Friday, March 20, 2020

You Are My Sunshine!

Genesis 50:20
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.

A week ago, I share with you all the precautions we are taking in light of the Corona Virus invasion into our country, as well as so many nations across the globe.  This disease shows no partiality.  Conservative or liberal, Republican or Democrat, believer or atheist, this plague has neither the power to judge nor delineate.

It simply attacks.



And when we least expect it.

I never thought I would say this, not in a thousand lifetimes, but I'm glad that our grandchildren are no longer living close to us.  That they are far away, for the time being, it is actually a back-handed blessing.  If they were within easy traveling distance, our sadness would have been multiplied beyond measure as, with schools closed, and our present vulnerability to this outbreak, we would have been prevented any visitation whatsoever.

Thank goodness and thank God for Face Time!

We have been able to stay connected, face to face, and though we can't throw arms around one another, that's probably for the best at this juncture.  Just knowing that all my girls, and John, are safe and thriving gives me peace of mind and joy in my heart.

And how can I not be happy when I see how much fun they are having at Myrtle Beach?

Fresh air and sunshine . . . How much these contribute not only to healing, but to prevention of disease.

We all need more sunshine, don't we?

Can we shine the light of Jesus on others right where we are?  Can we be their Son-shine?

In these dark times, may we always remember the silver lining in the gathering clouds.  Let us cling to the promise of the Lord, that He will make good out of circumstances that, to our human perspective, may seem hopeless and irredeemable.

He did so for Joseph.

He will for me.

He will for you.



  1. Amen, Martha. A well-written and sobering post. When things go wrong in the world, and for us, God allows it to happen for a greater purpose.

    "Thy Will Be Done".

    God bless.

    1. Yes, Victor, may God's will be done in all things. We will get through this together!
      Love and blessings!

  2. Wonderful post and so happy to the girls are enjoying their new home. Stay safe and continue to pray. That’s what we are all doing

    1. Amen, Pamela! May we all play it safe and keep on praying. Yes, I'm glad they are enjoying their new home, too.
      Love and blessings!

  3. Oh, such beautiful children! And yes, getting sunshine, being outside, eating well, it all mounts up to our physical health... but then, it always did :)

    1. Thank you, Marja! I think they are beautiful, too, but then again, I'm pretty biased. :) May we all stay safe during this time.
      Love and blessings!

  4. Wonderful encouragement in a time when encouragement is needed.

    1. Thank you so much, Ryan! Yes, encouragement is much needed for all of us at this trying time.
      Love and blessings!

  5. How comforting to come here and see these beautiful smiles and read your encouraging words! I like to stay informed, but this morning's news stories are just too much. Thank you for being such a blessing!

    1. You are all too kind, Myra! The news is discouraging, and we are distancing ourselves from it more and more, with a few exceptions. We all need encouragement each and every day, and I'm so grateful my blog does this for you.
      Love and blessings!

  6. I love that verse. What a great reminder when we are full of blame and resentment. We don't know what the divine plan is. It's not ours to know. Ours is to have faith, resting in trust that all is meant for good.

    1. Amen, Galen! We can never know what God's divine plan is, but we can have faith and trust that He will turn things around for our good in the long run.
      Love and blessings!

  7. Replies
    1. He certainly is, Terri, and that's incredibly comforting.
      Love and blessings!

  8. What adorable photos of your grandchildren at the beach! Yes, hooray for Facetime! I can't imagine how grandmas ever got along without it. We use that to keep in touch with our grandson who lives 2000 miles away!

    1. I know, Laurie, what WOULD we do without Face Time? It is truly a saving grace when we are separated by great distances from our loved ones. Glad you liked the photos, too!
      Love and blessings!

  9. Beautiful, heart-felt, and well written post. Thank you. I hear you heart regarding your grands. I miss mine so much. And yes, thank God for face time. Hugs

    1. Thank you so much, Carol, for your kind words! Yes, I know you can relate to our situation completely. Your grands are just the cutest, and I know you miss them a bushel and a peck. :)
      Love and blessings!

  10. Replies
    1. Virtual hugs right back to you and to Jo, Bill! We will, with God's help, get through all of this, and I believe, come out of it stronger and better Christians to change America for the better.
      Love and blessings!

  11. That is a scripture that I use over and over. Yes, the enemy means everything for evil, but God is far greater than the devil and can turn that evil around into good. I believe that can happen now, even in the midst of the panic if we, as Christians, will lead the way by walking in the peace of God. I am praying that many who have been sitting on the fence and even those whose hearts have been hardened over the years to the message of the gospel will be stirred up and recognize there is only one Way and only one God who loves us and can provide for us everything we need. God bless you as you visit long distance with your family.

    1. That is my hope and prayer, too, Diane. May we all seek God and His peace and comfort, and find ultimate salvation in Christ Jesus.
      Love and blessings!

  12. A great big HUG to you, Martha. This is a precious post. Not written just from a "writer" but a mother and grandmother. I can feel the pangs in your heart from this separation from your family. And yes, thank God for FaceTiming! In researching, I found out how this virus attacks the lungs and the long term effects even if you don't succumb to it. It is horrible. You have chosen the path of Wisdom, dear friend. God is with us in and through it all. Blessings to you and your family, Martha.

    1. And a big hug right back at you, Diane! Yes, separation is much easier to bear when we know it's for the greater good as God wills it. And I'm loving Face Time, as I see you do, too. What a great alternative to connecting with family and friends in these difficult days.
      Love and blessings!

  13. What grace to see something good in their moving away. Guess God does know what he is doing. LOL

    1. He absolutely knows what He's doing, Jean, and will take what seems evil in our eyes at the time, and turn it all for good.
      Love and blessings!

  14. They look like they are really having fun in Myrtle! That must warm your heart. May the Lord bless you and your family and keep all of you healthy and safe, in Jesus' name!

    1. It does warm my heart to see them having fun and doing so well, Cheryl. May God keep you all safe, too, at this trying time.
      Love and blessings!

  15. I am with you, Thank God for Facetime!
    Blessings, My Friend!

    1. Thankful for Face Time every day, as well as for lots of other blessings, Lulu.
      Love and blessings!

  16. Beautiful post, Martha! I'm thrilled your granddaughters are thriving in their new home. The beach looks amazing. Yes, sunshine helps so much in so many ways. Jesus is the best Sonshine of all!

    Love and blessings!

    1. Yes, Jesus is the best sunshine, Kim, hands down! I'm glad, too, that the girls seem to be adjusting so well to their new home. All I want is for them to be healthy and happy.
      Love and blessings!


Grace is a Blessing

  I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus. ~1 Corinthians 1:4 Have you ever noticed...