart. God bless you and your family always, Martha. I am sure your have provided great memories and will continue to do so. You're a wonderful Gammie.

    God bless.

    1. Snow is even fun and wonderful for us older folks, too, Victor. :) I hope Virginia will carry these memories with her always. And I am so blessed to be her Gammie!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Man, that little girl is growing up and becoming a little lady. But not so old to not enjoy the snow. It was interesting to see the next day. Sun and poof! no snow!! You made memories Martha, ones VR will remember. My prayers are with you as your loss becomes more a reality.

    1. She is growing up so fast, Bill, that's for sure! And thank you for your continued prayers as it will take some time for this loss to sink in. I already miss them all so much!
      Love and blessings!

  3. Wonderful times, wonderful memories made... Prayers for you all as you transition to the new norm.

    1. Thanks so much for your prayers, Ryan! These are, indeed, memories to be treasured.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Such beautiful memorable pictures before they depart. Enjoy each day and perhaps soon you will go for a visit!

    1. We are hoping to visit them in April over the girls' spring break, Valerie. I must admit, that it seems like eons away, but it's the best we can do. And yes, this snow was quite a send off for Virginia!
      Love and blessings!

  5. How great for Virginia Rose!! I am happy to see her joy in your photos, Martha Jane, and your poem is lovely. God bless!!

    1. Thank you, Terri! Yes, it was an amazing God gift to all of us that weekend. We were so blessed.
      Love and blessings!

  6. Lovely post, we had no snow this year (I live in The Netherlands). "Temperatures will rise
    The residue will fade
    The tree, brave and stalwart
    Will remain, remain"

    I like that!

    1. I'm so glad you liked these lines, Marja! And no snow in the Netherlands? Is that typical? Just wondering. :)
      Love and blessings!

  7. I do miss the snow, sometimes so we take a ride up to the mountains with the Grandchildren to let them get a good feel of it. After about an hour I am ready to get back to warmer weather but the kids could play all day in it. Snow in the south, that is a gift but that Virginia Rose is the real gift, her excitement. thanks for sharing this, makes this grandma heart glad and love the pictures, pretty place you have there.

    1. Yes, Betty, kids can play in the snow all day, and I'm glad you've been able to treat your grandchildren to the experience. And I must agree that Virginia is the real gift, and we are going to miss her so! Good to know that this made your grandma heart soar, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  8. Great poem, Martha! I love how the Heavens listened … and made a young lady's dreams come true. Hope she never looses her enthusiasm for nature's blessings.

    1. I pray the same, Myra, and yes, I'm still thanking the Lord for His willingness to instill joy in Virginia in the midst of her uncertainty about moving away from her Papa and me. Glad you liked the poem, too!
      Love and blessings!

  9. Isn't just like our Abba to bless His children in such an endearing way! I called one of my grandmother's "Gammie". You are the only other one I know of. Just reading the word brought delightful memories to mind as she was my favorite.

    1. Oh, wow, Diane, that's so cool that you called one of your grandmothers "Gammie!" You know where I got that name? We were watching "The Proposal" and the young man called his grandmother, played by Betty White, "Gammie." I had been struggling at the time with what I wanted the soon-to-arrive grandchild to call me. I heard this and literally leaped out of my seat with a shout. "That's it!" I declared. And so it was!
      And believe me, I am so absolutely grateful for God's gracious act just when all of us needed it.
      Love and blessings!

  10. What a lovely way to end your last weekend before the big move. Your excitement and joy shine through your lovely poem. Blessings and peace to you.

    1. Oh, yes, Nells, it was the loveliest indeed! And I'm so gratified, too, that you enjoyed the poem, my friend.
      Love and blessings!

  11. love her joy in celebrating this gift from God!

    1. Yes, Jean, her joy is amazing! We can all learn a lesson from that.
      Love and blessings!

  12. Even in your sorrow at the relocation of your daughter and family, you have a sense of humor ..... Snowball formed and thrown At unsuspecting tree (I love this!)

    Separation like this is hard. The Lord blessed you with snow at the absolutely perfect time. Warm and happy memories are yet to be made in this new chapter of your life.

    1. Yes, Barbara, the Lord did bless us with this snow at precisely the right moment; I will ever be grateful for this amazing time with Virginia.
      Glad you enjoyed the post!
      Love and blessings!

  13. Oh what joy there is in a snowfall...even for those of us where snow is usually part of a yearly cycle of seasons. Seeing the world through the eyes of a child is amazing; we can learn so much from them IF we stop, listen, and pay attention.

    Love and blessings!

    God loves us so much and sends so many reminders of His love and blessings.

    1. Seeing anything through the eyes of a child breathes new life into it, that's for sure, Kim. Yes, the snow was such a gift to all of us that weekend, making memories I will never forget. Thanks be to God!
      Love and blessings!

  14. Aw, how sweet that you all got to enjoy those precious moments together before she moved so far away! May God comfort you as you miss your dear family!

    1. Yes, Cheryl, it was so very special, and the snow was an added bonus. I miss them every single day.
      Love and blessings!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...